The Dasleahnomicron - Or, at least, a reasonable copy.
News Articles Fluff Challenge Dasleah! Humor Rules Linkage

I AM the lizard queen.....I mean, king.
3rd September
I am sick. May a thousand enraged animated characters strike me down for my negligence of this site. New stuff sometime this wekkend or something. Me go lie down now.

2 more....JUST TWO MORE........
22nd August, 2003
I have two last assessments due in my secondary (high) school life. And they're both wirth a third of my marks in both of my computer classess. Tzaph just sent me some submissions as well. Exepct them sometine after Monday. New layout then as well. If you have anything to submit to the site, now may be a good time to do it so that I can get it all done in the one go.

20th August, 2003
Someone email me. I know more than a few people are visting, but no-one seems to have any opinions whatsoever. This is your hobby and your outlet, people. Let your voices be heard.

I'm too lazy to be witty.
18th August, 2003
Many thanks to the Jungle for the linkage (their link is up on the Linkage page, check them out) A new layout is on the way, so if you see some strange stuff going on then it's probably just me fooling around. Another big change is on the way, if he would actually send me an email in response......
Hint, hint.

No TV and HTML Tags make Dasleah go something something....
15th August, 2003
Argahhghahhghgahhahahahaa! So many Tags! Luckly the twin gremlins of Cut and Paste are close companions of mine so my sanity was not too taxed.
What am I talking about? Tzaphiel's submissions. They're all up, mostly humor, but there's a story in the fluff section that you all should check out. Eeekk....if I don't get something done myself, I'll have to name this place the Tzahpielnomicron ^_^
Don't worry, I have alot of things coming. A re-write of the Squats, Exotic weapons of mass-destruction in the 40k Galaxy, Abhumans, Cults of the Imperium (with Codex) and a story, the first since forever.
I need to lie down now.

It's behind you! BEHIND YOU!!!!!
5th August, 2003
  • Oh, and welcome to the site ^_^ Anyone who has any ideas or requests, let me know. My email is all over the site so you have excuse. Suggestions, criticisms or revelations can be sent there. Spam me and I shall envoke a horror upon you the likes of which shall leave you quivering and begging for my mercy.
    Or something like that.
    Updates shall be sporadic and you will notice that many of the things here are unfinished or even not started-that shall be rectified when some semblence of normality and order returns to my life. It does, however, allow you to get you foot in the door if you want to submit anything or make any suggestions before anything becomes concrete. And before anyone asks.....

    What I use

    It's what I made to help me with creating 'filler' Chapters for stories and to create launching pads for other Chapters. I've never compiled it into an actual program, and I probably won't, because I'm always adding things to it. I know it says 'The Unnoficial Bolter and Chainsword Background Generator'-I was going to release it through them, but I never got around to asking them about using their name and I knew that it would be a breach of Games Workshop's IP and stuff so it's mine and mine alone. I'll tell you about it know to stop everyone asking how I so easily come up with names and stuff. Of course, I still have to think of everything else (I can't program creativity) I'm thinking of expanding it so it also generates other armies and alien races (mostly names-you have no idea how hard that is)

    The Freedom of Free Speech being abused - aka Greetings.
    3rd August, 2003
  • Creating a website is a strange thing. You start off with one part creativity, one part ability, and 20 parts determination. I've had plenty of ideas as to what do do with websites. I've got the unfinished remaints of half a dozen websites scattered about on my hard-drive, ranging from things such as a normal 40k website, to a site dedicated to the revivial of Chaos Squats (which I am still pretty adamant about). The point is, I'm an ideas man. An ideas man with the attention span of a blind camel. My mind wanders. I change my focus every day. But this shall be different.
    What's that? Change? Yeah, it's strange. Get used to it.
    This website is one born of need, not any pressing want. I have a project to do for one of my classes for my last few weeks of High School. This is it. A convenience of need. So, this way, I get to kill two birds with one stone-I get to create the site I've always wanted, and I get to pass one of classes. I can deal with that.
  • So, what's this website about? Well, 40k of course. What did you expect. I don't game (well, rarely anyway. A few games every so many years is all I can take) I got into this for the background. So that's what I do. I postulate. I think. I write. This site shall be a creative outlet for my mind. Everything that I think of and have enough time to write down, I'll put up here. Pretty barren right now, but if you want to give me an idea of want something of your own put up here, track me down (I'm the only Dasleah on the internet) and give me something to work with. And yes, I know we're on Geocities, but with popularity comes less adds and better domains.
  • Rumors

  • 'What's happening in the 40k world this month?', I hear you ask. Well, that's what this column is all about. Got yourself a rumor, some inside information or just an event you'd like to advertise? Drop us a line and let us all know.

  • Not so much of a rumor, but more fact, the Imperial Guard Codex is just about to be released. It sees the introduction of a new way of themeing a force-the ability to buy certain 'themes' which then apply to your army. If things go well, expect to see it become a standard to the new Codexes.

  • The new Sisters of Battle Codex is being playtested as we speak. I'll keep my info to myself until I can confirm it, but you Sisters of Battle players out there at least have the security of knowing that you are getting yourselves a Codex. Sure, it may be as part of the Codex:Witchhunters, but at least you're staying. Also, the term 'Pentient Psyker' was thrown around a bit.

  • No news archive yet. Popularity means archives, you know ^_^
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