To create and maintain these pages is a tremendous work. Therefore please respect the Copyright:
1. It is not permitted to copy either the entire pages or parts of them (neither manually nor with any electronic program) without written permission of the author.
2. It is not permitted to distribute the pages or publish them in any magazines without written permission of the author.
3. The author cannot take over any responsibilities if your data is misused by somebody.
Robbery or illegal copies will be prosecuted and have consequences.

We all want to enjoy our hobby - our cats - so please let me say a few words:
1. It is appreciated to be polite and friendly to each other.
2. Members who harm anybody's cats will be immediately excluded from the list.
3. Members who harm other members or spread rumors about other members will be immediately excluded from the list.
4. Our discussions should be open but with respect and politeness for each other.

Let us enjoy our hobby together in an open and friendly way !

� Europian Cat Fancy 1997 - 1999. Please contact us at [email protected]. Last modified on 23-Feb-1999.

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