[Note: Due to a problem with the original document from which this text was transferred, a section of the text is unfortunately lost here, as indicated by ** at the beginning of the short lines just below. My apologies. There are ongoing efforts to locate an errata notation or another, undamaged copy of the text. If any such thing is ever found, this problem will be corrected.

New Afrikan Independence Academy:
The building of New Afrikan Independence Academy (NAIA) is the essential tool in which Frolinan broadens its organizing ability in the New Afrikan community. The New Afrikan Independence Academy is the needed liberation schools established for the purpose of teaching and training New Afrikan youth, adults and members of Frolinan in the political direction of the independence movement! These liberation schools will be organized in a national network by New Afrikan members of NANAS, NUNAW, political educators and activist in support of the independence movement. It is Frolinan's position that the New Afrikan community should have universities which are in support of New Afrikan independence struggle and against national oppression, cultural imperialism and colonialism; where such universities do not exist, the New Afrikan Independence Academy will serve this purpose.

These academies will be education centers, established in urban and rural communities to forge education in Afrikan history, political and social science, economics, business and organization administration, and technical training conducive to the preservation of the independence movement. The curriculum of the academy will be divided to serve youth and adult education, especially developed to evolve leadership quality amongst New Afrikans and fulfill the needs of the national program and strategyof Frolinan. The New Afrikan Independence Academy will be established by a national education board consisting of progressive
**academicians, historians, intellectuals, Frolinan political
**and students, who will be responsible to develop a
**curriculum instituted in all academies across the country.
[national?]**curriculum will serve to assure those involved in the
**nce movement understand the ideals and practice of the
**n a single or similar viewpoint, which also assists the
**ainst sectarianism and narrow nationalism that retards
**nd development of the liberation struggle.

Panther Youth Corps:
The Panther Youth Corps (PYC) is Frolinan's pre-teen and young adult youth organization whose primary activity in to learn the foundation in which the independence movement is being organized; similar to PLO's Fedayeen youths-Simba, the PYC will serve to develop the young minds of our oppressed nation of the ideals, principles, concepts and fortitude of nationhood.

In the course of the liberation movement, the most courageous brother and sisters that has yet to organize the New Afrikan community, had been those of the Black Panther Party. This history must not be forgotten, but rather maintained in a principled and dialectical fashion that will preserve that spirit of resistance in the liberation movement. Thusly, Frolinan will use the name Panther as the foundation in which the spirit of resistance will be taught to your young. They will become young Panthers progressively forging this determination of our history of struggle towards the finer and better modes of struggle embodied in the socioeconomic and political program of Frolinan.

The PYC will also serve the aspirations of the elementary grade school children in conjunction with NANAS in establishing a national curriculum condusive to their education and development. An essential part of their activity will be field trips to sites of noted interest to New Afrikans, community recreation activity, history classes and other programs to strengthen their impressionable young minds in disciplined understanding of their responsibility and place in the oppressed New Afrikan Nation.

New Afrikan Children Center:
The New Afrikan Children Center (NACC) are child day care centers established by Frolinan and operated by members of the oppressed New Afrikan community and Frolinan organizers. These day care centers will operate to serve the needs of working parents and political activist who need someone to look after their children, while they are out securing a livelihood and/or fulfilling the political objectives of the independence movement.

These centers depending on location, will also serve free breakfast for school children in the neighborhood, and generally be supportive of the development of the community in respects to the growth of children in conjunction with the PYC and other student related programs. Although, the New Afrikan Children Center-will mostly be responsible for children from the age of one to five years of age, these children will be taught basic skills and practices that will enhance their intelligence aptitude and understanding of the world around them.

It is in the development of the New Afrikan Children Center's that will further the building of Frolinan and forge its program in the heart of the New Afrikan community, fulfilling a need and concern that effects most families. Whereby, having the community support the centers, would be to have New Afrikan families support the political motivation by which Frolinan seeks to build the independence movement.

New Afrikan Community Health Clinic:
The New Afrikan Community Health Clinic (NACHC) are institutions established in the New Afrikan community for which preventive medicine will be the primary method of operation. These clinics will serve the New Afrikan community in regards to dentistry, abortion, drug rehabilitation, rape crisis, acupuncture, hypertension, stress and other forms of physical and mental complications New Afrikans suffers and find common in their communities. It will also be the responsibility of the health clinics to formulate Sickle Cell Anemia research and HIV-AIDS prevention programs as a central health awareness campaign in the New Afrikan community, in conjunction with the overall political program of Frolinan.

