Happy Holidays!

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you’re bored and looking for some entertainment here to pass the time until you have to trudge back to school or work – well, sorry. This ain’t it.  In the past, I would have forsaken my family putting them last and my job first because I thought my job was more important. Well, my job IS important – just not more important than Trudy, Cody, and Donny. My mother and sister are here too and I see them once per year for one week. So, please understand you are very important to me and because I want you to spend time with your family and loved ones instead of at your computer – I’m not writing anything else to keep you from them. Go embrace your family and friends and let them know what they mean to you, you’ll hate yourself if you don’t and something happens.

If we all did this every day – the world would be a better place. All it takes is for one person to make a decision and then act upon it. Will you? Will this be the year we make our New Years Resolution to treat our fellow man with kindness and respect? Anything’s possible – even me ending the sermon!

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