The MSCList

May 1998: Notes and explanation

This page makes no sense without looking at my original postings.
It's not just me being picky about this matter. Listserv, the corporation, gets very shirty if a list supplier describes a list as a "listserv" unless they use Listserv technologies. You're better off out of it.
Oh, alright. May Day in the UK fell on May 4. So, May the Forth be with you. Look, I never said it was any good...
AC 860/1 is the direct flight between St John's and London. One that's well worth patronising.
Blatant rip-off of the BBC's claim that its wide variety of music / comedy / news programmes are only made possible thanks to "the unique way in which you fund the BBC". Through a 95 pound tax on every home with a colour television.
When performing at the EuroSong Contest, Guildo started the song while reclining in a chair. Then he bounced around the front of the stage, harrassed people in the front row of the audience (including Katie Boyle, the ultimate EuroSong presenter), and finished up scaling a six foot pole to sing on the raised platform Ulrikakakakakakaka would later use to present the results.
© The Day Today 1992.
In the event, Chelsea won the Cup Winners' Cup, freeing Aston Villa to gain direct entry to the UEFA cup. Their place in the Inter Too Hard To Work Out What's Going On! Cup was declined by West Ham, Leicester, Derby, Southampton, Coventry and all other Premier League sides. It will be filled by Crystal Palace, the side that finished bottom of the Premier League, and will play Division 1 football next season.
In fact, let's be brutal. The Swiss entry at EuroSong showed more musical ability than Kula Shaker ever have. And I can't for the life of me remember that entry, or anything other than it got the dreaded 0 points.
The previous day, David had pitched a perfect game for the New York Yankees. Of course he did well.
Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch.
A charming little track called "In your car". Sadly, I didn't have a copy of Radiohead's "OK Computer" album at the time, else I would have repeat-played such appropriate tracks as "Airbag" and "How am I driving?"
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This page updated June 7, 1998
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