Terry's Prodigy Chat Transcript, 1997

(PRODIGY Member): Can you tell us what kind of "Backstage Work" do you do at WCW?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I help with match content. I help the director on live shows, from a wrestling prospective, understand what is going to happen so he doesn't miss it. I help the young guys with psychology.

(PRODIGY Member): Did you like the "Red Rooster" character WWF gave you?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): *&*^&(^ NO! I didn't like it, but in 1989 characters were in. I was told Vince McMahon could make anybody a star no matter the character...so I did it. I didn't like it, but I did it. Why does everybody remember an 18 month run as the Red Rooster and forget the 14 year career as Terry Taylor.

(PRODIGY Member): When Vince gave you the Red Rooster gimmick did you ever once say "Hey I have a better idea" and if so what were your ideas. Personally I think you would have done just as good if not better being who you were and are.

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Because of Vince's power...I never questioned. Here's something to consider....I could have been Mr Perfect. We debuted on the same TV. What would have happened to Curt Hennig if he had been the Rooster?

PRODIGY Member): Terry, why didn't Monday Nitro come to Los Angeles after Havoc? It was scheduled but cancelled and I was looking forward to going. Will Nitro come to L.A. in the future?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I don't know. We aren't scheduled through February. I think it's the expense of flying people out, and the time change on the West Coast.

(PRODIGY Member): Do you feel Eddie Gilbert was shafted when the UWF was taken over??? Do you think his ideas would have worked on a national level?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Yes and Yes. Eddie was brilliant. Eddie could be booking now. Eddie took a bunch of guys nobody wanted and assembled a crew that drew tremendous houses. I was the best man at his wedding. I always liked Eddie.

PRODIGY Member): Terry - What do you think of the Dudleys of ECW?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I'll be honest. I appreciate anybody who is creative like Paul E. I haven't watched them that much, so I can't make a creative decision for a lack of viewing.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry - What do you think about what the WWF did last week with Austin/Pillman and the gun?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I didn't see it. From what I understand they rolled the dice going for the shock value...like Howard Stern. A chair shot isn't gonna cut it anymore after something like that. It'll always go back to wrestling, though...and that's from an oldtimer who still thinks he has an idea what works.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry,can you tell us how WCW signed Curt Henning,and how he might be used?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I don't know that that's true. If it is...we'd love to have him. I'd rather have him than Bret Hart...just as a pure professional decision. Bret is good, but Curt is phenomenal. Eric didn't ask my opinion to hire him, though. If you look back...who got Curt Hennig over in the WWF. His first 8 month run was with me. If anybody does...I appreciate his talent.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry... Who are the up and coming rookies at the WCW Power Plant we should keep an eye on??

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I haven't been down there. I've been on the road on and off for 2 months. There are a couple of guys that look good, but I hate to say it, I don't know their names. There are about 10 others waiting in the wings.

(PRODIGY Member): Is Piper a done deal yet?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I don't know.

(PRODIGY Member): how old are you??

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): 41. August 12, 1955. A very young 41, I might add.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry,what angles in WCW have you had a role in Booking,and which ones are your favorite?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Kevin Sullivan is the booker. I help him. My favorites are the ones that work.

(PRODIGY Member): Do you feel it is right that, in most cases, the WWF and WCW ignore peoples past. For instance dont you think it would have been more effective to bring Barry Windham back as Barry Windham former two time tag champ and have The Stalker be an up and comer?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): At the risk of sounding politically incorrect...Barry Windham doesn't look like an up and comer to me. I appreciate his talent, but the business changed. He came in when I did...and we have to change or we get left behind. Barry, to me, is now a Mulligan and should change. The people that worry about past history are the people that know the past history.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, indies are dying. SMW went bye-bye, USWA is on it's last leg, ECW is... just there. But no independents seem to be doing great business. I think this, more than anything, is killing big-time wrestling. How can it be fixed... or can it?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): The future of the business is fresh young talent, and it has to come from somewhere. There are young talented wrestlers in independents, they just aren't organized.

(PRODIGY Member): Taylor what is the Video game name for WCW?? when will it be out and who is on it...what system?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I don't know. WCW will promote it. I know Sting, Lex, Flair, Sullivan, Arn Anderson are on it...maybe more. I'm sure we'll have more details on tv.

(PRODIGY Member): What was up with that Piper video?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Your guess is as good as mine. I'm not sure it fit in the show and how we perceive Piper.

(PRODIGY Member): The AWF is reportedly having their share of problems... What do you think they need to do to turn things around??

