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++The Legiones Astartes of Renown++

Despite the best attempts of the Inquisition and other Imperial organisations, there are many Chapters who are not entirely Codex. Some are not even entirely human anymore, and some owe their creation to entirely non-human whims. Here are listed such Chapters, those that preform actions and duties that are often far different to the normal Chapter.

Parade Chapters

Whilst any Chapter, regardless of the reasons behind their creation, are indeed a most formidable military force, some Chapters see as part of their duties far less combat than would be expected. The High Lords are not above the creation of a Chapter so give give the illusion of power rather than actual power. Such Chapters are few, as with the increasing levels of conflict across the Imperium nearly every capable military force has been mobilised, but in areas of relative isolation and peace a few still exist. Such Chapters are known collectively as 'Parade Chapters' and are generally looked down upon by other Chapters.
Every Chapter is steeped in tradition, legend and ceremony. Most Chapters hold regular feasts to celebrate major events in their history, such as their founding or the winning of a major battle over their eternal enemies. As such, each Chapter have their fair share of ceremony and pomp about them, and for the large part they do not concern themselves as how the common Imperial citizen views them. For Parade Chapters, however, this level of tradition and ceremony has far exceeded their combat responsibilites. They are open and arrogant Chapters, their frequent marches through the streets of their homeworlds and are not above pointless shows of their supposed might. These Chapters often wear armour that is heavily stylised and engraved with intricate symbols and linaties, and their weaponary is often highly polished and maintained, the lack of many combat duties meaning that neither arms or armour are called upon to be tested on the field of battle. They often carry about them many banners, loudspeakers screaming the voices of choirs singing the praises of their Chapter and the Emperor. In the rare few cases where they are called upon to do battle, they often are delegated to peacekeeping duties, their lack of experience but mighty bodies leaving them to still be required but not at all prepared for the carnage of the frontlines.


With the encroaching threat of the Tyranids about to swallow the galaxy, the High Lords have responded by deploying one of the most powerful military forces available directly into the maw of the Great Devourer-the Legiones Astartes. The first waves seemed to be successful-the Adeptus Astartes managed to push back the new threat and hold off the aliens with the support of their Brothers. Confident in their abilities and unaware the the sheer scale of the Tyranid offensive, the High Lords ordered the Chapters to pursue the Tyranids and eliminate their Queen, destroying the horde from within. That order was the last that was ever sent to those Chapters-since they boarded their vessels and took flight after the scattered massess of the dying Tyranids, no response or conformation has ever been heard again. Other Chapters are also lost in this method when fighting the horde-arrogant in their pursuit of the seemingly defeated foe. Some are doubtless destroyed by the true mass of the Tyranid horde, but some are instead assimilated by the Tyranid Hive in order to serve a far greater purpose.
Such Chapters are known as Hive-Chapters. While it is a closely guarded secret that Marine DNA was used to create the Tyrant Guard found guarding the Hive Tyrants of the Tyranid hordes, these Chapters are a greater secret skill. To acknowledge that such a force that combines the force of an entire Chapter with the infinite power of the biological hordes exists, it could spell an era of fear and paranoia that the High Lords would be well to avoid again. Marines from a Hive-Chapter bear an uncanny resemblence to their human counterparts-in many cases the Hive Mind simply clones the Marines and instills them with an unswavering faith in the Hive Mind, arming them with the weapons and armour that the Hives salvage from battle, but a select few are enirely grown to give an appearence of Marines in Power Armour, the throbbing flesh and hardened chitin linking them directly to their Masters, but most are a mix of the two. The natural genetic modifications of the Space Marines are combined with the near-infinite genetic libraries of the Hive Mind, allowing them to be far more deadly than their Imperial counterparts. Thankfully these Chapters are rare, due in part to the fact that they are still a relatively new breed within the horde, and so the Hive Mind does not wish to expend valuable bio-mass on an untested genus.

