It is necessary that offenses come (Matthew 18:7), but we can be Free from them Forever.

In Yeshua (Jesus), we are Free from Offenses, but "in the flesh" and "in the world" there still remains offense. Remaining "In Him" Keeps us Free from all offense.

Blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended In Me." Matthew 11:6

We are not to be offended in ourselves. Matthew 5:29,30.

Our own offenses have already been dealt with and Fully paid for by the Sacrifice of Yeshua on our behalf. Romans 5:12-21. We have been Reconciled to G-d. II Corinthians 5:17-21.

We are Genuine "New Creatures" in Yeshua and our lives are Safe in Him.

Being In Yeshua, and we are Commanded to not be offended by any, even by those that seek to make offenders out of us: John Chapter 16.

Those offenders will also say, "all manner of things against you falsely" because you are In Yeshua. Matthew 5:11,12. They also seek to "make a man an offender for a word". Isaiah 29:21. This is widely used as an excuse to accuse the Brethren; that they have "offended" in something, all the while, no sin has been committed by the one being accused! I John 3:4


With those who constantly seem to be "offended", the problem usually is with them.

Great Peace have those the Love Thy Law, and nothing shall offend them. Psalm 119:165

In Yeshua, no one is to offend us, because we are In Him. When you Believe on Him, you are Truly Saved and Delivered from all offenses, and offenders. Romans 8:1-4.


Baby Believers, those that are just recently Saved, can become the exception. In Yeshua they are however, still Righteous, Protected, and Free from offenses also. This has to be taught to them. We are speaking, however, of those who "claim" to be beyond that point and use offenses as a way to attract attention to themselves.

Those, of course who are NOT Truly IN Yeshua, or NOT Truly IN His Kingdom by Faith Alone, are in a "carnal state" or still unsaved, as a result become constantly offended; their own will becomes thwarted, so they always seem to be "unhappy" wherever they go. Some may even claim to be "spiritual", yet their plans do not materialize. They cannot get "their own way" no matter how hard they try, and may considered themselves as "spiritual martyrs", and set out to blame others. In this they "feign offense" to exalt themselves to some sort of "spiritual superiority" which they have imagined.

Our Righteousness is Imputed to us by Faith, as it was to Faithful Abraham: Romans 4:13-25.

Problems arise when someone becomes offended. Some persons seek to find offense to attempt to justify their actions in the eyes of others. They usually do not have to wait too long. These are persons who are "in the flesh" and are still under being offenders and being offended. They may avidly look for, or even "invent" offense, and may attempt to convince others there has been some sort of "offense" committed against them.


We are Commanded to "mark the ones that cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned, and avoid them". Romans 16:17. This is true whether the individual or group focuses on an actual offense in an attempt to divide people (or Congregations), OR artificially imagines an offense for the same purposes.

Persons who just seem to be "never happy" because they are always offended by something or other, should be separated from. They may even insist that they are the ones "doing G-ds' Will" (and may actually believe it) and all those that oppose them are at fault.

We, on the other hand, need to identify and avoid ones that "invent" offenses to more or less "exalt themselves" or "get their own way". We have been Delivered out from the area of offense and offenders, and Justified, Made Righteous and Reconciled to G-d by Divine Faith in Yeshua. The Law of Liberty and the Law of Love Keep us Free from being offended or being accused of being offenders. Romans 8:33-39.


Neither Yeshua nor any person in the Bible was ever "compassionate" with regard to unrepentant sinners. Yeshua was accused of "eating with sinners", but these were Repentant sinners.

Instead, Yeshua used terms such as "dog" and "of your father the devil", for instance. John the Baptist called sinners a "brood of vipers"! Yeshua did not enter every city because they did not Repent. He Pronounced Woes against them instead.


The Torah (The Laws of Moses), first of all, DOES offend the sinner. It was Given to judge sin, and that is does very well. It cannot, however, cleanse the conscience. It was Given to also Guide us to Yeshua that we might be Saved. Because of the Torah we realize we are sinners and need The Messiah Yeshua.

Avraham was Justified by Faith before the Torah was ever given. Romans 4:21-25. The Torah, which came 430 years after, cannot annul The Promise Made to The Seed. Galatians 3:17. That Promise includes a Cleansed Conscience.

Because In Yeshua we have Forgiven all others, we have also been Forgiven. Matthew 6:14. Since we have been Forgiven ourselves, what reason could there be for not Forgiving others? We are Truly Called to Peace, and not just saying it.

"All things that offend", on the other hand, are denied Entrance into the Kingdom of G-d. (Matthew 13:41) That would also include persons who either make up offenses, or those who generally offend His Elect, unless they Repent, or actually DO Get Truly Saved.

For what are we to seek?

Rejoice in the L-RD always and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The L-RD Is At Hand. Stop worrying about anything, but in all things let your Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving be made known unto G-d. And the Peace of G-d that Passes all Understanding; shall Keep your hearts and minds through Moshiach Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Finally Brethren, whatsoever things are True, whatsoever things are Honest, whatsoever things are Just, whatsoever things are Pure, whatsoever things are Lovely, whatsoever things are of Good Report; if there be any Virtue, and if there be any Praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:4-8

Man has never had, and never will have any self-devised "mental or emotional system" that can replace Divine Faith and G-ds' Grace. What we are seeing here is all that man can achieve, and is just another Humanistic attempt to replace G-ds' System. Carnal or unsaved man simply becomes an "actor" in his own system!

Whether the Elect are Preaching the Word, Teaching, Evangelizing, Praising, Singing or Witnessing for Yeshua, they all have one thing in common: they are Thanking G-d and Praising Him for Delivering them from offenses and sins now (their Consciences Purified by Faith), as well as the Blessings for all Eternity. "Mercy Rejoices Against Judgment".

Developing an Apologetic based upon Divine Faith and Divine Love Free from Offense, is fundamentally important.


(c) MCMXCIX People of G-d Ministries

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