Midi playing is
"Land Down Under"

Women of online Australia unite!!

Are you a woman living in the Australian region & would like to join us??

Wattle (Acacia) is Australia's National floral emblem. There are many varities one of which is the "Weeping Wattle" shown on the border of this page. The Wattle Women has come about from a need for Australian women to connect with others on the World Wide Web. We live throughout the Australasian region and have come together to share our thoughts, our dreams and our aspirations, to laugh, to cry or to chat, and to be here for support should a shoulder be needed to lean on. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, lifestyle or religion. Each of us has chosen an icon which symbolises one of our unique Australian Fauna or Flora, I have chosen the "Fairy Penguin". Cute huh????

The "Fairy Penguin" or blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) is the smallest penguin species which is found only in Southern region of Australia & New Zealand. Fairy Penguins weigh approximately 1 kilogram & stand 30 cm high. Their dense waterproof plumage is dark blue on the upper parts of the body and white on the underside. The single Australian subspecies is distinguished from the five NewZealand subspecies by having a margin of white feathers on the tail and on the rear edge of each flipper.

Fairy penguins dig out burrows for nests, 2wo eggs are usually laid and incubation takes 33 to 39 days with both parents taking shifts of 1 to 3 days. The chicks are guarded by one parent while the other is out collecting food for up to 30 days. The chicks leave the nest when they are about 50 to 65 days old. They migrate back to the place they were born to breed. Their main predators include Dominican gulls, brown skuas, fur seals, and sharks.

The Wattle

I saw it in the days gone by,
When the dead girl lay at rest,
And the wattle and the native rose
We placed upon her breast.

I saw it in the long ago
(And I've seen strong men die),
And who, to wear the wattle,
Hath better right than I?

I've fought it through the world since then,
And seen the best and worst,
But always in the lands of men
I held Australia first.

I wrote for her, I fought for her,
And when at last I lie,
Then who, to wear the wattle, has
A better right than I?

Henry Lawson, 1910

"Gifts to my Wattle Sisters"
Go get 'em!!

"Gifts from my Wattle Sisters"
Go see 'em!!


The "Land Down Under"

Australian Tucker

Waltzing Matilda

Australian Poetry

My Cadbury Yowies

WOW!!! look what I have been awarded *VBS*

WOOHOO!!! look what I have got now.*HUGE SMILE*

Wattle Quiz Winner

Wattle of the Month

Golden Wattle Award


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Revised Sept 18th 2000

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