MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: CORNSTARCH DOUGH Categories: Kids, Crafts Yield: 1 servings 1 c Cornstarch 2 c Baking soda 1 1/4 c Cold water In a saucepan, combine cornstarch and soda. Gradually add water until mixture is smooth. heat, stirring constantly, until mixture reaches a moist, mashed potato consistency. Turn onto a plate; cover with a damp towel. knead dough when cool enough to handle. Roll to 1/4" thickness; cut with cookie cutters. Dip cutters in cornstarch and shake in between each use. Allow to dry for several days at room temperture on a wire rack for air circulation. Pierce with a drinking straw before drying if you plan to hang. Paint or decorate as you desire. MMMMM