Welcome to my Guestbook!

Bad Bunny - 12/04/00 10:15:21
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:[email protected]

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

Majl�th Attila - 09/13/00 20:01:13
My Email:[email protected]

Gratul�lok a honlap elk�sz�t�s�hez. �r�l�k, hogy t�bbet megtudhattam a nevem erdet�r�l. Congratulations to making this website. I am very pleased to get information about the origin of my name. Best regards, Majl�th Attila

Majl�th Attila - 09/13/00 20:00:18
My Email:[email protected]

Gratul�lok a honlap elk�sz�t�s�hez. �r�l�k, hogy t�bbet megtudhattam a nevem erdet�r�l. Congratulations to making this website. I am very pleased to get information about the origin of my name. Best regards, Majl�th Attila

Zolt�n Kosztol�nyi - 05/16/00 08:22:31
My URL:http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~kosztzez/
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Tibor, How are you / it was along time ago when we wrote to each other. I hope you're OK got some cotract etc. Meantime I finished my Kosztolanyi family web site but is written in hungarian only at this stage Keep in touch regards Zoltan

T�zs�r �gnes - 03/21/00 08:40:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/3933
My Email:[email protected]

Gratul�lok! Nagyon tetszik a honlapod.�n is a csal�dom m�ltj�t kutatom, sok forr�sra tal�ltam ezen a lapon, k�sz�n�m. Tov�bbi j� munk�t! �dv�zlettel �gnes

Csontos Attila - 03/19/00 20:53:10
My Email:[email protected]

�r�l�k, hogy itt lehettem!

Majlath Karoly - 03/13/00 11:31:58
My Email:[email protected]


Majlath Karoly - 03/13/00 11:31:26
My Email:[email protected]


Lilla Hudoba - 01/25/00 19:24:27
My URL:http://www.hungarotips.com
My Email:[email protected]

Congratulation to this beautiful and useful website! I truely enjoy my stay.

Ballago Sandor - 12/03/99 16:21:04
My Email:[email protected]


R�ti Ferenc - 10/31/99 11:16:52
My Email:[email protected]

Kedves Tibor! Csak gratul�lni tudok ezeknek a sz�p oldalaknak. Ritk�n bukkan r� az ember tetszet�s �s �rdekes oldalakhoz. Tov�bbi j� munk�t �s eg�szs�get k�v�n, egy m�sik honfit�rsa Sydney-b�l. Tisztelettel; Feri

syberrrdez - 10/11/99 13:58:10

Gyertek beszelgessunk!!! Nem reg inditottam egy Yahoo klubot, magyaroknak. A kluban van faliujsag, fotoalbum, hirek, linkek, chat, naptar. Termeszetesen mind hasznalhato a tagok szamara. Tagjaink a vilag minden reszebol szarmaznak, es termeszetesen Magyarorszagrol is. Belepes egyszeru, csak feliratkozol a Yahoo "free mail"-re, akor kapsz egy hasznalo nevet. A hasznalo nevvel lehet feliratkozni a kluba. A feliratkozaseol ertesitenek az uj Yahoo mailen keresztul. Varom latogatasod, es remelem hogy tagjaink koze lepsz. Ha tetszik masokat is meghivhatsz. I have started a new club, "Hungarians in the World" check it out, and make this club the meeting point for Hungarians from around the world. You can leave masages in Hungarian, English or any language,possibly some of us will speak it. Lots of photos of Hungary, customized news link, and interesting links and people http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/hungariansintheworld If you a Yahoo member, to become a member of this club, just go to theWeb address below: http://edit.clubs.yahoo.com/config/sjg?.k=D4E3736eb70EjgOs Sok szerencset, Dez.

gabor lantos - 10/11/99 06:25:04
My Email:[email protected]

Tisztelt Uram! Amennyiben lenne kedve a Petofi Radio szilveszteri vilagprogramjaban reszt venni, kerem, jelezze nekem a [email protected] koszonom, lantos gabor (budapest)

Thurman Zoltan - 09/28/99 21:35:31
My URL:http://hem2.passagen.se/thurman
My Email:[email protected]


Andras Limperger - 09/09/99 15:17:36
My Email:[email protected]

Hi, My name is Andras Limperger. I was born Budapest but grew up in Germany. I�d like to know what exactly you try to find out about the name Limperger. Can you please send me what you already found out about it! Bye, Andras

- 09/08/99 21:49:41
My URL:http://hem3.passagen.se/thurzo

I think, You built a great website with a lot of useful informations on it . Keep up the good work . Con gratulation ! Zoltan

- 09/08/99 21:43:55


Zoltan Kosztolanyi - 02/19/99 08:24:37
My Email:[email protected]

Hello Tibor. I am very impressed with your genweb site! what would happen if you would have more time to develop it/ I wondere why you wrote sometimes "Maila'th" instead of Majla'th as per original.if you can give me a postal address or fax number i can make photocopi s from my Nagyivan book related Majlath pages ( but maybe you got them already?) You know from the the Melbourne Univ a Lugosi Gyorgy? he is our old friend last time we met in Munich 1983 but since we discovered each other again! Keep up the faith and good work! Regards Zoltan

Elly Baerman - 02/02/99 02:45:41
My Email:[email protected]

I liked your page and the history it contained. I was looking for last name of Miklos, as my grandfather was a Miklos who fought in the Hungrian/Austrian war. I am searching for distant family members(genealogy). Your last name was not Miklos but, I did like your page,

Kathy - 01/24/99 04:00:53
My Email:Harsanyi

[email protected] (Greenwich, CT USA)

Ronald McComb - 01/09/99 06:19:17
My URL:http://www.northlink.com/~rmccomb
My Email:[email protected]

I liked your site. Nice local maps. I only which I could find my wifes family crests. I like how you have displayed yours. Ron McComb

Thomas Majlath - 01/05/99 00:43:05
My Email:[email protected]

I�m happy that I�ve found something about the origin of my name.

Joe Felt - 01/01/99 09:16:43
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/joensun/index.htm
My Email:[email protected]

Thanks for a great set of pages. I think the village search program will help as soon as I weaken and install W95 which I detest and am still with W3.1.1

Helga Mariano - 12/23/98 02:02:26
My Email:squaky27

Very nice!

LOBO7 - 10/19/98 18:08:06
My URL:http://www.injersey.infi.net/~lobo7/lobo7
My Email:[email protected]

Excellent Web Page !...LOBO7

cyberAceZ - 10/06/98 21:30:09
My URL:http://come.to/Hungary
My Email:[email protected]?subject=I liked your Guestbook entry, thank you.&body=Dear Zoltan,

Thank you for your comments in my Hu-Cex Guestbook No5 on Geocities.com

This Site is pretty kewl...

NOW...Discover more of Hungary...Columbus did!

B Y E !

Rafael Kis - 08/24/98 12:05:27
My URL:http://www.skyex.com/default1.htm
My Email:[email protected]

Dear Tibor ! I think, You built a great website with a lot of useful informations on it ! Keep up the good work !

J�nos Bog�rdi / Radix. - 08/14/98 12:54:14
My Email:[email protected]

Tibor, You took a promising start with your page. Congratulations! Hope you can advance with research, and others researching the Majl�th name will find you, too. I am sure they will find your page full of information Regards, J�nos Bog�rdi / Radix.

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