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WHAT A YEAR, II Forgettable experiences from 1998

It's inevitable that the new year or course brings us the "year's bests" list. Heck, we had one last month. Now it's time for the other side of the coin-please put your rant protectors on at this time...

    Amusement Park


Disney is the premiere name in theme parks. A reputation that was well earned. It's with great sadness that we must list them here, 1998 at Disneyland marks a step down at the world's happiest place.

First, employees...cast members as they're called here...were noticeably less friendly than previous visits. Less knowledgeable too. Especially when we were directed, after asking how a wheelchair was to get on a ride, down a flight of stairs. Directed to City Hall to lodge a complaint and to receive a disable pass, we were then asked to prove our son is disabled with a photo ID.

First of all, what 11 year old has a photo ID? Second, our son who cannot stand up...who's in a obviously disabled to anyone who sees him. It's a time wasting humiliation I could do without when paying almost $40 for the privilege. By the way, if you want to rent a wheelchair (as many able bodied people do to avoid standing in line here), you are free to do so with no questions asked...period!

Disneyland was also dirtier than previous visits. Cleanliness used to be a hallmark here. I remember talking to gardeners who would have to replace a tree that fell over before the park opened the next excuses allowed. Bathrooms with overflowing toilets were common on our visit. Trash strewn about.

Prices are also way up. $2.50 for a bottle of water. $20.00 for small lunch for three. $38 to get in (no SoCal resident discount this year either). Disney's attendance is way down this year...I don't have to wonder very hard why this is.

Ride maintenance is also rumored to be down. I hate to think this is so but 4 people were injured in 2 ride accidents on Christmas Eve that claimed the life of one guest.

On the "Behind Every Cloud is a Silver Lining" front, Disneyland president Paul Pressler has moved on...but now he's in charge of all Disney parks. I also can't believe Disney would let this type of operation go on...there was a very long line at City Hall registering complaints.

Go to our Amusement Parks Page

    Amusement Park Ride


What a concept for a ride...have a rough, bumpy coaster with a bar right at your head to knock the stuffing out of it. This rides seriously hurts. You will want to see your doctor when you get off to see if you have suffered a concussion.

While other rides in the area came close to making this list due to their extreme wimpiness (West Coaster at Pacific Park comes to mind), none cause such extreme pain.

What is with these horse collars at your head anyway? This is just a basic coaster. It doesn't loop. It doesn't turn you upside down. It doesn't do anything real special. The only memorable thing from this ride is the migraine headache you'll end up with. I'm suprised some serious law suits haven't shut it down already.

If you'd like to see what Flashback is like, just walk over to the nearest concrete wall and bash your head against it as hard as you can every 10 seconds for 2 minutes. We do not exagerate here...

See Southern California's top 10 Amusement Park rides here.



What a wonderful concept. A spa in the near deserted lands along the border east of San Diego. A haven where natural hot water soothes you muscles, massage therapists knead your body, a warm pool awaits your laps, home-cooked meals on the premises, and a bar to relax around a drink. Only the billions of stars and the coyotes howling to accompany you.

This is a wonderful concept, unfortunately Jacumba Hot Springs doesn't come close to fulfilling it. The hot water is just a bit more than luke warm. In fact, most of the time there was no hot water period in the shower in our room. The heated swimming pool could support ice bergs. Although the food wasn't bad the waitress was downright surly and rude. The bar...the only one for miles around...attracted every barfly in the area that AA missed. The furnishings were tattered and old.

Best to just bypass this dusty, windy stretch on the way to El Centro.

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