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Themeing. I don't know if that's proper English, but it's what make this hobby so damn interesing to me. To take an assortment of painted figures and apply fictional substance to them.
I theme alot. Exclusivley, in fact. When I see a new army list, I immeadiatley see a way to theme it-that's just the way I work. Take the Kroot Mercenary list for example. I was reading the intro and Andy Chambers said that ' will need alot of troops if you plan to rush into Space Marine bolter range!' or something like that. So, my mind made the leap into making a Kroot army that has decided to hunt Space Marines to get their enhanced DNA-that means that the trophy racks would have Space Marine helmets, the Kroot would have human flesh coloured skin, Vulture wings would be replaced by jetpacks, Knarlocs by Scout Bikes, etc..That's just what I do I suppose. The concept of playing with an amry that has no background is an alien concept to me. I just.......can't. Alot of people can, but not me.
There are alot of misconceptions about themeing that I would like to clear up first, though.
First, despite the best attempts of Games Workshop, themeing is NOT hard. It is not something for only the experience players, nor is it something that new players should avoid. It is simply the act of making an army more interesting and applicable to your own personal skills and preferences. It's that simple. It can be something as small as just naming your all characters with a specific set of names from a certain ethnic group or period of history. You could just add a different colour to normal. You could not understand the vehicle rules and just not use them, whatever. It's not hard. One of the points that I agree with that Games Workshop says is that 'you don't need to have a three-page essay on each individual in your army' and that is true. Some of the best themed forces I have seen have absolutley nothing written down about them, not even from the creators.
Secondly, themeing shouldn't be all about restrictions and limitations. You don't have to place self-imposed limits on army selection and troop types. A theme is just something that remains consistent within the force. You can play with a fully-featured list that has accsess to everything and it's still themed as long as you keep something the same throughout the force-colour scheme, names, whatever-that's a theme.
I've learnt a few things that I think make a good theme, and I've learnt a few things that don't. I'll impart with you a few specifics about themeing.

That's all very good, I suppose, but you probably want some ideas, and that's what I made this site for. If you see an idea on this site that you want to use, go for it. Change it as much as you want or keep it stictly to my ramblings, I don't care. If you try to claim my ideas as your own, however, and I shall prosecute you as far as my resources will allow. I just though I'd say that now, to make things clear. Credit me if you wish, but steal from me and you will be stopped.
So, get themeing ^_^
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