Special thanks to these people who visited Starsha

kiyonori sanda - 11/14/00 00:59:35
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: japan
How you located us: 79


kiyonori sanda - 11/14/00 00:57:03


tai - 05/21/00 16:09:01
My URL:have not URL sorry
My Email:no use sorry
City or Country: setagaya tokyo japan
How you located us: search engine
Things I liked: in newzealand(oversea)
Things that need improving: too small photo.The most important thing in URL is photo!
Your hobby - interests: pop music(listening),training(want to be Massule!),N-gauge ,and more....

�C�O�Ȃ̂ɂт����肵�܂����B ���p�ɂ‚��ĂȂ�

�f���f�� - 04/09/00 13:48:09
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ���{����
How you located us: �m�y�𒲂ׂĂ���
Things I liked: �K�͂��Ⴄ
Your hobby - interests: ���W�R���A�͌^�A�A�E�g�h�A


SDTM - 02/27/00 08:10:04
My URL:http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~sdate/
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ���{��

���Ђ��I �����̓j���[�X���A�A ----------- ���O�r�[�̑�R�V����{�I�茠�́A �����E�������Z��Ō���������A �_�ː��|���S�X�|�Q�O�Ńg���^��j��A �T�N�Ԃ�W�x�ڂ̓��{������߂� ----------- �_�ː��|�ł́A�~���[���r������ �Ȃ�Ɩ�t���Ɍ��A�A�Ђ����Ԃ�A�A �O�l�������Ȃ�������ς�܂�����B ���{�̃��O�r�[�́A�A�A ����ϊ��΂̂悤�ȃ��O�r�[�͒ʗp���Ȃ� �Ȃ��Ă��܂����ˁB�B ���������A�䂪�T�C�g�ɂ����z���������B �f���‚�����܂��B�{�u�ɂ�낵�� BBS�͉p��ł��ǂ����I

�쑺�@���� - 01/07/00 23:28:42
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ���@�����s
How you located us: YAHOO
Things I liked: �j���[�W�[���f��
Your hobby - interests: �S���͌^�E��s�@�͌^

�j���[�W�[�����h�̓S�������ڂ���C4�������B �l�������I�[�X�g�����A�̎ԗ��ƂɂĂ��镔��������܂���

�y�c���G - 07/22/99 01:24:48
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: japan
How you located us: �j���[�W�[�����h�ɂ‚��Ē��ׂĂ���


- 06/25/99 08:34:11


�ь� - 05/23/99 14:48:17
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ���{

������A�͌^�Ȃ�ł������H�H �Ȃ񂾂��A�ǂ������ł��˂��`�`*^-^* ����ƌ������A�����͉����o���܂��񂪁A �ƂĂ��A�C�ɓ���܂������`�`�� �܂��A�u�S���͌^�v�ςɗ��܂��˂��I�I

���C�� - 03/26/99 22:46:48
My URL:http://www.freepage.total.co.jp/much/NZ/obachan/
City or Country: �N���C�X�g�`���[�`
How you located us: �����̊Ǘ��l�̋��Ȃł��B
Things I liked: �S��
Things that need improving: �������狳���Ă��������B
Your hobby - interests: ���O�r�[�ϐ�A���鎖

���{��ł��c���܂��B �����������܂�����A���Ȃ�Ƃ����z�����񂹂��������B����̎�l�̐��i�ɂȂ�܂��B ���肪�Ƃ��������܂����B

test - 03/04/99 02:23:13



]!<%6!<$G$b$*;H$$$G$7$g$&$+!)  $B$,J8;z2=$1$9$k860x$r$D$/$C$F$$$k$h$&$G$9!#(B $B#S#D#T#M$G$O#I#E(B3.0$B$G8+$F$^$9!#!#(B

10/04/98 20:22:26
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

peter - 10/03/98 04:20:32
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: temuka
How you located us: xtra
Things I liked: model trains
Things that need improving: ok
Your hobby - interests: model trains


- 10/01/98 07:01:55


yvette - 09/21/98 10:45:31
City or Country: nz


Kay - 09/19/98 03:07:05
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Seymour, Indiana, USA
How you located us: Yahoo Search
Your hobby - interests: Care of Children and Kids Festivals

I wish to know as much as I can learn on events that children benefit from. If you can share information you have I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Kay

Jack Clark - 09/15/98 03:46:54
My URL:http://www.smrc.org
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: USA
How you located us: NMRA Link
Your hobby - interests: Japanese N scale

Not too much intrest in Japanese prototypes here in Florida but I am finding some on the web.

Jim Bullock - 09/14/98 06:15:22
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Arizona USA
How you located us: "tomix"
Things I liked: everything
Your hobby - interests: N scale

I was looking for TOMIX website for parts and available merchandise and found you website! Do you know how I can get to TOMIX website, if it exists? I bought a used TOMIX 2620 Hakone Tozan Railway Type 1000 set and it's missing a pantagraph on the second unit. Thanks, Jim

Ron Benjamin - 09/13/98 05:55:29
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Florida, US
How you located us: Doug Coster's Home page
Things I liked: photos & layout
Your hobby - interests: N-scale, multi-national

Tomix roadbed molded tracks are excellent for layouts. Your layout shows helpful this is for novices. Another aspect I like is the ability to add elevated rail to cityscapes. Keep up the work.

J M Hall - 09/08/98 06:44:17
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Invercargill New Zealand
How you located us: TTT(Terry's train Trax)
Your hobby - interests: Model Railroading

To Starsha's Dad, Could you please advise me of where in NZ I can obtain Kato "N gauge parts. If possible.

John Liddy - 09/07/98 08:01:31
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ChCh, NZ
How you located us: by accident
Your hobby - interests: Model railways


noriko - 09/03/98 05:09:51
City or Country: kawanishi japan
Things I liked: new looks

hi! how are you?

