The MSCList

April 1998: Notes and explanation

This page makes no sense without looking at my original postings.
The sequel plot. Rose was made pregnant by Jack. She put the child for adoption, but still wonders what happened to her. Meanwhile Jack's lover in the UK finds she is also expecting, and raises Jack Jr. The two come into contact during the second world war, when Jack Jr is seconded to Project Manhatten, and meets an adoptive lady looking for her real mother.....

This plot is © Iain Weaver 1998. All rights reserved.

Toilet paper supplies? If George Michael's ever looking for a proper job....
The Wrekin is a large hill just to the west of Telford. Legend says that it was formed on the day a giant walked up the valley with a shovel full of earth to block the River Severn and flood Shrewsbury. En route, he met a cobbler from the historic town, and enquired how far it was to Shrewsbury. "Miles and miles" says the cobbler. "I've worn out this sackful of shoes walking from there to here". "Well, stuff this for a lark," thinks the giant, who dumps his load of earth right where he stands. It becomes the Wrekin, with a small hillock where the giant wiped his feet.

Shrewsbury is less than 15 miles away.

And when they do play one of my more favoured records (Run DMC's "It's like that"), they use it as a bed to talk all over. B****y Beacon.
What's with the plaster cast? Well, when ALI and I announced our engagement, shim's was the first response we got. Her arm was in plaster following a car crash, but that didn't stop her from waving it about in the air.
Confused? Go out, buy Catatonia's album "International Velvet", and listen to it. You'll figure.
Oh, sorry. Ethics. Not Essex. Sorry.
The sig I'm looking for was:
Green. Cripple. Lesbian. Jesus Christ. Just words on a page. We can use them to describe. To insult. To include. To exclude. To judge. To discriminate. To praise. To hurt. To heal. But when they enter our world as flesh, then and only then do we have to live with them. Then and only then do we receive that challenge. If we want to accept it, that is.
'When Jesus becomes more than a word and enters the World of Human Beings' - Bronwen Wallace
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This page updated May 9, 1998
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