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IV: On how frequently Communion (The L-RDs' Supper) should be Celebrated in the Assemblies:

"44. The L-RDs' Supper should be celebrated frequently.

"What we have so far said of the Sacrament abundantly shows that it was not ordained to be received only once a year - and that, too, perfunctorily, as is now the usual custom. Rather, it was ordained to be frequently used among all Christians in order that they might frequently return in memory of Christs' Passion, by such remembrance to sustain and strengthen their Faith, and urge themselves to sing Thanksgiving to God and to proclaim His Goodness: finally, by it to nourish mutual love, and among themselves give witness to this love, and discern its bond in the Unity of Christs' Body."

Institutes: Book IV, Chapter XVII, 44.

V: "46. Communicating once a year condemned.

"Plainly this custom which enjoins us to take Communion once a year is an invention of the devil, whoever was instrumental in introducing it. They say that Zephyrinus was the author of this decree [1], [2] although it is not believable that it was in the form in which we now have it. For perhaps by his ordinance he did not provide too badly for the church, as times were then. For there is not the least doubt that the Sacred Supper was in that era set before the believers every time they met together; and there is no doubt that a majority of them took Communion: but since all scarcely ever happened to take Communion at once, and since it was necessary for those who were mingled with the profane and idolatrous men to attest their Faith by some outward sign - the holy man, for the sake of order and piety, appointed that day (Passover) on which all Christian people should, by partaking of L-RDs' Supper, make a confession of Faith. Posterity wickedly distorted Zephyrinus' otherwise good ordinance, when a definite law was made to have Communion once a year. By this, it has come that almost all, when they have taken their Communion once, as though they have beautifully done their duty for the rest of the year, go about unconcerned. It should have been done differently: the L-RDs' Table should have been spread at least once a week for the Assembly of Christians, and the Promises declared in it should feed us Spiritually. None is indeed to be forcibly compelled, but all are to be urged and aroused; also the inertia of indolent people is to be rebuked. All, like hungry men, should flock to such a bounteous Feast. Not unjustly, then, did I complain at the outset that this custom was thrust in by the devils' artifice, which, in prescribing one day a year, renders men slothful all the rest of the year."

Institutes: Book IV, Chapter XVII, 46.

VI: On the Leaven of the Pharisees (Matthew 23:3, 16:6), explained

"For there (Matthew 16:12) the L-RD meant to inveigh bitterly against the conduct of the Pharisees and was simply instructing His hearers at the outset, so that although they saw nothing in the life of the Pharisees which they should follow, still they should not stop doing those things which the Pharisees taught by word of mouth, since they sat in Moses' seat, as interpreters of the Law. He therefore meant only to forewarn the people not to be led by bad examples of their teachers to despise doctrine. But because some are not all convinced by reasons but always require authority, I shall quote Augustines' words, which say the very same thing:

'The L-RDs' Sheepfold has overseers - some Sons, some hirelings. The overseers who are Sons are True Shepherds. But hear how the hirelings are also necessary. Many in the church, seeking after earthly advantage, preach Christ (Y'shua); and through them the Voice of Christ is heard; and the Sheep follow not the hireling, but the Shepherd (Y'shua) through the hireling. (cf. John 10:11-13). Hear that hirelings are pointed out by the L-RD Himself. The scribes, He says, and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. Do what they say; not what they do (Matthew 23:2-3). What else has He said but this: "Hear the Voice of the Shepherd (Y'shua) through the hirelings"? For by sitting in the seat, they teach G-ds' Law; therefore, G-d Teaches through them. But if they would teach their own laws, hear it not, do it not.' [3]

"These are Augustines' words."

Institutes: Book IV, Chapter X, 26.

VII: Calvin speaks out against "The Age of Accountability" [4]

"17. Children should also have life in Christ.