- 08/25/98 06:08:04


Sherry Adams - 08/23/98 23:01:05
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Chattanooga, TN, USA
How you located us: search NZ
Things I liked: Enjoyed it all!
Things that need improving: nothing
Your hobby - interests: NZ, making friends, ICQ chat

Hello from the USA! I live in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where the "Chattanooga Choo Choo" is located. We have fabulous train museums and train trips available for tourists to our area. If you are ever in the States, we would be delighted to have you visi !

Daisuke Watanabe - 08/17/98 05:23:50
My URL:http://www.telewaya.ne.jp/~paopao
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ???(I*(B
How you located us: yahoo?(IL(Blink
Things I liked: ?f?U?C??
Your hobby - interests: ???O?r?[

?j???[?W?[?????h?(II(B?Z?(I_(B???(IH(B???(ID(B?(I$(B?????(I\(B?(I5(B?(I@(B???(IE(B?(I7(B?B ?p???(I*(B?(IM(B?(IH(B?(I9(B?(ID(B?A?d???(I*(B?????(IN(B?(I7(B?(I.(B?(II(B?(IE(B???(IZ(B?Z?(I5(B?(I=(B?(I"(B?(IE(B?(I7(B?B?i?(IN(B?j ?I?[???u???b?N?X?(IV(B?A?i?j???[?W?[?????h?(IL(B?????j?f?(IZ(B ???y?(I5(B?(I](B?(II(B?(I5(B?(ID(B?(I"(B?(I\(B?(I7(B?B

- 08/17/98 00:27:49


n robinson - 08/16/98 01:38:41
My URL:http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/n.robinson/railgun/index.htm
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: UK
How you located us: alta vista search

good to see whats happening in the antipodes - and good japanese links too! i run a very esoteric web site - you can add it to your liks if you wish! best wishes Dr Nicholas Robinson The only railway gun & Armoured train web-museum on the planeT http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/n.robinson/railgun/index.htm please visit anytime but do not climb on the exhibits.

takesi tanaka - 08/14/98 10:57:35
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: japan.niigata
How you located us: tamatama
Things I liked: asonderu

?(I((B?v?(I5(B?(IT(B???(IE(B?(I7(B?B?T???(I6(B?(IL(B?c???B?(IE(B?(I7(B?B?(I=(B?(I\(B?(I=(B?(I\(B?J?(I/(B?(ID(B?(I"(B???(I$(B?(I?(B?(II(B?(I)(B?(IB(B?(I/(B?(I\(B?(I5(B?(I=(B?B?(I\(B?(I=(B?A?(I;(B?(IL (B?(I$(B?(I?(B?(II(Bsee you

Gary Leung - 08/12/98 13:59:51
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Hong Kong
How you located us: Search by infoseek
Things I liked: information
Things that need improving: show more pictures of different models
Your hobby - interests: model planes, trains, cars, etc

should show more differents model pictures and more different styles

baanstra - 08/03/98 22:00:51
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Holland
How you located us: search on the net
Things I liked: Trains
Your hobby - interests: Trains and hunting dogs

Nice site with perfect pictures succes

?{???p?M - 08/01/98 19:02:41
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ?(I:(B?(II(B?(I'(B
How you located us: Japanese Network

?C???^?[?l?b?g?(IE(B?(I"(B?E?(IL(B?(I2(B?(I_(B???(I3(B???(IE(B?F?X?(I)(B?(ID(B?(I"(B???(IF(B?(I7(B?(I2(B?(I"(B?(IE(B?(I7(B?(IK(B?A?(IG(B?(I1(B?(II(B?????{?l?(IM(B?s?(IA(B?(ID(B?(I"(B?????(IE(B?(I7(B?(IK (B?B?p?\?R?????S?(IR(B?(IL(B?T?R?(IN(B???(IW(B?(I,(B?H???o?c?(IR(B?????B

David Langshaw - 07/26/98 08:06:13
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Australia
How you located us: Surfing, looking for N gauge information
Things I liked: the lot, a great site
Things that need improving: nothing
Your hobby - interests: N gauge, woodturning, conservation, music, Jesus

only 4 years on the layout, why are you going so fast. I can't talk, after 18 months I only have one of two tracks complete and no landscaping yet.

Mineko - 07/22/98 03:37:44
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ???{
How you located us: ???t?[
Things I liked: ???{???(I>(B?(IA(B?(I=(B?(I)(B??


???(I:(B?(I\(B?(I1(B?(IF(B - 07/14/98 17:42:55
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Japan
How you located us: ?????N?(IE(B

?N?C?[???Y?^?E???(II(B?X?L?[?(I/(B?w?(II(B?s?(IA(B?(I=(B?(I^(B???(IF(B?A???(I*(B?????(IH(B?(I-(B?(ID(B?(I"(B?(IA(B?(ID(B?(I"(B?(I\(B?(I7(B?B ?N?C?[???Y?^?E???(I](B?Z?(IL(B???{?l?(IL(B???(IL(B?T?C?g?(I)(B?A?h???X???(I2(B?(I6(B?m?(IE(B?(I5(B?(I=(B???(I3(B?(I&(B?(ID(B?(I:(B?(I3(B?(I"(B?B?(I;(B???(IE(B?(IM(B?B

Kent Christopherson - 07/11/98 14:40:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/KentCC/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Denver, Colorado, USA
How you located us: From a link off a web page.... sorry I forgot which one....
Things I liked: You have a wonderful web page!! It is layed out NICE!!! easy to navigate! and You have a wonderful Layouts!!!
Things that need improving: Nothing.... just get out there for people to find!
Your hobby - interests: Narrow Gauge Railroading. I model in N-Scale and G-Scale outdoor

I loved your webpage and your layouts!!!! Fantastic!! Come and look at my Clear Creek & Idaho Springs Garden Railroad at URL Http://members.aol.com/KentCC/index.html Take Care Kent Christopherson [email protected]

Russell - 07/07/98 08:34:51
City or Country: Blenheim N.Z
How you located us: via Weka Pass
Things I liked: All
Things that need improving: Keep it up
Your hobby - interests: Trains with Smoke


Claus Skou Olsen - 07/01/98 18:05:24
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Denmark
How you located us: Through JRS
Things I liked: Pictures from your layout
Your hobby - interests: Japanese model trains

Last year I also started building a japanese model train layout.But judging from your pictures, my layout seems to be beginners work. If you have the time, please tell me how you are doing the landscape. Yours Sincerely Claus

- 06/29/98 06:40:19


- 06/28/98 23:05:42
My Email:loki@plantnet
City or Country: Albers,Il.USA
How you located us: surfing
Things I liked: photos
Your hobby - interests: model railroad(H.O.)

keep up the good work

- 06/21/98 12:47:08

Great to see someone who is talented enough to design a great web site, well done Starsha.