These New Afrikan Community Health Clinics are essential tools by which Frolinan serves a particular interest in the community, and as part of the campaign to combat genocides in health care New Afrikans suffers across the country. It is Frolinan0s position, we as a nation, have responsible trained professional doctors and medics to fill the various positions that these clinics will serve. Upon the development of the class struggle for national unity, these medical professionals will be organized to serve the needs of New Afrikan people and the independence movement. Thus, the establishment of NACHC is a necessary part of Frolinan's organizing platform, building its program for the survival and inevitable liberation of the New Afrikan Nation.

New Afrikan Food Co-Op Program:
The New Afrikan Food Co-op Program (NAFCOP) is a Frolinan project to organize members of the New Afrikan community to unite in cooperative economic planning in securing wholesale produce and food stuff. With the development of food co-ops and the socioeconomic interaction of members of the community, the community will formulate working relationships for the improvement of the entire group. This also is the basic means in which Frolinan educate New Afrikans of the ideals of community responsibility, development and survival during the course of the independence movement. Efforts will be made to develop farming cooperatives, whereby, agriculture will be used in the supplying of food co-ops in urban areas. The establishment of food co-op networks across the country for the distribution of foods, will ensure the growth and development of Frolinan's national program and strategy.

These food co-ops will strengthen the political determination of the need to free the land as an essential and recognize objective, as New Afrikans will understand the need for us to feed ourselves. The food co-ops will become a practical organizing tool both politically and organizationally,, a central foundation to serve other aspects of Frolinan's national strategy, such as the free breakfast program for school children. It is when New Afrikan Food Co-op Markets are established, comprising hundreds of community co-op groups throughout the New Afrikans community, will Frolinan be able to gauge the strength of its political determination in organizing New Afrikans under the auspices of its national program towards self-government and independence.

The New Afrikan Community Alert Patrol:
The New Afrikan Community Alert Patrol (NACAP) will become a network of New Afrikan men and woman organized for the defense of the New Afrikan community. It will establish security patrols against vigilantes, killer cops, racists, and black on black crime. These Now Afrikans will be trained in police tactics and codes to protect the New Afrikan community in patrols as security guards. They will compile information and intelligence of high crime areas that are frequented by outsiders; they will be responsible for the protection of our senior citizens and youth, an well as, various political programs, demonstrations, etc. Members of NACAP will be trained in martial arts, weapons, drilling, police science, crowd control and military science encompassing guerrilla warfare.

One of the primary objectives of Frolinan's political program is to have the colonial government occupation army (police) withdraw from the New Afrikan community. But in order to gain the support of New Afrikans in this endeavor, it is essential that community residences feel safe and confident. The folks in the community must believe their lives will not be in any greater danger once the occupying army in forced to withdraw from the community. It is important that the community understand the police, occupies our territory primarily to protect the property of the capitalists, who for the most part do not live in our communities. Frolinan's call for community control and selfgovernment will become a motivating factor by which the establishment of NACAP is an essential part.

It must also be put forth, that drugs and black on black crime is a problem that causes the occupying (police) army to be called and stay in and around the New Afrikan community. It is with the liquidation of the distribution, selling and consumption of drugs and black on black crime; and when New Afrikans becomes responsible to each other in respects to the independence movement, the community will be organized in its highest operative development. Eventually, NACAP will be organized into a peoples' militia to serve the development of the armed struggle for national liberation. These community alert patrols will be the means in which members of the New Afrikan community will gain experience in working in a disciplined security conscious apparatus. They will gain with the high ideals and responsibility of protecting the New Afrikan community.

New Afrikan P.O.W. Assistance Program:
The New Afrikan P.O.W. Assistance Program (NAPOWAP) will be developed to assure that Now Afrikan captives are assisted in their efforts to be released from prison. Such assistance will be formulated in legal support in defense of our captured; pre-release programs for those about to be release on parole or discharged; political assistance in building programs and campaigns of national impact concerning the prison movement; and when possible, financial aid for the family of captives. In the past, the Prison movement has lead significant political support to the general independence movement. Many of those captured had been principle leaders in the movement on the streets. Where they might be able to continue to give leadership and enhance the development of the independence movement, it will be the responsibility of NAPOWAP to ensure they are provided the essential assistance in mutual regards to the independence movement, and Frolinan's Program for Decolonization. Emphasis will be given to the development of national campaigns for amnesty and/or exchange of political prisoners of war; the ending of prison slavery and repeal of the 13th Amendment of the U.S. constitution as it upholds prison slavery; call for the unionization of prisoners labor and minimum wage remuneration for their labor; call for the release of New Afrikans prisoners nationally, for them to return to the national territory of Kush and support the agricultural development of the New Afrikan Nation; for the immediate end of the death penalty; and release of New Afrikans in military prisons. All of which is part of the Program for Decolonization and Ten Point Program.

