Grant Show stars in Ice From the July 21st Entertainment Weekly:


  July 22

ICE (ABC, TV-PG) It's the end of the world as we know it, so pass the hot cocoa. Grant Show and Eva La Rue (above center) take on Mother Nature and the dawning of a new ice age in this horrendous disaster telepic. Also along for the ride are a mini-motley crew of survivalists with a license to chill, including a crabby scientist, a religious nutjob, and some sort of Kid 'n Play reject who engages Show in a tired Die Hard 3 race routine. If we had our say, we'd vote the whole damn lot of them off the planet, along with whoever wrote this cliché-riddled absurdity. D

I'm going to have to watch this to see if it's as bad as The Man Who Used To Be Me.

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