Maurice Rodger - 06/19/98 16:31:55
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Adelaide, South Australia
How you located us: Surfing the net

I couldn't believe it when I found a site on the railwy at the Weka Pass. I was raised in that area. My father Sandy Rodger was the manager of "Glenmark" for about 13 years. I went to school at Waipara Primary and then to high school at Hawarden. I would ove someone from the area to e-mail mail me. Here's hoping. My e-mail address is: [email protected] I now reside in Adelaide, South Australia.

Joel Bickford - 06/18/98 12:42:40
My Email:http://www.net.au
City or Country: Australia
How you located us: Search for trains
Things I liked: great photos

I am 4 1/2 years old and I love all trains especially diesel trains. Please keep putting the great pics on my mum's computer. I love it! Joel ( with help from mum)

patrick - 06/15/98 03:32:27
City or Country: usa
How you located us: internet websearch
Things I liked: everything
Things that need improving: nothing
Your hobby - interests: models,n-scale trains and flight simulators

I lived in Japan for two years and bought three Tomix trains. Now I am back in the USA and have not been able to find any here.

graham rose - 06/14/98 02:25:42
My URL:http://fastlink.com.au
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: australia
How you located us: former nsw steam and electric train driver on net
Things I liked: everthing
Things that need improving: none
Your hobby - interests: i am member of zig-zag railways lithgow nsw australia


Bruce Gulley - 06/02/98 03:34:26
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Auckland
How you located us: Hard Work
Things I liked: No pictures of Bob
Things that need improving: Bob
Your hobby - interests: Not the internet

Shigeomi Suzuki - 05/27/98 15:48:09
My URL:http://www.mirai.or.jp/~eurocity
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: JAPAN
How you located us: You sent me an e-mail for links.
Things I liked: Animation design of trains
Things that need improving: Nothing
Your hobby - interests: Railways, Model Railway, Photos, Music

How are you ? Thank you for linking my homepage. I am surprised at your model railway lay-out of Japanese scenery and trains. Kongo tomo yoroshiku ne !! Gokigen - yo.

d withers - 05/26/98 01:55:54
My Email:none
City or Country: phoenix,az,usa
How you located us: luck
Things I liked: detail
Your hobby - interests: japanese n-scale


neil - 05/25/98 11:20:08
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: christchurch
How you located us: friend told me


(IQ#U,Q(B?(IM3(B - 05/24/98 06:19:35
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: (IT*T6(B
How you located us: (IC(B?(IC(B?(IC0C(B?(IC,C"C'C(B?[(IC(B?Ebr> Things I liked: (IC(B?(IC(B?(IC(B?(IC(B?(IL5O(B?Ebr> Your hobby - interests: (IN(B?(IU(B?(IB+(B


Lee Hin Loong - 05/23/98 17:24:25
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Penang , Malaysia
How you located us: A matter of interest
Things I liked: Outdoor scenery
Things that need improving: I love the sound of train whenever your page is been access. It is really invigorating. I am very satisfied .
Your hobby - interests: General

Pls includes some modern trains in your review including its pictures and sounds too.

Bob Parlette - 05/22/98 01:18:02
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: USA , Wenatchee Washington
How you located us: garden railroad search
Things I liked: that I found you, I love Christchurch and have a son who wants to go to Christ College and bungee jump in the Shotover River
Your hobby - interests: G Gauge garden railroading


- 05/21/98 23:00:26


Alan Morris - 05/17/98 09:11:11
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Wanganui
How you located us: surfing
Things I liked: scenery
Things that need improving: more time, bigger pictures
Your hobby - interests: Marklin HO & Z NZR 3 1/2 , 1 & G , 5" gauge

My son lives in osaka. Neat layout, good detail

alan morris - 05/17/98 08:59:01
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: new zealand
How you located us: surfing
Things I liked: scenery
Your hobby - interests: marklin ho & z, nzr, 1 & g

my son lives in osaka

Flyboy - 05/16/98 05:07:35
City or Country: tauranga,NZ
How you located us: search
Things I liked: rad pix
Things that need improving: more pix
Your hobby - interests: rugby, surfing, kayaking, kung fu

yous fullas have a pretty rad site here. i needed the pix for a homework thing so keep em coming! laters, FLYBOY

Mark Reed - 05/14/98 02:53:35
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: USA
How you located us: NMRA Website
Things I liked: Japanese Theme
Your hobby - interests: South African Railways

Don't you just love what the internet has done for model railways? Here I am, modelling South Africa in the USA, writing to you, modelling Japan in New Zealand, on behalf of a friend, modelling the USA in South Africa. Which brings me to the point of th s note: my friend is modelling San Francisco in the late 1800s, and wants to suggest the Japanese and Chinese segment of the population by signs in kanji. Do you know where he could get any good decals that would fit the bill? Generic sort of "restaura t" or other business signs that would be useable for 1890 or so? Thanks, Mark Reed

John Taylor - 05/10/98 02:53:42
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: USA
How you located us: Search engine
Things I liked: all
Your hobby - interests: modeling


John Lepper - 05/05/98 22:41:29
My URL:http://www.gte.com
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Moorpark,CA,USA
How you located us: Yahoo "Garden Railroad"
Your hobby - interests: Large sacle railroading


Takenori JR Ohmura - 05/05/98 12:05:23
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Japan
How you located us: Accident
Things I liked: about Starsha
Things that need improving: Nothing
Your hobby - interests: Rugby & ...........