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): If I knew that, I'd go up there and do it and be a millionaire. I think they have a talent drought. I think good talent and good booking makes for good and interesting television.

(PRODIGY Member): Mr Taylor will you ever work with AWF again if they do not go Under???

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Never say never. If Eric fires me I gotta work somewhere...but I dig it here!

(PRODIGY Member): Terry,if Kevin Sulliven can Book and Work matches,why will the WCW not let you work,since you are a more talented wrestler then Sullivan is or ever will be...

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Thanks....and to let the secret out...I'm gonna hit Eric up for one more run. I think I can help WCW...it's not a glory thing.

(PRODIGY Member): do you think the WWF has decreased in quallity since the 80's when you were there?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Absolutely. They lost all their big money wrestlers. They lost Hulk, Randy, and pretty much everybody that made them a house hold name is gone. I don't think they can find their audience. Is it kids, males 18-35, or what?

(PRODIGY Member): Can I have that red thing you had in your hair when you were as wrestler

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): If you got hair...just spray it. With my blessings.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, in a nutshell, why does Nitro beat the bejeezus out of Raw every week?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Couple of reasons.....better talent, better booking, better direction...and it's LIVE.

(PRODIGY Member): what do you think of Alexandra York(Marlena)now???

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I have no animosity. I wish her well. She's trying to make a living. I haven't seen much of her on TV.

(PRODIGY Member): Mr. Taylor, thanks for joining us. If you were to enter the ring today, what wrestler from any organization would you most like to take on, and why?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I'd like to wrestle almost everybody. I think with my knowledge I could lead Chris Jericho to a great match....Eddie Guerrero, Alex Wright...young guys who don't really know psychology. I'd like to pass it on.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry,how much time will you be spending with us on Prodigy?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): As much as possible. I'm in Orlando now. I have Prodigy at home in Atlanta. I'll let Bob know.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, who have you enjoyed working the best with in your career?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Bobby Eaton...because he is so gifted. Ric Flair...for his work ethic. Arn Anderson...for his meat and potato style. I liked working with Curt. It's a shame I beat him up so bad he had to retire.

(PRODIGY Member): What are your opinions on The Missing Link???

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Personally, I liked him. He was WAY out there. Professionally, it was one of the hardest styles to work. He was very unorthodox. I like Dewey.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry,which wedding for Eddie where you the best man for him?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): His first. It was a Halloween Party. He was dressed as a groom. Missy was dressed as a bride. The preacher was dressed as a preacher. It was a surprise wedding. Sting was there too.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, do ya think that 'smarts' or 'hardcore fans' help or hurt the business? I think they're killin' it, myself. And I don't think there's any way to go back to the way it used be. Whaddaya think?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I think any fan helps the business. Everybody has what they like and don't like. A hardcore fan who loves wrestling is a good fan to me. Conversely, a fan who appreciates someone diving off a balcony through a table will create somebody who will do that. That will never be me, though.

(PRODIGY Member): What is Magnum TA doing now- Is he adapting well?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I saw him two months ago. He is happily married and has a new baby, which he always wanted. He's financially secure and is born again. I'm very happy for him.


TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I don't think we have a commissioner anymore.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry..... Does Hulk Hogan really have as much control over the booking committe as people say??

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Hulk has control over what he does. We don't mind, because obviously he is doing it right. It helps us. We have 4 hours of original programming every week...so we need help.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, with WCW's limited house schedule, have you ever thought of letting some of the young guys like Bobby Walker, High Voltage, and Billy Kiddman work for promotions like the USWA and/or ECW to get experience?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Yes and no. Yes...because they need experience. No...because we don't want to help our competitors. They are paid by us and are exclusive property of WCW and we'd like to keep it that way.

(PRODIGY Member): Are there any characters or ideas you've created that are currently being used in WCW now that you are especially proud of?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I didn't create...but I helped the Disco Inferno, a character I like a lot. I named and helped teach Billy Kidman. I trained Steve McMichael. Steve is a genuinely great person and so is his wife. He's done great for only having a few matches.

(PRODIGY Member): What was your opinion of "The Russian Flag" angle in UWF?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I liked it. If you remember it, it must have worked.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, when you watch wrestling today, does anyone stick out as a "breakout" star in the future? Anyone who COULD be a star right now, but's being held back by a bad gimmick or bad booking?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I think Disco Inferno could be a star....Chris Jericho....Chris Benoit WILL be a star. I think Jeff Jarrett has break through potential in our promotion....and in the batters box I see High Voltage and everybody from Mexico.

