Vampire Articles
-Viral Vampires -Awakening
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Welcome to the Vampire Articles section. To the left is a list of all the articles I have come across, or been given, regarding vampirism. Many will be useful to the young vampire, or a novice Seeker, and a few may even be helpful to the older and more experienced of us.

I would love to hear from anyone who has written an article regarding vampirism, be it long, short, or just a few sentances. Everyone has something useful to say, and the length of the article has little to do with the worth of its contents. I'll be submitting articles of my own to this page as well - And if I can do it, so can you!

Authors will, of course, be given full credit for any articles submitted, and all works will be copyrighted by the author. If anyone tries to rip off these works, they will feel the full extent of the law - So watch it!
I'm still looking for the author of the 'Viral Vampires' essay, so if you have any idea as to what his/her name is, please get in touch with me.

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