Our Trip to the NC Zoological Park

We went to the zoo as our last class field trip in first grade. Here are some pictures of us enjoying the day with our friends.

Here we are in the RJ Reynolds Aviary. There are birds everywhere to see, as they fly freely inside the aviary. There are many exotic plants, as well as a few other intesting animal surprises here. Katie found a feather in the aviary that she decided to keep.

Here we are riding the tram at the end of the day. At 7 years old, the tram ride was almost as much fun as the whole zoo trip.

Here is everyone's favorite animal exhibit at the zoo. The North American Polar Bears. To endure the hot weather in North Carolina in the summertime, the bears are fed frozen fish, given ice blocks to play with, and spend much time in the cooled water at their exhibit. They are great fun to watch, as they are very active and seem to enjoy an audience.

Here are the giraffes grazing in the field. We were so close we felt like we could almost touch the animals!!

Here we are looking at the elephants and rhinos. As you can tell, you all had a great time on our trip to the zoo. Many thanks to our wonderful teachers who planned and supervised the trip. They did a great job.

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