'Uniting the Parties Uniting America Uniting the States'

The USA is a superpower not because it has the biggest bang but because it goes beyond the bang: We did not stop at the USSR's bow: The course remains: We must unwaste America's engineers; give them free range to the planets out to 80 AU-- we need recognize that it takes an engineer, to empower one.

Executive Analysis #400

Waiting for Godot-full Terrorists (update 2004)

"Terrorism, or, Informatism"

Did the terrorists outdo themselves to oblivion?
Was terrorism quieted by Officialized ignorance?
2003 came and went ... what did Al Qaeda terrorists do?
Hide? Give up? Wait for Iraq to blow-over? Take a Vacation on the Riviera?
Mitchell's CIA source was dumbfounded over the question:
Did we stop them in 2003?
Did NASA outdo them (our)selves?

Probably not: They hit their threatened peak, but America was told to ignore it.

Ever heard of a 1-2-3 punch? Neither did NASA.

1 February 2003, the way easterners read dates, unlike westerners' February 1, 2003.

Terrorists promised "Spectacles in the skies over America", and except for the 9-11-2003 spectacle in the sky over New York, nobody noticed the terrorists did another box-cutter number: on the Shuttle Columbia ET ... it appears the terrorists were so sophisticated they got ignored: NASA went to extremes to blame itself: hired high technologists to declare the tail stripe of the Shuttle, upside down in the USAF photo because it does that in its deorbit profile, was a "hypersonic stream of particles" ... it did happen to line-up with the break in the wing front;- but, turn that photo rightside up and you see where the tail should be....

Then, though you know little of it, local muslim terrorist cells in America, hit targets in early April 2003:-- third party Presidential Candidates were assassinated ... some survived, like me.

America will probably see more of that in the summer of 2004. (Once we publicly detect that, they may move on.)

That and suicidal freeways pile-ups in the California winter fog (not all that new, actually) ... pick a date: 10-4, "Roger: Over and out"? 10-31, All Saints Day: Halloween? 11-11, Armistice? 11-25, Thanksgiving? 12-7, Hannukah*? 12-25, Christmas? 1-1, New Years Day? ... missed 6-12, bug spray ... or just 9-11, again ... superglued-penny train derailings may threaten to bring the national railroads to a stand-still ... 2004 looks like another annus horribilis (to echo the Queen Elizabeth II's sentiment a dozens years ago,- 1992).

* (Note ahead that late in 2005, Hannukah corresponds with Christmas-New Year, 12-25 through 1-1, eight days)

(update 2004)

Speaking of "outdo", -and today being 9-11-2004,- it might be worth a mention that there was an opportunity missed just a few hours ago (though I did report it to the FBI and the watch-team when I inadvertently discovered it right on time: hadn't given it half-a-thought anytime afore): I noticed in looking at the e-mail, when it arrived, that Americans would probably be buffaloed by an exceptionally well-done "phish"; a glossy ad as well-done as any that American companies can do ... think of it: not just a trojan horse (which is a backward reference to the horse-idol given,-to, the trojans, because they were idol worshippers) but a "real American" magazine ad ... and not merely any ad, but an ad served-up online*, just after the federal offices closed for the weekend (such a pun as terrorists laugh-at: weak end; weakened), and, right at the new day of 9-11 in the middle east (given that particular bunch of terrorists).

* (Like widebody jets and the World Trade Center twin towers: online, especially online-catalog, sales represent the exalted, rapid, soaring heights of American ingenuity, commuting, big business, and, where, Americans gather to-do, big business:-- the terrorists once-again dressed-up their we-go American act and cyber-skyjacked wide-loads [4?] of Americans who'd walked-on, to change their course and all-at-once crash into their ultimate, top-business targets....)

NB The standard reminder is, Always log-in to your accounts from your own, original bookmarks:- and never use a link from an e-mail, for secure log-in. (And someday we'll get pro-bush-crastinators to implement anti-key-sniffing.)

At 22:00 GMT(UT) Sep 10 2004, which is 24:00 or 00:00 Sep 11, middle east time (Egypt, Sudan, Sinai, Mecca, Israel, Palestine, Syria, west Arabia; even Moscow), 2 hours east of Greenwich, London, England, their cloaked bulkmailers started-up sending those really nice-looking well-done ads (taking hours: mine arrived 22:14 GMT on some host computer's clock),- with almost no difference from a real ad,- and clicking on it sends you right to what looks like the real thing,... but inside the source, things are a little different than expectable: the actual domain name is a slight variant, even like might be a new domain that belongs; the message id is scrambled, the way hackers do, not a time of day nor a format that belongs; the spfquery uses a designated sender, which the real domains that belong, never permit ... for the next two weekend-days, when-while people, even government and military people, are home doing their online shopping for household and personal-business things.

The question may be, Did anyone notice ... because, if nobody noticed (that it was so-well done and acted just-like normal*), then the credit-heist comes days later, the week-beginning morning, when business is full-up -and- at the speed of light: the accounts-transfers pass right-through, ahead a few steps, gone in 60 seconds. (And wouldn't that be humorous to terrorists, laughing at the second, George-Bush Savings-and-Loan -and bank- Scandal ... the one-two punch on America: like rolling a pair of snake-eyes, BCCI vs. Bush). Call it, Cybre-rattling (DOD used-to) or Electronic Pearl Harbor (which you may recall occurred despite the new-radar alert reporting 50 [enemy] planes but mistaken as the "15" US planes already expected ... and just to note: I live near-there: I'm giving you my "Ray-dear" report).

* (In military strategy the best-known communications-jammer is the repeater-or echo-jammer, with a copy of the current, loudest real transmission, and which acts-like, the original,- just slightly different path, slightly delayed.)

Should Americans be afraid of dates? No, of course not: President Reagan, when he consulted with the astrologer(s), wasn't -afraid- of mere dates: He and his righthand-VeeP (the other George Bush) just wanted to know all-about the terrorists' "what and when" ... keeping-apprisal, is common military practice.


Mr. Raymond Kenneth Petry
USA interParty

Firstly of the original 13 United States of America, self-stiled by our Articles of Confederation

� 2004 Mr. Raymond Kenneth Petry

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