Doug Peters

Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Animator, Artist.
WWWeb, Multimedia, Software, Print, Video.
Ready to work for you.

No home workstation multitasks better!:
14MB Amiga 3000Tower w/ Picasso 24bit GFX, running ShapeShifter, which emulates the Mac's System 7 at Full Throttle 68030 speed.


My art is currently still a search.. a search for my own style, a search for a way to make my mark.

By "my mark" I mean the mark I make upon the paper, canvas, or the style of art I use in my graphic design, as well as the impression ("mark") that I INTEND to leave on the world through my art.

My artworks tend to be extremely symbolic. Sometimes it is so much so that it is extremely personal, and it's original meaning would not be obvious to anyone but myself, without insight or explanation. I don't usually divulge that information at first, because I hope each viewer would develop his own sense of a story, or meaning to each of my peices. I find it hard to be forth-comming because of this, but I believe that I have made great advances in this area due to Augustana College's influence on me.

In the same context, when doing artwork for someone else, I also try to make the client's piece very personal to them, and their personality. I strive for this personal touch no matter what the project, whether a graphic, logo, print ad, magazine cover, or web page/site, etc..

Prof. Carl Grupp has also said that my work shows humor, and although it isn't always intended, I genuinely hope that it is perceived that way. Afterall, that's what I shoot for when I do my cartoons.

My art has definite roots from my past, (as I am a more "mature" individual) in that I have suffered the indignities of a blue collar worker (low pay for hard work) trying to carve out a living as a menial wage common laborer, and have three businesses under my belt in my efforts to get out of that rut.

Though in college I used to struggle with my works, I believe the experience of doing so was an exceptionally rewarding one. This experimentation has paid off by teaching me where the limits are when I want to push something.

I am most interested in graphic design, web site design, interactive multimedia (educational CDROM, presentation, or entertainment), two and three dimensional animation, video graphics, and Macintosh/Amiga/NT/traditional illustration. Presently I am focusing on the world wide web as a publishing platform and am looking for work as a website graphic designer.

To encourage employment opportunities, I am willing to relocate anywhere in the United States, England, Australia, Germany, Norway, or France. I am comfortable on any home computer platform, and can easily become accustomed to any other.

Doug Peters
[email protected]
Augustana College
Page created:      May 21st, 1996
Last updated: November 27th, 1996

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