How are you budy ?

G.STREAT - 05/01/98 17:45:22
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: USA
How you located us: NMRA
Your hobby - interests: N/OO SCALE


Christer Larsson - 04/30/98 06:42:14
City or Country: Sweden


Eugen TAKACS - 04/28/98 09:01:15
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: AUSTRIA, EUROPE
How you located us: MR 4/98
Things I liked: Layouts
Your hobby - interests: H0, Scale 1, US PROTO

Perfect page. I would like to see similar pages also from another layouts around the world. Good to know also the address, who knows when we can visit New Zealand and your museum. Thank you for your informations.

Barry Rotchfort - 04/26/98 08:28:31
My Email:c/o [email protected]
City or Country: New Zealand
How you located us: searching for trains
Things I liked: everything
Things that need improving: bigger pics
Your hobby - interests: steam trains

i would be honnoured if you could please send me any imformation or pictures on steam trains and other trains that you have to the following address: Mr Barry Rotchfort 13c Harman courts Cotterill st Addington Christchurch New Zealand Thank you very much for your time and effort looking forward to hearing from you soon.

GARY SAMOURIS - 04/14/98 02:31:44
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: DALLAS TX
How you located us: SEARCH FOR N GAUIGE
Things I liked: PHOTOS
Your hobby - interests: N GAUGE


al schrader - 04/12/98 15:53:44
My URL:http://[email protected]
City or Country: clinton MI USA
How you located us: by mistake
Things I liked: your bowing lady
Things that need improving: my browsing skill
Your hobby - interests: people / the www


bob hagger - 04/05/98 00:57:11
My Email:[email protected],au.
City or Country: austlia
How you located us: internet
Things I liked: the lot
Your hobby - interests: n gauge rail


Daisuke Kanjo - 04/03/98 12:50:58
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Chch NZ
How you located us: ...................................
Things I liked: Rugby musium


Hal Rathbone Sr. - 03/30/98 00:35:33
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: USA
How you located us: Browsing/WebFerret
Things I liked: Bridges
Your hobby - interests: N-Gauge Model RRg

My favorite interest in Model Railroading is the Engineering of the road-bed and designing and building my own bridges, etc.

kevin mineer - 03/23/98 04:49:21
My URL:http://msn.com
My Email:mineerklk
City or Country: tampa, Fl,USA
How you located us: NMRA(USA)
Things I liked: Japanese railway
Your hobby - interests: Japan bullet trains

a great layout! I've always been fascinated with Japanese railways, especially the extremely intensive urban environments with Shinkansen trains flying by at great speeds. There's nothing like it in the US!

jihan holton - 03/22/98 09:40:05
My URL:http://worldmodelnetwork.com/chicagod/jihan
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Highland
How you located us: browsing
Your hobby - interests: modeling


Gary L. Satre - 03/17/98 10:54:12
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Quezon City, Philippines
How you located us: via Railserve
Your hobby - interests: N scale Jap. railroads

At last! A place where I can begin getting reliable data on Japanese prototypes I can run on my Cagayan Northern Railway, a freelance layout I'm planning based on an actual project which was started but never finished in the Philippines.

Nick Stoneman - 03/17/98 03:09:52
City or Country: Christchurch
Your hobby - interests: I am a current member of the Garden City Model Railway Club

Cool site people.I thought I would just put my views across Regards Nick

NASU, Masahide - 03/16/98 11:56:27
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Japan
How you located us: on searching railroad model
Things I liked: typical NZ feeling
Your hobby - interests: model railroading


Peter Alcock - 03/15/98 01:24:06
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: nz
How you located us: search engine
Things I liked: Great layout
Your hobby - interests: N gauge


Kathy - 03/14/98 02:53:48
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Nelson, New Zealand
How you located us: Newsgroups

Really interesting. Especially the Kidson family. Will have to check out my side of the family and email you as I think we have a connection.

Carl Malmberg - 03/08/98 00:18:51
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Texas
How you located us: NMRA page
Things I liked: excellent photos
Your hobby - interests: US N scale


Carl Malmberg - 03/08/98 00:16:59
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Texas
How you located us: NMRA page
Things I liked: excellent photos
Your hobby - interests: US N scale


William Kruger - 03/07/98 16:46:53
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Ocean City NJ USA
Your hobby - interests: N gauge trains

I liked your layoput. I am in the process of making the scenery for my n-gauge layout.

kobayashi.kiyoshi - 03/07/98 04:28:42


Jim Davidson - 03/07/98 00:09:59
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: grand prairie, TX USA
How you located us: homepage\nz
Things I liked: poetry/trains
Things that need improving: map to fountain of youth
Your hobby - interests: racing (horses)

thank you for the hospitality you have a very nice site no co-worker is a steam train but, he will come next week, I've marked you Again, thanks Jim Davidson P.S. a small haiku offering KISS Softly butterfly wings Gently brush my lips in passing A kiss from the Gods

Dean Pausley - 03/06/98 01:04:53
My URL:http://home.nycap.rr.com/pausley
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Troy, NY..USA
How you located us: via Littlefoot link
Things I liked: photo quality/layout workmanship
Things that need improving: none
Your hobby - interests: n-scale

fantastic page and layout. Very interesting and and a great chance to view other model layout locales

Mike Smith - 03/03/98 11:58:15
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Ch Ch
Things I liked: Most of it,, well done Bob
Things that need improving: A music on/off switch


layla - 03/02/98 12:09:59
My URL:http://www.powernet-egypt.com
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: cario
How you located us: greatful
Things I liked: every thing
Things that need improving: more arabic
Your hobby - interests: walking in internet

I'm very happy to find this great work in your site but I'd like to read a lot of things in arabic .

big fellow - 02/28/98 05:06:31
City or Country: usa
How you located us: "home layouts"
Things I liked: great pictures
Your hobby - interests: nickel plate road

beautiful scenery. keep up the good work.

bostjan - 02/24/98 15:43:18

I am sending this measage from Slovenia in Europe. I wish you good luck in our hobby.By!

