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This family file is a continuing work in progress. Any additions or corrections would be greatly appreciated. Information is gathered from a wide range of resources and is hopefully recieved from sound sources. In your best interest I would use this information as a guide in your own genealogy reserach and nothing more. Accidental errors may exsist.

Hughes Genealogy

Descendants of Thomas Hughes

Generation No. 1
1. THOMAS HUGHES was born 1826 in Wales. He married JANE ?.

Children of Thomas Hughes and Jane ? are:
i. WILLIAM HUGHES, b. 1853, Wisconsin.
ii. ELIZABETH HUGHES, b. 1855, Wisconsin.
2. iii. MARY J. HUGHES, b. January 22, 1858, Wisconsin; d. April 01, 1916, Tracy, Minnesota.
iv. LYDIA OWENS, b. 1867; Adopted child.

Generation No. 2
2. MARY J. HUGHES (THOMAS1) was born January 22, 1858 in Wisconsin, and died April 01, 1916 in Tracy, Minnesota. She married JOHN D. OWENS February 01, 1881 in South Bend, MN, son of ? Owens.

Children of Mary Hughes and John Owens are:
i. JENNIE M. OWENS, b. February 20, 1883, South Bend, Minnesota; d. November 18, 1969, Tracy, MN.
ii. MARIA CECILE OWENS, b. June 01, 1888, Tracy, Minnesota; d. May 29, 1965, Tracy, MN; m. ? WORKMAN.
iii. ESTHER MELOINA OWENS, b. January 25, 1894, Tracy, Minnesota; d. April 1991, La Canada, California; m. OSCAR E. ASHTON, December 01, 1919, New York, New York.

Last updated 09/26/1998.
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