Jenks/Stormont Genealogies

John and Lois Stormont
163 Coconut Row
Tavernier, FL 33070-2511

[email protected]

Welcome to our Home Page

This site is primarily dedicated to the sharing of our families' genealogies with others in a "no-frills" format.� As you browse through our pages, searching for connections to your own ancestry, please be aware that the materials within this site are for research purposes only, since the data has been gathered from many, many other sources.� If our materials are used by others, and copyrighted by them, the copier may well be in violation of other copyrights which may exist, for which we cannot be held responsible.

Before we begin, we suggest that you read our

Usage Guide

to better understand our layout.� And to understand our heritage a little better, please read

The Great Migration

Because of the interest in fuller genealogies than those shown on our main pages (below, where we list the descendants of main ancestors only to a connection to the main "tree"), we have developed two additional genealogy sections where certain genealogies are presented as completely as we presently have them, showing Ohio and South Carolina branches.

In each, you will find a Genealogies Listing giving the families, where you may review each one, then return to this page for further connections.

(For ease in navigating, please note that these genealogies are the same as, but more complete than, those in our main family listings by continuing on for additional generations.

Ohio Genealogies

South Carolina Genealogies

For our direct lineage genealogies, you can go directly to our

Genealogies Listings

an index of over 342 genealogies consisting of over 20,545 names associated with our immediate families.

You also might want to read our introductions to principal family backgrounds and research:

ChestnutCreswellFoster Jenks
McMillan �� Stephen Hopkins �� Stormont

We also have some interesting places for you to visit:
US Genealogical and Historical Resources
Tioga County, New York
Tompkins County, New York
Chester County, South Carolina
Greene County, Ohio
Rev. Martin in South Carolina
Stormont Castle
Saugus Ironworks, Saugus, MA
Salem Witches

We would also like to invite you to visit over 200 genealogies that we've developed for the Central New York area (Jenksville/Speedsville) as a special project.

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