Hello all, hope everyone had a great week. I did, of course I was in Pensacola, Florida with the wife and kids for four days. The weather was awesome and I had a wonderful time.

There are so many things to talk about, I really don’t know if I should do an editorial on the WWF’s TV or pay respect to Wahoo McDaniel or give you and update on my health situation.  Since I’m spineless and can’t make a decision - I’ll talk about all of these topics – in no particular order.

The outpouring of love and concern from you all when I wrote about my heart situation was overwhelming. I’ve since gone to 100 specialists who each charge more than the one before and they have agreed on my condition. It’s called “Athlete’s Heart Syndrome” and is characterized by a lazy, irregular, inefficient beat when at rest, but when stressed – it kicks ass! It’s the body’s way of adapting to exercise. It ‘learns’ how to relax when it’s not needed, but when the bells rings it has plenty of reserve pumping ability. I can honestly say I was scared sh!++less over this whole thing. I appreciate all of your well wishes and will never forget them. Thank you.

Now, after I’ve bragged about how healthy I am I turn to the passing of the great Wahoo McDaniel. There are some little known facts about Wahoo that I know just because I’ve been around so long. I had the privilege of riding in the car with some of the old timers as they talked about everything in the world including Wahoo. Before I go any further I must say one thing – in the wrestling business stories may start out based in fact, but as time passes they take on a life of their own. In other words, I’ve been around so long I could tell people I was an all American wrestler my senior year and there’s nobody left to dispute it!

That being said, for years the authorities on “legitimate” sports have crowned Jim Thorpe the  “Greatest Indian Athlete of All Time.” Granted, Jim Thorpe was a phenomenal athlete and was a true gentleman to boot, BUT there isn’t one sport, event, or race in which Jim Thorpe’s time or record EVER beat Wahoo McDaniel’s. You don’t believe me? Neither did the sporting establishment probably because Wahoo was a wrestler. Everybody knows wrestlers are phonies with no athletic ability and it would be blasphemous to acknowledge Wahoo’s accomplishments.

Did you know that Wahoo ran a marathon (26 miles) in street shoes – on a bet? Do you know what was on the line? Was it $1,000.00 or even more? We all know how poor college athletes are and how far $1,000.00 would go. No, Wahoo ran 26 miles to win a bet for a six-pack of beer! This is documented! Wahoo started the run with one car following to make sure he actually ran the whole way. By the time he was half way, the local media had picked up the story and it was on the national wire service as he crossed the finish line! No one and I mean no one could believe someone could actually run that far, with no formal training or warm up and have the raw guts, determination, and athleticism to make it – especially FOR A SIX PACK OF BEER! If that doesn’t tell you volumes about the character of the man – you’re deaf and DUMB! Wahoo was a larger than life character, he was larger than life as a wrestler, and most of all Wahoo was larger than life as a man. I am privileged to have shared time in the same business with him and am saddened that more people never got the chance to know and appreciate the Wahoo McDaniel I knew and respected. He will be missed. 

Now after talking about how great Wahoo was, should I ruin this article and tell you what I think the WWF SHOULD have done with the Big Show’s turn on Raw?

OK, if you don’t want me up on the soapbox preaching – stop reading now. If you want to hear what I think might have made the TV more compelling, read on.

 The first thing I have to say is – it’s very easy for me to complain about Raw because I am under no pressure to produce that show. I am doing what I hated most when I wrote TV – ARM CHAIR QUARTERBACKING. The only difference is I actually did it for 6 years so it’s not like I’m some jag off spouting off how smart I am (or is it?!?!?!)

The Angle-

Part 1.

We hear commotion coming from Stone Cold Steve Austin’s locker room. Debra runs out screaming for help. The first person she sees is the Big Show. She cries that Hall and X Pac have attacked Steve and he’s in trouble. The Big Show kicks the door open and catches the nWo in the act. The nWo runs for their lives.

The Big Show checks on Stone Cold and sees he’s damaged but OK – the Big Show chases after the nWo.

Part 2.

In the parking area we see Hall and X Pac jump into their car trying to get away. They slam it into gear and floor it, but they don’t move. We get a wider shot and see the Big Show has PICKED THE BACK END OF THE CAR OFF THE GROUND! Hall and X Pac jump out of the car and run again. The Big Show drops the car and chases. JR can’t believe the strength of the Big Show, “If Show can do that to a two ton automobile, what can he do to a 250 pound man?”


Austin approaches Big Show and asks if Show will be in his corner when he wrestles tonight. Austin knows no matter which member of the nWo he’s booked against – the other will be close by. Show says, “Yes.” JR makes it clear Austin isn’t asking for help, but man oh man, if he gets it…what’s going to happen to the nWo?

Part 4.

Match – the match can have the same complexion as Monday night. At the end when Big Show is finally tagged in (meaning Austin has reached out to him for help) the Big Show grabs both Hall and X Pac by the neck setting them for the choke slam. He releases them, Hall and X Pac attack Austin who starts to mount an offensive. Just when it looks like Austin is going to pull another miracle out – the Big Show throws Hall and X Pac out of the way and choke slams Austin.  As he does, the ring breaks and it looks like Austin was driven half way to China. Then the three of them crucify Austin until Austin is dead or help comes to make the save.

There’s no posing while the toughest sob in the WWF still has life, because we all know if you don’t do the job right and end Austin’s career – he’ll be back and he’ll be really pissed off. The last thing someone wants is a pissed off Stone Cold after them.

  OK, that’s it. That will undoubtedly ruin any chances I ever had of going back to the WWF.

Until next week when I reveal who actually shot JFK!

Until next week,
Terry Taylor

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