?E(I3(B?E(I$(B?E(I4(B?E(I-(B - 02/23/98 07:10:02
My URL:http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~sdate/
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Yokosuka-Shi Japan
Your hobby - interests: model-railroad,rugby

chris johnson - 02/21/98 12:03:59
My Email:hj.netserv.net.au
City or Country: Perth Western Australia
How you located us: Surfing
Things I liked: kids stuff
Things that need improving: more graphics
Your hobby - interests: dancing swimming


Masaki Murakami - 02/18/98 12:50:41
My URL:http://www.tcp-ip.or.jp/~masaki
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Japan
How you located us: Mr.OOno's Page
Things I liked: Layout of my interest
Your hobby - interests: Narrowgauge


brian hutchings - 02/16/98 21:49:42
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: nottm. england
How you located us: nz links
Your hobby - interests: model traction engines

Not really had time to have a good look yet-but I will

Paul Gale - 02/13/98 05:31:40
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Nepean, Ont, Canada
How you located us: Web
Things I liked: Documentation
Your hobby - interests: Genealogy

My Wright family came from Kings Lynn about 1855. Cannot yet see if it links with yours. Good hunting, PG.

Kim Perrin - 02/08/98 04:39:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/1620/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: usa
How you located us: alta vista search"tomix railways"
Things I liked: everything,especially Japanese trains & genealogy
Your hobby - interests: Model Railways,buses,photography,history

I enjoyed your page very much. I have a link you might be interested in. Japanese Railway Society, http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~mt5h-nitu/jrs.htm It's all about Japanese n-gauge model railways. I model British, American and Japanese passenger trains although my layout is not very far along at the moment. The Tomix trains are excellent runners. Thanks for the nice webpage. I originally come from Ply outh, Devon, England so I also enjoyed the pictures of the club layout as well.In fact,I have a cousin who emigrated to NZ, Keith Job, but I'm not sure if it's Christchurch or Wellington he went to.

Dion McKenna - 02/07/98 10:31:12
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Greytown, New Zealand
How you located us: search engin and Name of railway
Things I liked: Pictures
Your hobby - interests: Railways (Steam incorperated Paekakariki)

I enjoyed your festivel and got to see some engines that I had always wanted to see and I hope you will put on another steam festivel in 1998

John Hanks - 02/02/98 18:56:21
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Laramie, Wyoming, USA
How you located us: Surfing
Things I liked: Both layouts & Easy Presentation
Your hobby - interests: HO Gauge Milwaukee, Wisconsin, industrital

I look forward to visiting these sites again

Graham Vos - 02/01/98 09:55:08
My URL:http://www.gardenrouse.co.za
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Knysna - South Africa
How you located us: Internet Search
Things I liked: Your Model Railway Layout
Your hobby - interests: I collect N-Guage Steam Locomotives


lex johnson - 01/30/98 11:59:30
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: au
How you located us: surfing
Things I liked: cool graphics/rugby
Things that need improving: what else have you got
Your hobby - interests: boats fihing surfing


Allan Guy - 01/25/98 06:36:08
My Email:[email protected]
How you located us: Club

This is the first site we have visited on the internet. Being newbies we've a lot to learn. Finding it all a bit mindblowing at this stage!

Shigeomi Suzuki - 01/24/98 11:11:36
My URL:http://mirai.or.jp/~eurocity/
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Japan
How you located us: I introduce by Mr.Masahiko Sato
Things I liked: Making HO models, Photo of trains of the world, Music, and Art
Things that need improving: It is very wonderful page, Subarasii.
Your hobby - interests: HO modeling, Photograph, Art of Railway, Music etc.

Dear Bob Wright Thank you for telling to me today email. I am looking now your homepage. That is very nice page. I wish your home page links, too. Thank you. I am surprised at that I found your homepage in Japanese, very nice, and animation with nice sound. Good luck !! Shigeomi Suzuki

m.oosugi - 01/24/98 10:21:44
City or Country: japan
How you located us: keiziban
Things I liked: tatudou mokei
Your hobby - interests: tetudou mokei


Bruce Bexte - 01/23/98 03:41:27
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Calgary Canada
Your hobby - interests: n scale


Hiromi Masaki - 01/20/98 10:26:11
My URL:http://www.w-ing.or.jp/~hiromi
My Email:[email protected]

Thank you for message on my web page. You have a nice Japanese rayout and artistic designs!

Ugo Costabile - 01/15/98 05:13:15
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Italy
How you located us: Geocities
Things I liked: The story and *.gif

I'd like to make an home page with my family history and pedigree. I like the "welcome" and the "frame" for the pictures you have used. Could you help me in making something similar ? Thank you in advance. Regards Ugo Costabile

mariko niitsu williams - 01/13/98 09:11:46
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: boston
How you located us: ?E(I2(B?E??(I=7(B?E??(I=?(B?E??(I=$(B?E??(I>(B?E(I=4(B?E(I:(B?E(I:(B
Things I liked: listen music,shopping
Things that need improving: add stasha's parents picture [i'm just nosy i guess.]
Your hobby - interests: design,interior decorating

stasha is very pretty! I'm seaching for the roots of ?E(I?(B?E(I7(B?E?E(I>(B?Eright now, but very difficult! My parents told me that niitsu was loser king or something, but i don't know the fact. Anyway,I'll keep in touch your site,and i hope that you can find out your ntire roots.