Servitor Chapters

It is an unfortunate fact that Space Marine Chapters are lost. The most common method of this occuring through inrepairable battle losses-the Chapter, having taken part in some glorious Crusade, has been reduced to a mere squad or less with no remaining Apothecaries to preserve the gene-seed of the fallen. Many Chapters maintain a permernant Apothecarion within their Fortress-Monestary so that if such an event occurs, the Marines can be recovered and the time-consuming process of rebuilding can occur, but with some Chapters this is impossible, having not the resources or that the ruins of the Fortress-Monestary was the place of their greatest Crusade! As such, members of such Chapters are normally requisitioned by the Cult Mechanicus before they travel the path of the righteous mercenary, or take their own lives. The Cult Mechanicus are forbidden to have Space Marine Chapters under their direct power, the Adeptus Astartes created to be an automonous and independent military organisation, but there is nothing in Imperial mandate about them having a dead Chapter under their command.
The bodies of the dead Chapter are gathered by the Cult Mechanicus and preserved until they are needed. The bodies are then modified to the extent that a Servitor is-beings that are not quite alive or organic, but are certainly mechanical in most extents. So the Chapter is saved, although at a terrible cost-a full thousand strong force of slient, undead automatons, led in battle by those few that survived the death of their Chapter. The Cult Mechanicus allows for the Chapter to replace their living members through the normal processes (or often through the dark art of cloning) but the strength and warriors of the Chapter are theirs.

Xenos Chapters

Certain aliens can have an unhealthy effect on humans. They can manipulate them mentally and corrupt them physically, bending them to their alien whims. Such is the fate of those few Xenos Chapters-Chapters that have fallen under the sway of alien influence. Surprisingly, the aliens that appear to have the greatest sway over the minds of the Adeptus Astartes are the barbaric and violent Orks, the green-skinned warriors of infamy. It is believed that the sheer psychological assault that the Orks play on their victims with their endless warcries and battlelust, combined with the unfathomable unconcious psychic power that is Orks fighting, results in the Marines that are so often called to fight them simply break down mentally and take upon the characteristics of their attackers. This obviously would result in the death of the Chapter, with no way to futher their numbers, so they often fall into employ with Orkish warbands or they group together with other Marines that have fallen under the same influence.
It is also not unknown for the Dark Eldar to have a similar effect on their opponents, normally brought about by the incredible pain and delusions that captured Marines undergo. And, recently, there are hushed whispers in the halls of the Inquisition about several pacifist Chapters allying themselves to the emergent Tau empire, far on the eastern border of the Imperium.....

Penal Chapters

A lie is perpetuated by every Imperial organisation. That lie is that every Space Marine is a righteous and pious defender of the Imperium and the Emperor's Law. The truth is far from that. A Space Marine is as much an individual as anyone else, and they all have a unique personality (even the dark Cloned Chapters shape their cloned minds through their individual experiences) Most genuinely are honest citizens-either through choice or indocrination, and for the most part they defend the Imperium in the Emperor's interests. However, just like normal human society, there are the outsiders, the Marines that exist on the fringe of their own Chapters. Such individuals are best likened to criminals-they do indeed violate Chapter law through their own actions, and some normally honest Marines may commit a crime through no malice on their part. While most Chapters would exile or execute such an individual, those with the resources and the ability will often send such individuals to the infamous Penal Chapters.
Every Chapter who has knowledge of such Chapters is required to supply some of their Chaplains for a set term to act as Wardens to the embittered Marines. The Marine's armour is ritualistically painted grey, with a single shoulder pad left unpainted to represent the shame to their Chapter, and they are shackled with adamantium chains long enough to not impede them in combat, but short enough to hinder any escape attempts. Marines that are inducted into the Penal Chapters live short lives, and few ever live out their sentences and return to their Chapters. They are often used as shock troopers in the most suicidal assualts, their grim-faced Wardens leading them into the teeth of enemy bunkers and artillery, all the while claiming that they are paying for their sins against their Chapters and the Emperor. To enter a Penal Chapter is to forfiet your existence and identity-you belong to the Wardens, and you will pay for your crimes, even if it results in your death.
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