Welcome to the Psycho Jello Monkees Pad of Phantasmagoric Splendor (a.k.a. Long Title: the Psycho Jello Monkees Pad of Phantasmagoric Splendor, a.k.a. Long Title: PJMPPS, a.k.a. Long Title: Do I Have to Repeat Myself Again?!. . . ah you get the drift!) Enjoy your stay! ;)

Peter Tork's 'Miracle' Peter Tork's 'Pirates'
Click to watch the music video to Peter Tork's "Miracle" Click to watch the music video to Peter Tork's "Pirates"


*New Stuff for 10/20/06: Man it's been forever since my last updated! *whew* I've been quite busy lately so haven't had much chance to do so. Anyway enough excuses! Finally since I've discovered YouTube.com (which I'm sure you've all heard of) I've been able to upload those music videos I promised over a year ago! Yea me! lol! So to check these out go to the music video section (here) for more on that! Enjoy!! Wheeeee!!!! Peace all! *New Stuff for 3/12/05: Well it's been a while since I last updated! A late Happy New Year to all! Lol! I hope it's going well so far. In celebration of Micky and Peter's birthdays as well as Long Title's 1st anniversary (Which was on Feb. 13th as well. . .I forgot about that! lol!) I have created 2 music videos! Both are from Peter's solo album, my personal favorite (I wonder why!) Stranger Things Have Happened! You can check those out here! I added a few new links to my links page. . .so feel free to check those out as well. . . That's all for now. . .I hope to do more heavy dutty updating soon! *Peace!

Older news:*Fixed broken fashion link for the Monkees Fashion Tips page which can be found in the MonkeeMen HQ *New Peter photos from the latest SSB concert I had gone to, as well as some grabs from Head *New Monkees desktop backgrounds*New Micky photos from "Aida" *New Monkees Fan-Art in the Fan-Art section!* *New AIM and LJ Monkees Icons! Located in the MonkeeMen HQ!* *As well as new links!* Thats all for now be sure to check the updates out and sign my guest book! *Note: Some sections may still be under construction, check back often!*

Thought I'd get this groovy blog of the one and only Gargantuine Peter Tork! So I can type any updates or ideas or feelings I've got.

10/20/06: It's been way too loooong! But I finally added the music videos to the music videos section of the site!! So be sure to check those out!!!

3/18/04: It's been awhile but I figured I'd add the music videos to my site for all to see in celebration of Long Title's 1st Anniversary! Yeah!

9/28: Okay fixed the links to the Monkees computer files page for you all. . . sorry bout that!

9/12: I finally have gotten away from my school work and I thought since I hadn't in a while I would update my site. . . and why not on my B-Day. . . well the day after. . . *Shrugs* so sue me! I also did it becuase of it being the Monkees anniversarry! And how could I miss that? Lol!

Well. . . peace for now. . .


Blog By Sunshine Factory

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Legal stuff:
Unfortunately the Monkees do not belong to me (wish they did lol!) their rights belong to their respective owners. The Monkees™ and the Monkees™ logo are registered trademarks of Rhino Records, Inc. © 1987-2006 Rhino Records. All Rights Reserved

Long Title: Psycho Jello Monkees Pad of Phantasmagoric Splendor™ created and run by DavyMickyPetersFan85, all images, links, fan-fiction, and information belong to their respective owners and are used under permission by their owners. Fan-art copyright of DavyMickyPetersFan85 and may not be used without the permission of their owner. © 2004-06 DavyMickyPetersFan85. All Rights Reserved.

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