Phil Creer - 01/12/98 02:38:37
My URL:http://www.bod.net/personal/jdhome/philpics.htm
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Adelaide,Australia
How you located us: Link from JD's Rose Garden Page
Things I liked: It's about trains, isn't it!!
Your hobby - interests: G-scale garden railway

Your Test team may not be too flash this year but your club site certainly is! Congrats and well done

SDTM - 01/11/98 08:33:03
My URL:http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~sdate/
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Yokosuka-shi JPN
How you located us: your article on frm-NG
Your hobby - interests: model-railroad etc..

First, I visited Dad's train room. But when I found your interest was an rugby, I was slightly surprised at the coincidence. 8 years ago, I played Rugby.. ...

Kevin Malloy - 01/10/98 15:12:19
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: USA

Enjoyed looking at your site. Looks very impressive. Kinda wish you had more pictures of the overall layout showing the trains. Am thinking about starting a very modest N-gauge layout in my basement with my two sons, but have no model railroading skill or background. I'll visit your site later. (Some day would like to visit Japan and New Zealand!) Good luck. Thanks.

??E(I)(B?q?L?q - 01/10/98 13:28:02
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ???{?^??E?E?E(I*(B
How you located us: ?j???[?W?[?????h??E?E?E(I;(B????????E(I5(B??E?E?E(I"(B??E?E?E(I!(B??????E?E?E?Ebr> Your hobby - interests: ??E(I7(B?s


Doug Haris - 01/10/98 05:14:10
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Auckland, NZ
How you located us: Surfing Railroad Sites
Things I liked: Excellent fine detailing
Things that need improving: Is this possible??
Your hobby - interests: N, Hornby, Dublo, Tinplate, Meccano

Excellent photographs! (I'm a professional and do architect's models.) I am planning a layout based on the Virginian Railway, USA> Do you know of any good model railroad sites in Japan? I email occasionally to: Masaki Murakami whose site is: http://www.tcp-ip.or.jp/~masaki Regards, Doug Harris

Geoff - 01/02/98 20:31:53
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Cornwall,UK
How you located us: RailwaysUK Newsgroup
Things I liked: All of it - but too far away to visit!
Your hobby - interests: Model railways

Well laid out web site. Will visit again - thanks.

Sandy O'Brien - 12/31/97 04:43:11
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: San Diego, California, USA
How you located us: looking at Lyttleton
Things I liked: nice pictures, my boss LOVES trains. I'll share this site with him.
Your hobby - interests: train travel, backpacking, sailing

Very nice, thank you!

BC Thomas - 12/29/97 17:40:03
City or Country: Tucson, Arizona

Sorry Make that alt.binaries.pictures.rail BC

BC Thomas - 12/29/97 17:35:47
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Tucson, Arizona
How you located us: yahoo search new zealand homepages
Things I liked: All Blacks, Railroads and Starsha
Your hobby - interests: Sports, Computers, Politics, History.

Hit your page while doing a search for Ch Ch. In the late 60's was a yank with Deep Freeze. I spent almost one year working in the International Terminal in Christchurch. Learn to love the All Blacks, the Trots, and Pubs in Christchurch. Also spent some summer months at Camp Burnham, singing and drinking with the Maori Battalion. A very colorful group of warriors. Now married to a Japanese Lady, we have a 21 year old daughter who is living the life, skiing and working in Crested Butte, Colorado. My Dad worked for the Railroad Express as an Agent. I have been on the IC City of New Orleans, Panama Limited also had he opportunity to ride the L&N Humming Bird out of New Orleans, Don't want to forget the Bullet in Japan. Also got to ride some great sleepers in Thailand. One of my favorite newsgroups is alt.binaries.pictures.com..... Thanks for the memories, BC

SAVAGE - 12/28/97 23:20:19
My URL:http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~savage/au.htm
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Tokyo Japan
How you located us: rail news group
Things I liked: audio
Things that need improving: It is very good
Your hobby - interests: audio

It is very nice page. Your page is very colorful.

Richard & Sachiyo James - 12/24/97 14:17:46
My Email:[email protected]


Jason Cormier - 12/23/97 13:22:45
My URL:In progress
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Hisai, Mie, Japan
How you located us: Rugby Newsgroup
Things I liked: Pretty much everything (esp. Train and Rugby pics)
Things that need improving: More Rugby pics
Your hobby - interests: Rugby, Skiing, Travelling, E-mail junky

Great site. I stumbled on to it through a newsgroup and I'm glad I did. Great animation on the index page. I love the pictures of Shin-Hashimoto; great reconstruction! Which station on the Tokkaido line are you trying to recreate. Don't know if you heard ut the QF for the Shakaijin tournament have been set: Suntory v. Isetan; Toyota v. NEC; Toshiba v. World; Kobe Steel v. Sanyo. It should be Suntory against either Toshiba or Kobe in the final. (If it's Toshiba, Suntory beat them by about 20 points during he H.Nihon League) One small nitpick; isn't it a slight exaggeration to say that the Kansai Rugby Union covers 22 prefectures. I'll come back and check it out again. Cheers :)

KOTB - 12/20/97 17:12:05
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: GIZA, EGYPT
Your hobby - interests: SPORTS, MUSIC, COMPUTER

Good luck, I wish you happiness

Uwe Maennicke - 12/17/97 13:46:02
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/uwe.bahnrolli/default.htm
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Germany
How you located us: by Yahoo
Things I liked: All members of the family are displayed
Things that need improving: advertising frames
Your hobby - interests: Model Railways/Diving

It's good to see all family members in an Internet site. For usually one find only one person with it's hobbies. I hope to find some more about the Railroad page. If you have enough spare time please visit me at http://home.t-online.de/home/uwe.bahnrolli/default.htm and many greetings to Mum and Stasha

- 12/15/97 07:32:18
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Roseville, Calif., USA
How you located us: NMRA
Things I liked: Layout well done
Your hobby - interests: DR, NSW, Renfe, Nscale