National Oragnization of New Afrikan Women:
The National Organization of New Afrikan Women (NONAW) will become a national network of New Afrikan women organized under the auspices of Frolinan's political direction. The express purpose of NONAW will be to fulfill the Program for Decolonization, and the problems effecting New Afrikan women in general. We do not separate the problems effecting New Afrikan Women from the major problem confronting the oppressed nation. We must differentiate the problem besetting New Afrikan women from those expressed by women of the oppressor nation and their movement. It is important that New Afrikan women recognize that their responsibility in the New Afrikan Independence Movement, is wholly encompassing their liberation from sex discrimination, which is an essential aspect of colonial oppression. Once this understand is re-enforced in the political matrix of the independence movement, New Afrikan women will take leadership roles and responsibility in the independence movement.

Furthermore, Frolinan hold dearly to the ideal that our women are the backbone of the New Afrikan Nation. They nurture our young providing them with wisdom of life, and further secure a household and family, the very fabric of the nation. It is the women of the New Afrikan Nation, and their staunch support and participation in the various Programs for Decolonization, will ensure the independence movement is victorious. In their support of the Programs for Decolonization, they will become liberated by working for the liberation of the nation. They will establish the basis for unity and equality among gender roles while working in their responsibility towards the oppressed nation.

We hold that our women can become fighters for independence at what ever level of the struggle they wish to attend or are needed. We also maintain that the establishment of secure family households is the foundation in which women are most needed. We hold to this position, because over the years and due to slavery and vestiges of colonialism, the New Afrikan household has become disunited and fractionalized. Historically, it has been the women who has held what family structure we now have together. It is most necessary that this development does not erode, but rather become stable and grow -stronger, as families become apart of the independence movement.

In this regards, particular ideological and social questions need to be address by our women, such as the ideal of polygamy, monogamy, and the effects of homosexuality; how to combat prostitution; the building of viable education institutions and develop positive images for our children in our communities; the establishment of health and day care centers, rape crisis and sterilization/abortion centers, etc. These are issues of social and political significance that has particular effects on women, and affects our oppressed nation. We therefore call upon our women to lead the fight against these social and political problems, that has disastrous effects on our family structures in particular, and the social morass of the New Afrikan nation in general. These and other areas of concern embodied in the Program for Decolonization women will take leadership responsibility, encompassing the struggle in the home, in the community,, at the work place and within the political development of the New Afrikan Independence Movement.

These ten organizational programs are the essential determinations by which Frolinan will build its Program for Decolonization, establishing a national strategy within the New Afrikan Independence Movement. The emphasis is placed on organizing New Afrikans, and in doing so, educating them on the ideals of independence. To build towards national liberation by employing the Three Phase Theory for National Independence, and the manifestation of the Program for Decolonization. It is with the fulfillment of the Three Phase Theory, in conjunction with the Program for Decolonization, that Frolinan will build the New Afrikan Independence Movement. Each organizational program compliments the other, broadening the prospects for unified and even development across the country.

While these organizational programs are of socioeconomic and political significance of strategic magnitude, there are tactical political issues that needs to be addressed. For instance, the question of voter registration; when and where time and energy may be exerted to register New Afrikans to-vote. This issue must be considered in respects to electing politicians within the framework of the colonial government.

It is held within our theoretical outlook that those who work within the structure of the colonial (U.S.A.) government do not necessarily work in the interest of the independence movement. For the most part, elected officials comprise those New Afrikans who are in actuality neo-colonialist bourgeois agents. It then becomes a matter of principle in organizational and political development to engage or not to engage in voter registration and the electing of New Afrikans to function in the colonial (U.S.A.) government. The principle involved is one of not compromising our theoretical and political understanding of the nature of our national oppression. In this regards, we hold that where voter registration for the election of New Afrikans may have short range tactical significance, strategically, it is of no value. It is the strategic development of the New Afrikan Independence Movement we are concerned with foremost. Therefore, Frolinan will not seek to elect political candidates for office within the colonial government. It is our position the colonial government can do nothing other than relinquish our demands for national independence to relieve our condition of national oppression and colonial domination. If a political party within the New Afrikan Independence Movement seeks to have a member of their organization elected to a position within the colonial government; we will give critical support to then when it can be assured their aspirations does not conflict with the interest of the independence movement.

The only exception to this position is when voting for positions or direction within the independence movement and the development of the struggle for community control. In this respect, it is important that New Afrikans takes part in the development of the movement, such as a plebiscite vote, or voting for supervisors to maintain control of the schools, the health institutions and police in our communities. Many of these political electoral positions are relative to forging social and political consciousness, towards substantiating the building of the independence movement under the auspices of the Front for the Liberation of the New Afrikan Nation.


FROLINAN Ten Point Platform:

1. We want National Independence and the power to determine the destiny of the New Afrikan Nation. We believe that New Afrikans will not be free or able to determine their own destiny until they have end neo-colonial and capitalist-imperialist domination. It hereby becomes essential that our struggle commences with the fight for Black community control, a fight that will be the first step towards self-government, which is prerequisite to national independence.

