(Worms Hall of Fame)

Taylor On August 29, 1998 Rod Taylor became the first Tequila Worm elected to "Ring Worms." For many years he was the "straw that stirred the drink" for the Worms. Rod was very daring on the base paths and felt like he would throw out any runner trying to take an extra base.

For his accomplishment, Rod received a framed jersey, Ring Worm trophy and autographed ball signed by all the Worm players. Also, his wife, Joni Beth was presented with a dozen roses and his son Brandon received some baseball cards.

Rod and his family now reside in Cedar Park, Texas just outside of Austin. Long time friend, Mike McKee said that "Rod always seem to play like his hair was on fire." Rod will forever be a Worm.

Rod, Dee, Bronco Rod Taylor
Rod and family Rod & JB

Rod's Profile

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