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Captain Alfred W. Bell, Company B 39th Regiment, CSA.

I would like to thank Mr. Richard Melvin for this picture.   He is a wonderful historian and has devoted much of his time in the preservation of Civil War history for Macon County.   We owe him a debt of gratitude, for without him much or our Civil War history would have been lost. 

About The Collection

This Collection (Alfred W. Bell MSS, Rare Book, Manuscript and Special Collections Library, Duke University, Durham, NC.) is housed at Duke University and is part of their Rare Book, Manuscript and Special Collections. No part of this collection may be reproduced without their permission.  I would like to thank Duke University for giving me permission to use this collection.

The Collection contains valuable genealogical information. It is in reference to Company B 39th N.C. Troops. This Company was raised in Macon County, N.C. by Alfred W. Bell. There are death dates and other informations that are of importance in genealogy. This collection also shows the mountaineer character and ideas. I hope this will be as great a help to you as it has for me. I have found death dates here that would be mentioned no where else.

I dedicate this to Lawrence E. Wood, who died unexpectedly in November 1997. He was a great historian and brought this collection to my attention. Lawrence could find research material that no one else could and was always willing to help anyone with their research.  He will be missed.


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