Okay, so you've heard Lantis' voice in the Japanese version and you know that the voice actor's name is Juurouta Kosugi but that's about all you know about him right? Well, not for very long.

For starters, to the right of the page, you will see a pic of a Japanese man, I'm sure you've all come to the conclusion that he is Juurouta.

Moving on, Juurouta Kosugi was born on December 19th, 1957. Which makes him... exactly the same age as my parents (-_-), 43, going on 44. Also, you may like to note that he was born in Yokohama, Kanagawa of Japan which is located East and slightly south of Tokyo. Roughly within the crappily circled area. Also, for anyone who wants to know, his blood type it's B
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Aside from voicing Lantis and Zagato from MKR, he's also done various anime characters, characters from video games, radio and CD drama's... He's sung on afew CD and he's made TV, and books and magazine appearances. Below are the lists of characters he's voiced and the such.
Anime's he's voiced
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