The NFP files

you can learn NFP

Option 1: Read a book

Plenty of people have learned NFP just from reading books like The Billings Method; The Art of NFP; Take Charge of Your Fertility; No-Pill, No Risk Birth Control.  Book reports are on our Resources page, along with some lesser books (in our opinion), and places to get them.  The basics of observing symptoms, charting, and interpreting charts can be learned in a few hours, depending on how quickly you "get it". Learning about all the special situations like childbirth, lactation, premenopause, and treating irregularity can come as you need it. 

Option 2: Classes

Most couples prefer to come to a class instead of relying on a book. You'll have to read a book besides, but in a class you can get all their questions answered, and you get support from other couples. Of course you have to be near an NFP teacher. Our Resources page has links to teacher directories. Try them first, and if you have trouble write us and we'll see what we can do.

Classes vary widely among NFP providers. There's different NFP methods, length of classes, cost, topics covered, and moral background. So, check out everybody who is close to you. Note that teachers can be certified by their organizations, or a church diocese, or nobody.

The Billings (Ovulation) method has taught the largest number of people worldwide, mainly in the Third World. Creighton teaches a variant of the Ovulation method with a particular emphasis on treating medical problems in a natural yet scientific way. Creighton teaches clients individually over 7 sessions costing about $240, and use powerpoint slides to get the message across.

CCL Classes are usually 3 evenings, 2 hours or so per evening, once a month for 3 months. The class fee is $75, which includes all the books and materials you need. Go to our News page to read about our local classes in Central New York, which are like all CCL classes, except for Jim's jokes. They're usually not as  crowded as this picture, so you get individual attention. 

If a class isn't handy, CCL has a Home Study Course with the same content, and you can go at your own speed.  You can come to any class session anywhere, and confer with Teaching Couples or CCL Central in Cincinnati for help and advice. 

You can also learn simple, no-brainer, less-effective methods like the Standard Days Method from their website. Also, NFP International has a How-To manual on-line that will give you Sympto-Thermal basics. 

This stuff hasn't evolved since August 31, 2006

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