Captain Power Artwork

Artwork from a folder distributed to various TV stations in late 1997 designed to test the market for a 2nd Captain Power season.Thanks to Torsten Dewi for the scans. Click on the thumbnail to see the original.

Here's the one page summary that accompanied the folder.I guess somebody forgot to tell the writer he/she got the date wrong - it should be 2147, not 2199. (Click here for a scan of the original document)

The original Captain Power revolutionised television in the 80s by combining live action and computer animation for the first time on a weekly basis.The Show, which ranked in the top 30% of all syndicated shows, aired in 200 domestic markets and was the winner of of the Golden Reel Award for Sound Editing from the Motion Picture Sound Editors and Best Technical Achievement Gemini Award. Gene Siskel said " Captain Power was well made... I think you can see that somebody spent some money on special effects, on the dialogue - in fact, there's some real drama." The original 22 1/2 hour episodes and two hour teleplay are now being distributed throughout the world.

In 1998, the story returns to television in an hour packed with action and adventure. The new episodes will take state of the art technology employed by previous incarnation to new heights as Dread and Power clash in a cataclysmic final battle.

In the later half of the 21st Century war was waged through armies of mechanized warriors known as BIO DREADS. Man had finally found a way to make war with minimal loss of human life. It was a good concept until the machines united and turned their fury on their creators. In the year 2199 the METAL WARS began - machine battled man, and machines won. Out of the ashes of defeat came JONATHAN POWER, humanity's last hope of defeating the mechanized warriors led by the evil LORD DREAD. Power's father, Dr STUART GORDON POWER had led the human resistance during the Metal Wars and died for the cause. Now,Captain Jonathan Power and a devoted band of freedom fighters are all that stands between Dread and the destruction of mankind. Captain Power, the noble renegade warrior, is fighting against impossible odds.

Lord Dread's most recent campaigns have left Power's fortress destroyed and one of his most trusted soldiers dead. Power and his team retreat to Eden II, the last bastion of humanity, to find new allies and develop new plans to overthrow Dread. Power also stokes the fires of vengence. Before he fought for the fate of mankind, now it's personal.

But Dread has a few tricks up his sleeve too. His endless quest to achieve mechanised perfection has left his mind encased in a powerful cyborg body. In addition, his factories have spawned a new breed of murderous machines eager to eradicate or enslave all humans. Dread and Power are on a collision course and only one can survive... will it be man or machine?

Distributed by MediaWorks International, 1219 Morningside Drive Suite #213 Manhattan Beach, CA 90622 Captain Power TM and associated trademarks and copyrights are owned by Landmark Entertainment Group and are used under license. Copyright 1997 Landmark Entertainment Group.All Rights Reserved.

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