That Together With G-D The Son (Yeshua, Jesus), The Holy Spirit Is Also Fully G-D (Y""H), According to The Holy Scriptures [1]


Believers should exersize caution in this area. There are those who have been taught to assign to The Holy Spirit some "lesser role", repeating the words of their instructors. The Holy Spirit Is Fully G-D (Y""H),[2] according to Calvins' careful exegesis. Whoever seeks Truth, let them think well upon the following words.

According to Calvin:

"In Asserting the Divinity of The Spirit, the proof must be derived from the same sources. And it is by no means an obscure Testimony which Moses bears in the history of Creation, when he says that The Spirit of G-D was Expanded over the abyss or shapeless matter; for it shows not only the beauty which the world displays is Maintained by the Invigorating Power of The Spirit, but that even before this beauty existed the Spirit was at Work Cherishing the confused mass. Again, no cavils can explain away the force of what Isaiah says, 'And now the L-RD G-D (Y""H), and His Spirit, Hath Sent me' (Isaiah 48:16), thus Acscribing a Share in the Sovereign Power of Sending the Prophets to the Holy Spirit. In this His Divine Majesty is Clear.

"But, as I observed, the best proof to us is our familiar experience. For nothing can be more alien from a creature, than the Office which the Scriptures Ascribe to Him, and which the Pious actually feel Him Asserting to Completion, - His Being Diffused all over space, Sustaining, Invigorating, and Quickening All Things, both in Heaven and on the earth. The mere fact of His not being circumscribed by any Limits Raises Him Above the rank of creatures, while His Transfusing Vigour Into All Things, Breathing Into them Being, Life and Motion, is Plainly Divine. Again, if Regeneration To Incorruptible Life Is Higher, and Much More Excellent than any present quickening, what must be thought of Him By Whose Energy It Is Produced? Now, many passages of Scripture show that He Is the Author of Regeneration, not by a borrowed, but by an Intrinsic Energy; and not only so, but that He Is also the Author of Future Immortality. In short, All the Especial Attributes of The G-Dhead are Ascribed To Him in the Same Way as to The Son. He Searches the Deep Things of G-D, and had no counsellor among the creatures; He Bestows Wisdom and the Faculty of Speech, though G-D (Y""H) Declares to Moses (Exodus 4:11) that This Is His Own Especial Province. In like manner, by Means of Him we Become Partakers of The Divine Nature, so as in a manner to feel His Quickening Energy Within us. Our Justification Is His Work; From Him Is Power, Sanctification, Truth, Grace, and Every Good Thought, since It Is From The Spirit Alone that All Good Gifts Proceed. Particular attention is Due to Pauls' expression, that though there are Diversities of Gifts, 'All these Worketh that One and Self-Same Spirit' (I Corinthians 12:11), He Being not only the Beginning or Origin, but also the Author - Paul would have never have so spoken, had he not known the Divinity of the Spirit; as is even more clearly expressed immediately after, in these words, 'dividing to every man severally as He Will.' For were He not something Subsisting In G-D, Will and Arbitrary Disposal would never be Ascribed to Him. Most clearly, therefore, does Paul Ascribe Divine Power to the Spirit, and Demonstrates that He Dwells Hypostatically In G-D.

"Nor does the Scripture, in Speaking of Him, withold the Name of G-D (Y""H)[3] Paul infers that we Are the Temple of G-D, from the fact that 'the Spirit of G-D Dwelleth In us' (I Corinthians 3:16; 6:19; and II Corinthians 6:16). Now it ought not to be slightly overlooked, that All the Promises which G-D Makes of Choosing us to Himself as a Temple, Receive their Only Fulfillment By His Spirit Dwelling In us. Surely, as it is admirably expressed by Augustine:

'We were ordered to make a Temple of wood and stone to the Spirit, inasmuch as such Worship is Due to G-D Alone, it would be a clear proof in that we are not to Make a Temple Unto Him, but to Be ourselves, that Temple.' (Ad Maximinum, Ep. 66)

"And the Apostle says at one time that we are the Temple of G-D, and at another time, in the same sense, that we are the Temple of The Holy Spirit. Peter, when he rebuked Ananias for having lied to The Holy Spirit, said, that he had not lied unto men, but unto G-D. And when Isaiah had introduced the L-RD of Hosts as Speaking, Paul says, It was The Holy Spirit that Spoke (Acts 28:25,26). Nay, words uniformly said by the Prophets to have been Spoken by the L-RD of Hosts, are by Christ and His Apostles Ascribed to The Holy Spirit. Hence it follows that the Spirit Is the True Y""H, Who Dictated the Prophecies. Again, when G-D complains that He was Provoked to Anger by the stubborness of the people, in place of Him, Isaiah says that His Holy Spirit was Grieved (Isaiah 63:10). Lastly, while blasphemy against the Spirit is not forgiven, either in the present life or that which Is To Come, whereas he who has blasphemed against the Son may Obtain Pardon, That Majesty Must Certainly Be Divine which it Is an inexpiable crime to offend or impair. I designedly omit several passages which the ancient fathers adduced. They thought it plausible to quote from David, 'By the Word of the L-RD were the Heavens Made, and all the Host of Heaven by the Breath (Spirit) of His Mouth.' (Psalm 33:6), in order to prove that the world was not the less Work of the Holy Spirit than the Son. But seeing it is usual in the Psalms to repeat the same thing twice, and in Isaiah the "Spirit" (Breath) of the Mouth is equivalent to "Word", that proof was weak (although Scripture here may indeed mean that); and (so), accordingly, my wish has been to advert briefly to those proofs on which Pious minds may Securely Rest.

Institutes: Book I, Chapter XIII, 14,15


Here is more on YESHUA BEING ALSO Y""H

More Following Soon


[1] For what else is assigning some "lesser role" to The Holy Spirit than to teach that He is not Also Y""H?

[2] Both Augustine and Calvin used the Septuagint (LXX) for Genesis-Malachi quotes. Augustine, of course, did not use the Masoretic Text, because the Masoretic Text was not yet in existence at the time of his writings. Calvin compared the Hebrew Masoretic Text to the Septuagint (LXX), noting that "Kuriou" in Greek was Used for The Tetragrammaton (Y""H) in the Septuagint.

[3] Those that say that the Father Only Is Y""H (Which He Certainly Is), but deny that The Son Is Also Referred to As Y""H in the Scriptures, also would deny that The Holy Spirit Is Plainly Referred to As Y""H?

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