From what I saw of your layout it appears to be a very well done presentation. I'm happy to see a Japanese layout, which is more then snap track on straw mats. Please keep up the good work, I'll check back in a few weeks. Bye Ed Pressey

Jane Mullins - 12/15/97 00:18:17
My URL:http://www.cybermedia.net/jm
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: US
How you located us: Just surfed in!
Things I liked: The whole site!
Things that need improving: It's nice as is.
Your hobby - interests: genealogy

Your page is lovely. I like the music, the photos, and the music. Soothes the soul:) For some moving music, visit my site! (listed above) Keep smiling, and keep up the good work. JaneM

Warren McIver - 12/14/97 23:46:06
My URL:http://home.att.net/~wmciver/personal.html
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ovington, GA USA
How you located us: http://www.rrhistorical.com/nmra/layouts.html
Things I liked: Excellent photography and exquisite scenery detail.
Things that need improving: track layout needed.
Your hobby - interests: model railroading, boating, ham radio

Your layout is excellent. I cannot get over the detail in your scenery. It is perfect. Very nice photo's. Regards. Warren

dwight bennett - 12/14/97 15:29:33
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: indianapolis,in usa
How you located us: searching for model steam
Your hobby - interests: carpet sculpting,egg carving &model live steam


Michio - 12/13/97 01:20:39
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: japan
How you located us: your mail
Things I liked: rugby?
Your hobby - interests: nothing?!


Bob Hobbs - 12/10/97 01:15:41
My URL:http://members.home.net/bobhobbs
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: East Hartford, CT, USA
How you located us: newsgroup
Things I liked: homepage presentation
Your hobby - interests: genealogy


Graham - 12/09/97 10:35:19
City or Country: Chch,NZ

One of the best gene pages I have seen Cheers Graham

- 12/08/97 22:32:52
My Email:[email protected]

excellent site (the genealogy bit). Good luck!

Karen Hughes - 12/08/97 10:37:35
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Brisbane, Australia
How you located us: genanz list
Things I liked: The genealogy Page!
Your hobby - interests: Family History!

I was interested in your ancestors who arrived in Nelson on the Bolton. My husband's ancestors Isaac and Mary Ann GIBBS arrived on the same ship! But I couldn't see any names in common 8-(

Naoki Ohtani - 12/08/97 09:13:03
My URL:http://www.acr.atr.co.jp/~ohtani
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Kyoto, Japan
How you located us: NetNews
Things I liked: travelling,
Your hobby - interests: pottery


Jim - 12/07/97 05:04:38
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: San Francisco, CA. USA
How you located us: aol Newsgroup sites
Things I liked: all of it
Your hobby - interests: HO Model Railroad

I think your site is a real hit. Keep up the great work. tallstory

james c. herrick - 12/07/97 04:35:45
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: maine, u.s.a.
How you located us: news group
Your hobby - interests: ho and n scale trains


Larry Wright - 12/07/97 02:10:26
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Swannanoa N.C.
How you located us: newsgroup


Takao Miyoshi - 12/06/97 17:30:53
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Japan
How you located us: Your E-mail

Hi! I am coming. Nice Homepage! I will tell many friends on niftyserve about this page . Good Luck!

JIRO KATO - 12/06/97 03:55:33
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Yokohama Japan
How you located us: Newsgroup
Things I liked: Play Rugby,Skiing


Judy Ballantyne - 12/04/97 22:10:50
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Australia
How you located us: Genealogy news group


doreen pikunic - 12/04/97 09:50:21
My Email:[email protected]
How you located us: genealogy news
Things I liked: presentation
Your hobby - interests: genealogy

Hi., Enjoyed reading your page and the music was great. I'm researching Wrights in Tasmania. Regards Doreen

Jan Moon - 12/04/97 07:37:43
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Australia
How you located us: Listed on GENBRIT


H-ohshima - 12/04/97 06:49:56
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: JAPAN
How you located us: fj.rec.sports.rugby
Things I liked: rugby+ rail+ etc.
Things that need improving: now,nothing
Your hobby - interests: rugby+ rail+ etc.


Paul Wehr - 11/30/97 08:39:56
My URL:http://www2.gol.com/pwehr
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Akishima, Tokyo
How you located us: model railroading
Things I liked: works in progress photos

Nice work. I wish I could figure out _why_ I am interested in model trains. Years ago, a friend and I started but never finished a layout. I enjoy seeing others' work. Thanks for the visit.

- 11/29/97 03:37:27
My Email:[email protected]

interesting thank you

Don Weston - 11/25/97 09:17:50
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Dunedin. NZ.
How you located us: Garden Whistle Newsletter.
Things I liked: All of it.
Things that need improving: No comment. Well done.
Your hobby - interests: 9mm NZR/HOm RHB Swiss.

Excellent layout of Web site.

- 11/22/97 21:18:40
My Email:skipodell@aol

I enjoyed your site very much especially the bowing lady. Thank you. I do N scale in Larkspur, Co. usa 80118

- 11/22/97 21:15:51
My URL:http://[email protected]

I enjoyed your site very much especially the bowing lady. Thank you. I do N scale in Larkspur, Co. usa 80118

Byron Adcock - 11/18/97 02:50:12
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: San Antonio,TX. USA
How you located us: Netscape
Things I liked: The Tokkaido Line
Your hobby - interests: Model Railroading

I like Japanese trains very much. I've travelled extensively in Japan by rail. I want to model Japanese trains but here in the states, they are hard to find, especially in HO scale.

Fred Vitug - 11/17/97 20:13:54
My Email:no e-mail address
City or Country: Mentor-on-the Lake, Ohio
How you located us: just surfed on

Fred Vitug 8080-301 Harbor Creek Drive Mentor-on-the Lake, Ohio 44060 USA 1-440-257-1859 - I am interested of obtaining a photo or perhaps a poster of the stadium grounds. Also, maybe info on obtaining a copy of a international match venue advertisment. If you can help, it would be much appreciated. Sorry, no e-mail address yet.

