Frequently Asked Questions on Declaring
Yourself a CP Fan

What do I have to do?
Declaring yourself a Captain Power fan is immensely ridiculously simple. Simply send me an e-mail with your full name and e mail address and I will add you to the list of already declared fans.

What responsibilities or obligations are involved in declaring myself a fan?
None what so ever. There are no strings attached to declaring yourself a fan, no membership dues, no requirements that you watch Captain Power 5 times a day.Its not a club or an exclusive anything. Declaring yourself a CP fan just means that you are telling anyone who cares to listen that you are prepared to acknowledge your fan status.

The web is full of cyber-busybodies. What if I don't want to list my e mail address?
There's no requirement that you list your e mail address - in fact, a couple of people on the list don't list theirs. If you don't want to have your address listed for whatever reason, just let me know. I do however insist that you give me a full name to put down otherwise, there's no point in declaring yourself.

The purpose of the e mail address is twofold - firstly, to let fans get in touch with each other, and secondly, I might occasionally send out bulletins to CP fans, if I have put something interesting or new on the website for example, or if there's news of CP showing anywhere in the world to alert fans.

I'm still not convinced. Now what?
That's fine. No one is forcing you to put your name on that list. But hey, believe me, its much nicer outside than it is in the closet as a CP fan :)

I've sent my e mail to you. How come my name isn't listed?
Sometimes people get a little impatient when they check back on the list and they're not listed yet. Please be patient. I don't always get time to update the site or when I do have time, the server might be down/slow. But I will get around to it.

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