2. We want full employment of our people. We believe that the federal government and this system of monopoly-capitalism is responsible for the abject poverty and the basis f or unemployment existing in the New Afrikan community. This provides the basis for underdevelopment in the New Afrikan community, giving rise to socioeconomic and political disenfranchisement of New Afrikans. Thereby, the fight for Black community control encompasses a fight for community development in which the federal government and multi-national corporation provide economic incentive to produce jobs in the New Afrikan community. This is the major formulation revolutionary nationalist are to establish a relations with the colonial (U.S.A.) government, to assure federal funds are allocated to the New Afrikan community for constructive development and jobs.

3. We want the end of capitalist exploitation of the New Afrikan community, national liberation of the national territory of Kush, and reparations for over four hundred years of national oppression. we demand all tax money expropriation from New Afrikan people be appropriated for the development in national territory of Kush.

4. We want decent housing and control of the land in which New Afrikans reside. In the past the landlord who owned the property of Now Afrikan residences, usually live outside the community, and did not care for the land and housing dwelling. Based upon that experience and the struggle for Black community control and self -government, we demand ownership of the property in which we reside, to- be developed in cooperatives and communal central.

5. We want education for our people that not exposes the true nature of monopoly-capitalism and imperialism, but also provides the historical foundation in which our cultural development is based in this country, in relation to other people of color throughout the world; such an education that provides our youth with the essential skills and incentive to become apart of the independence movement. As we demand control of the community in which we reside, the development of academic institutions becomes a fundamental part of the security of the independence movement, to build leaders for the future, in preserving the prospects for selfdetermination. Hence, education is to evolve understanding of the development of the struggle for self-determination, but also the historical and practical academic foundation in which the New Afrikan Nation is to preserve its destiny.

6. We want all New Afrikans to be exempt of military service in the colonial (U.S.A.) government as it is our position that all wars by the colonial government are wars of aggression for the colonial domination and imperialist exploitation of lesser developed nations/countries; and other people of color victimized by the same forces of racism and capitalist exploitation New Afrikans are currently under subjugation. -we demand exemption from military service in the colonial government and call for the building of a New Afrikan Peoples Liberation Army to fight for and establish the security and well being of New Afrikans.

7. We want an immediate end to police brutality and murder of New Afrikan people. We believe that the police of the colonial (U.S.A.) government acts as an occupation force to maintain control and order for the benefit of the colonial government. That the police motives are not in the basic interest of New Afrikans and their community, but rather, for the interest of the capitalist class who have business and own property in the New Afrikan community. In.the course of establishing Black community control, we call for the immediate withdrawal of the occupation police army from our communities, and for New Afrikans to establish their own security system. We also maintain the right of self-defense against racist police repression -and brutality, to bear arms, and organize selfdefense groups to preserve the security of the New Afrikan community.

8. We want the immediate release of all New Afrikan people held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails. . we believe that the system of national oppression has not provided New Afrikans with fair and impartial trials or hearings, in which the bias and prejudice inherent in the system served to assure their imprisonment. Furthermore, the judicial system in on of the major tools by which the system of oppression uses to stifle the fruition of the national liberation struggle and every aspects in which New Afrikans fight for civil and human rights. it is therefore held that the police, courts and prisons are all apart of the system of oppression and are unable top dispense justice and impartiality towards New Afrikans who might come before them for a trial or hearing. We call for all New Afrikans when brought to trial to be tried by a jury of their peers orpeople from their New Afrikan community, and if found guilty of a charge for them to be sentence to areas of confinement in or near the New Afrikan community. We maintain the colonial (U.S.A.) government has no right to try any New Afrikan for as long as a state of war exist between two nations and colonial domination persists; and that all captive members of NAPLA or the Black underground be recognized as political prisoners of war and afforded Geneva Accord status.

9. We want the right to be free of colonial domination, capitalist exploitation and national oppression. We demand full control of the New Afrikan community where we are a majority, for the express purpose of self-government towards nation independence. We call on the United Nations and the Organization of Afrikan Unity to recognize the existence of a nationally oppressed New Afrikan people and nation in the United States and for them to conduct a national plebiscite for the purpose of a vote of independence, giving recognition to the New Afrikan nation in the western hemisphere.

10. We want the right to migrate to the national territory of Kush and establish an independent nation separate from the colonial (U.S.A.) government of the United States of America. We believe New Afrikans have had enough of over four hundred years of national oppression and are willing to establish their own nation employing the resources and labor inherent in the New Afrikan nation. We claim the five (5) states of the black belt as our national homeland in this country having named the national territory Kush and are bound to liberate this territory in a national liberation struggle; to eventually migrate to the national territory and establish the government of the Republic of New Afrika.

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