Doug Coster - 11/16/97 15:53:16
My URL:http://(not yet)
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Sydney, Australia
How you located us: Yahoo
Things I liked: photos
Things that need improving: One photo does not link to the large version
Your hobby - interests: Japanese trains

Quite a find!!! Can you email me - I am interested in where Tomix can be acquired. I am building a similar layout.

Sarllac - 11/16/97 06:06:02
My URL:http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~sarllac/
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: osaka japan
Your hobby - interests: model railroad & rugby

I would like to go to Newzealand in a few years.

??E???E?Ed?a?i???X?I?J?V?Q?J?Y?j - 11/14/97 13:58:04
My URL:http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/people/syasuoka/
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: ???s?s
How you located us: ?z?[???y?[?W?o?^??E?E?????
Things I liked: ???O?r?[??E?E?
Things that need improving: Fantastic Page !
Your hobby - interests: Fishing & Net surfing

Jim Webb - 11/12/97 22:55:52
My URL:http://[email protected]
My Email:http://[email protected]
City or Country: West Chester
How you located us: Largescale web
Things I liked: data available
Your hobby - interests: juicejacks

New to largescale RR. I like to scratch build equipment that is not available commercially.

Al "Bear" McAdam - 11/08/97 15:06:06
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Holley, Fl. USA
How you located us: Ref? Don Ellis
Things I liked: All of it.............
Things that need improving: Didn't notice
Your hobby - interests: Trains, all sizes.........

Sure is nice to be able to reach out to the other side of the world and see other peoples work.........

Ron Crouse - 11/04/97 08:49:28
My URL:http://www.qth.com/dunestar
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: St. Helens, Oregon, USA
How you located us: NMRA page
Things I liked: Japanese setting
Your hobby - interests: model railroad, ham radio

Very nice site. I am very fond of Japanese gardens

ken McCallum - 11/02/97 00:27:38
My Email:[email protected]


Test only - 11/01/97 00:10:22


SATO Masahiko - 10/28/97 01:28:28
My URL:http://www02.so-net.or.jp/~toa-sato/
My Email:[email protected]


Kevin Biddle - 10/28/97 01:10:48
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: New Zealand
How you located us: Search NZ
Things I liked: unsure
Things that need improving: unsure
Your hobby - interests: Sportsfan of AB's


CHRIS TAYLOR - 10/19/97 19:01:25
My Email:chris . taylor @clear.net.nz
City or Country: palm nth
How you located us: wpr home page
Your hobby - interests: train crank

hi good '' photos '' like to see more (vrt manawatu ) (f163)

Peter Sek - 10/08/97 11:06:52
My URL:http://www.formlink.com.au
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Australia
How you located us: your email
Things I liked: pictures
Things that need improving: black background is black. Pictures load slow
Your hobby - interests: Latural thinking, Computers, Model trains

great site

Terry Doyle - 10/03/97 05:34:00
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Lower Hutt
How you located us: CMR newsletter #17
Things I liked: All of it
Your hobby - interests: NZR Sn3 1/2 (1950-60)

Good show - I'd like to see more model railway clubs doing this. Include point-of-contact for visitors.

Ron Cunningham - 10/01/97 06:51:30
My Email:werriscreek@bigpond
City or Country: Australia
How you located us: News Group
Your hobby - interests: HO - NSWGR

Next time that I am in Christchurch I will visit your model railway.

Greg.Procter - 09/29/97 22:22:41
My URL:http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~procter/GLPHOMEP.HTM
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: NZ
How you located us: Ironhorse
Things I liked: click-on images
Things that need improving: alternative resolution pictures
Your hobby - interests: Railways, Japan


R.F. Snedeker - 09/28/97 04:02:00
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: San Mateo, FL USA
How you located us: A friendI
Things I liked: Intricate detail
Your hobby - interests: G scale, all LGB

Dear Sir, Enjoyed your layout very much, I am in my first year of trains and have accummulated 13 Engins, 5 steam and 9 diesels with rolling stock. Have my layout on tables 16'X16' in my sealed up garage, which has central air and heat. I wish you success in you indeavor and will be checking your progress.

Ian C Galbraith - 09/25/97 05:58:44
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Masterton N Z
How you located us: Garden City MRC
Things I liked: Availability
Things that need improving: Photos appeared rather too dark
Your hobby - interests: NZR Sn3?E(I=(B 'Culcreuch Branch'

Great to visit and find what is happening in the Model Railway Scene

Ian C Galbraith - 09/25/97 05:52:53
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Masterton N Z
How you located us: Garden City MRC
Your hobby - interests: NZR Sn3?E(I=(B


Grant Alexander - 09/24/97 00:51:19
My URL:http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/squirrelvalleyrail/
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Auckland, NZ
How you located us: LSOL, chatlinks
Things I liked: That it's here!
Things that need improving: Background, appears black here
Your hobby - interests: G scale, HO (pennsy)


Akihiko Machizawa - 09/23/97 00:09:38
City or Country: Christchurch

Hi, Noriko & Bob! Congraturations for your new Web.

John Stewart - 09/21/97 19:52:08
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Christchurch

Nice site Bob. Tried to sign guest book last week but it was not working. Working now however. Photos from Waipara are excellent. John

Kumiko Kasai - 09/17/97 04:03:13
My Email:[email protected]

yokushirabemashitane. odoroki momoki sannshonoki desu. nihonngoga uchikomenakattanode ro-majigaki nishimashita.

Brendon Groufsky - 09/17/97 01:58:49
My Email:[email protected]
City or Country: Kaiapoi, NZ
How you located us: You sent me e-mail
Things I liked: The train pages look great
Your hobby - interests: Trains ???

Bob, things look really good.

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