MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Veggie Vomit^ Categories: Crs, Kids, Hlween, Gross Yield: 1 servings 6 oz Box lime jello 1/4 Head cabbage 3 Carrots, washed and peeled 1 cn (8oz) crushed pineapple, Drained 1 cn (11oz) mandarin orange Segments, drained MMMMM---------------------------TOOLS-------------------------------- Grater Knife Mixing bowl Fork Plastic wrap With an adult's help, prepare jello according to directions on box. Refrigerate 2 1/2 hours or until partially set. Grate about half a cup cabbage and half a cup carrots into a bowl. Add the drained pineapple and orange segments to the vegetables and mash with a fork until mixture looks well chewed. Remove the jello and dump the vegetables in. Stir gently with a fork. Cover with plastic wrap and chill 2-4 hours until it has the consistency of a grassy pile of gelatinous puke.Serves 8-10 chunk chompers. From the Book: Gross Grub by Cheryl Porter Random House ISBN 0-679-86693-0 Shared by Carolyn Shaw 10-95 MMMMM