"They think they are putting forward a very strong reason why children are to be barred from Baptism when they claim that children because of their age are not yet able to understand the mystery signified in it, namely, Spiritual Regeneration, which cannot take place in earliest infancy. Our opponents therefore conclude that children are to be considered solely as children of Adam until they reach the appropriate age for the Second Birth. But G-ds' Truth everywhere opposes all these arguments. For it is admitted that they are among the children of Adam, they are left in death, since in Adam we can but die (Romans 5:12 ff). On the contrary, Christ Commands that they be brought to Him (Matthew 19:14). Why is this? Because He is Life. Therefore, to quicken them He Makes them Partakers in Himself, while these fellows sentence them to banishment and death."

Institutes: Book IV, Chapter XVI, 17.

VIII Calvin speaks out against Anti-Semitism [5]

"The covenant which G-d had made once for all with the descendants of Abraham could in no way be made void. Consequently, in the eleventh chapter (Romans 11) he (Paul) argues that Abrahams' physical progeny must not be deprived of their dignity. By the virtue of this, he teaches, the Jews are the first and natural heirs of the gospel, except to the extent that by their ungratefulness they were forsaken as unworthy - yet forsaken in such a way that the heavenly blessing had not departed from their nation. For this reason, despite their stubbornness and covenant-breaking, Paul still calls them holy...they are, so to speak, like the firstborn in G-ds' household...Yet for the great obstinancy with which they continue to wage war against the gospel, we must not despise them, while we consider that, for the sake of the Promise, G-ds' Blessing still rests among them. For the Apostle indeed testifies that it will never be completely taken away: 'For the Gifts and the Calling of G-d are without Repentance. (Romans 11:29)."

Institutes: Book IV, Chapter XVI, 14.

Concerning this issue, what did some of the Anabaptists and Servetus believe in Calvins' time? Go HERE to find out more!

IX: On not circumcising Gentiles after Salvation

"These teachers urge you (Gentiles) to have your bodies circumcised. Yet you have been Spiritually Circumcised both in soul and body. You therefore have a revelation of the reality, which is far better than the shadow. But someone could have objected, on the other hand, that men ought not to despise the figure because they had the thing itself, inasmuch as among the Patriarchs too there was putting off of the old man, of which Paul is there speaking; yet outward circumcision was not superfluous for them. Paul forestalls this objection when he immediately adds that the Colossians had been buried with Christ through Baptism (Colossians 2:12). By this he means that Baptism is today for (Gentile) Christians what circumcision was for the ancients, and that therefore circumcision cannot be enjoined upon (Gentile) Christians without injustice to Baptism." [6]

Institutes: Book IV, Chapter XIV, 24.



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[1]Zephyrinus was pope (198-217 A.D.). Cf. Platyna, "Lives of the Popes", tr. W. Benham. I. 37.

[2]We see that the papal ordinance of Zephyrinus is reputed to be the earliest source of this custom of partaking only once a year, yet Calvin states that this was not the clear intent of the ordinance. Later misinterpretation and additions by the Romanists of this papal ordinance brought about the error. Not only this error, but many others, which brought about, of necessity, Reformation of all the Assemblies.

[3]Augustine, "Johns' Gospel", xlvi. 5,6.

[4]"Age of Accountability" was an Anabaptist belief. Calvin speaks out against it using infant Baptism as an example, to demonstrate that it is false teaching.

[5]The Pilgrims that came to America based their Doctrines upon the works of John Calvin and the other Reformers. As a direct result of their application of these Doctrines, the Jewish people were returned safely to English shores after nearly 400 years of former banishment and exile.

This statement by Calvin is telling, and fully refutes the charge of anti-Semitism sometimes levelled against Calvins' teachings.

Very few if any Arminians have gone so far as to declare what we will call Exceptional Grace upon any people, especially the Jewish people, even in their unbelief. Calvin here correctly interprets Pauls' clear meaning. (Romans 11:29)

[6]Circumcision of Gentiles after Salvation is proof that they seek Justification by the works of the Law instead of Grace. Galatians 5:1 ff.

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