Vampire Help
There are a lot of vampires out there confused, hurt or unsure.  Perhaps you were tricked into becoming a vampire, perhaps you're not even sure if you are a vampire.  For these people, and for the rest of you, I would like to offer a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on, or some friendly advice.  There are a lot of people out there - Vampires and otherwise who will try to take advantage of you, for various reasons.  I like to think that I'm trustworthy.  I know how to keep a secret, and I will never ask you for money or favours, or insult you because of your choices or beliefs.  If you want to be a vampire, fine.  If you want to 'end the vampire's curse', fine.  Just remember; if you're ever in need of help, or just want to talk, I'm here for you.  For all of you.

I just thought it needed to be said.

To the best of my knowledge, everything here is true, or at least possible (In the case of theories and ideas, which are clearly marked).  However, if you have proof that anything here is untrue, please e-mail me and I'll fix it immediately.  The same goes if you have any knowledge not here - Please
e-mail me with it!  You could be saving someone a lot of heartache and confusion!
Not Sure If You're A Vampire? A far more common question than most would think is:  'Am I a vampire?'  After all - How do you define a 'vampire'?  This page should give you some idea as to your true nature ...

Donors: A major problem for many blood-suckers is finding a source of blood - Sometimes meat-package blood just doesn't cut it - And most are unwilling to take it forcibly (Or break into a blood-bank, as I've known one to do).  This page will list links to donor pages, safe methods for drawing blood, what you should look for in a donor etc.

Accesories: 'The only thing that seperates us from animals is our ability to accesorise'  (Steel Magnolias).  For those of you sensitive to the sun, this page will list sunblocks, shades and ways to avoid the sun.  For everyone else, I'll probably be including vampire clothing and such at a later date ...  :-)

Organizations/Get-Togethers: For those of you who want to meet with other vampires ... Here is a list of organizations that arrange meetings, and groups of people who like to hang out together.
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