The Dasleahnomicron - Or, at least, a reasonable copy.
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The Dasleahnomicron - G to M

The Dasleahnomicron was started by the Inquisitor-Archivist Dasleah sometime late in the 32nd Millenium. It was intended to be a great archive of the allies, enemies, natural wonders and legends of the Imperium so the newly formed Inquisition could better learn from the experiences of their brothers. Now the tome is many thousands of volumes long, and currently the greatest contribitor to the tome is the Inquisitor-General Hael, whose military ventures have taken him to the edge of the Imperium and beyond.


  • Ghaool V Imperial Guard Regiments
    When I first assumed command of the Ghaool V 122nd 'Seacats' it was during the Alamttu Purging, when a cell of rouge Inquisitors raised an army against the then High Lords to bring them under their 'rightful' rule. They fought alongside myself on many occasions, and I was most impressed with their battlecraft and they led us all to many fine victories. When Alamttu was slain and I sought to continue my work on completing the Dasleahnomicron, I was heartened to see that the 122nd opted to remain at my side, and to this day they have not failed me yet and we have added many additions to the mighty tome that I am sure they all feel proud to be a part of. I have recomended that they been all given the highest accolades and honours, and I am sure that each of these fine warriors have earned their place at the Emperor's side.

    Ghaool V is a major planet within the Ghaool Sub-Sector. The official designation given to it by the Administratium is a Oceanic Agri-World, supplying many of the populated Hive Worlds within the Sub-Sector with the protein rich ghiikal that is harvested around the year by great ocean-faring trawlers that are more comparable to floating factories and cities rather than simple boats. The few areas of land that are present on the Terra-sized planet are used for exporting and importing materials that the planet needs, namely ore to repair and construct new ships to keep up with the exponentially-growing demand.
    As with all Imperial Worlds with a self-sustainable population, Ghaool V has a moderate tithe regarding the raising of Imperial Guard Regiments. Most of the force is delegated to Plantery Defence forces, policing the shipping lanes and combating the pirates that roam the world-oceans. Those regiments that are called upon to fight in Crusades and the like are noted for their ingenuity and excellent improvisational skills-all being raised on the factory-ships, they learn quickly to act on their feet or be swept overboard in the many storms that rack their world. Officially classed as Light Support Infantry, the regiments are based on the trading families that control the trade of their homeworld, each regiment being comprised of members of the same House or family, creating an atmosphere of unity within the regiments and also one of 'friendly' rivalry between regiments whose Houses are traditional trade rivals. Standard issue arms are Mars-class Mark XVII Autoguns and they wear standard Imperial flak jackets over their traditional light-blue garb. Famous regiments include the 122nd 'Seacats', the 45th 'Harpooners' and the 2nd 'Ratings' named so because of their daring boarding of rebel vessels during the Ghaool Trade Wars, where they managed to crew the vessels themselves and return them to the rightful rule of the Imperium, where they were subsequently melted down and used to create the chains for the surviving rebel crews.







  • Muon
    I have only had the experience of meeting a Muon creature but once in my life. We were investigated a world known only by its designation as 'Forbidden' under the insistence by our Navigator Cadre, who would simply say that 'They were waiting'. It was a strange world indeed, for underneath the too-blue sky and the two large moons, the dense jungle gave off a most heavy atmosphere. It was though we were trespassing on lands most ancient-a world that has existed before time itself was measured, and it felt as if we were not yet even children to the invisible eyes that followed our every step through the undergrowth. It was a most unsettling feeling, that terrible feeling of being watched with the full knowledge that the watcher is a power most terrible and enigmatic indeed.
    It was not long until we came to a spring at the foot of one of the many mountains and I decided that we were to make camp and report back to our orbiting support. As I turned and looked across the spring, however, my eyes were fixed and my tounge lay mute. On the opposite bank stood a creature the likes of which is burned unto my memory for all eternity, a being whose very presence seemed intoxicating and I could not draw my eyes away. Fully, it stood some eight foot, although a substantial proportion of this was for its long, slender neck. The beast as a whole was slender, with thin and long arms and fingers, of which it possessed four on each hand. The head, atop the long neck, seemed small in comparisson, though it did possess two large black eyes that did not seem the need to blink, for it stood there with those infinite pools of jet staring into my own eyes without making any other motion. The being was a shade of pale blue, although I could see upon its shoulders and back small scales of jade and azure, and it was dressed in a robe that concealed its feet and legs. It had upon itself many golden ornanaments and amulets, each linde with precious stones that shone with such colour and intensity that I doubt that the likes of the Imperium has ever seen. But its eyes........I looked into them and I knew we were but nothing to it, the many billion souls of Humanity nought but a flicker against the inferno that was this beings antiquity.
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