(PRODIGY Member): Hey Terry, I watched you wrestle at a house show in Shreveport Louisiana are there any possibilities that you will wrestle full time?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I'd like to. I quit 2 years ago because I got hurt. Everybody says my knees are real bad...but they aren't that bad. If I wrestle again it's because I want to...not because I have to. I'd like to help pass the torch, because I love the business and want it to survive. I consider this my business.

(PRODIGY Member): I know that this is an odd question, but I have a student who is interested in becoming a pyrotechnician. Who does WCW's fireworks, and did they get a college degree somewhere?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I don't know. A guy named Keith from Orlando does it. They're real good, because they don't set the building on fire.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry- Who do you think is the most creative man in wrestling?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Kevin Sullivan. Check the ratings. Eric is a close second.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, what is your opinion of the NWO.

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): A vague question deserves a vague answer. I think it's good for wrestling. It's created interest, and this is our 20th week of being the number 1 show on Monday nights.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, how would you answer people who say the NWO has become too much a part of the show...that the 'shoot' angle has become too much of a work?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): What would you expect? Should they be seperate forever? What would you do?

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, ya think ECW is good or bad for the business? I like their creativity and the fact that they're willing to do something new... but I think it desensitizes the audience to the point where they have to keep out-doing themselves, and someday, that'll be impossible. Whaddaya think?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I like the booking...and I like Paul E. I think that they have done too much. I saw one match where they used a door in the ring on a guy with the ref in the ring...and no DQ. It used to be they used 1 table...now they stack them everywhere. What's next. Good booking, but not great wrestling. I'm not saying those guys don't work hard...because they do. They sacrifice their bodies every week. I admire their passion for the sport.

(PRODIGY Member): Are you surprised that Kevin Von Erich is not wrestling in one of the bigger promotions right now? Would WCW ever considering hiring him?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): No, I'm not surprised. I don't think he has even applied to either company. Outside Texas, I don't think the Von Eric's are that well known in the 90's.

(PRODIGY Member): Which job do you prefer, the one that you are doing now, whatever that is, or getting in the ring and wrestling? By the way, why aren't you in the ring wrestling?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I like them both. The most alive I ever felt...was in front of a crowd. I won't die without it. I walked away because I chose to...not because I had to. My job now is to help develop new talent, to help Kevin in the booking, and to help produce TV. If you think I should be back in the ring...let Eric know.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry... Have you been following this war between Promell and AAA that has been making the WWF/WCW war look tame?? What is your opinion and is WCW supporting Konnan??

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): We support Konnan, and the reason it makes our war look tame is because in the United States we aren't trying to kidnap stars, trying to track down stars using credit card receipts....we don't threaten family. This battle between WWF and WCW is purely financial. Down there it is personal.

(PRODIGY Member): If you disliked the Red Rooster gimmick so intensely, why did you go back to Vince in 1992 after WCW let you go?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I have a wife and 2 children. I'm a wrestler. There are 2 promotions. One let me go. Fill in the blank. ....and I didn't go back as the Red Rooster.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry... This question does not have anything to do with you but, how much do jobbers make?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): What's a jobber?

(PRODIGY Member): Where, when and how did you begin your professional career?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): 1980...a friend worked for Eddie Graham. I went to Tampa on Tuesday night to watch the matches. Wednesday night Chic Donavan didn't show up. I borrowed boots and gear and a half hour later was on TV. That was a dream come true for a fan like me.

(PRODIGY Member): How do you and Kevin come up with the ideas for booking the matches? Do the wrestlers ever have a say in what they will or won't do?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): It's not just me and Kevin. It's Kevin, Terry, Arn, Jimmy, Paul, Randy Anderson, Eric, Craig Leathers, Annette Yother...and we always welcome input from the wrestlers, because it's their match.

(PRODIGY Member): Why aren't some of the younger guys like Alex Wright getting a better push...or for that matter any type of push? Would you say his accent hinders his ability to do an interview....is that something he can overcome?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Alex is 22 years old. He is a great technical wrestler, but he needs experience. He was pushed early...before he was ready, and he's being used to the best of his talent now. His accent is not a problem. I couldn't do an interview for the first 8 years. Alex will have his day. He has 20 good years ahead of him.

(PRODIGY Member): What do you remember about working for Bill Watts back when Mid South/UWF was at its peak?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): The trips...the workload....it was a great time. We made history. It's a great feeling to be a part of something that people remember so fondly. I left parts of my body in every arena in the 5 states that we worked. It was a great time to be a wrestler and a great time to be a wrestling fan.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, it appears the angle for Sullivan/Benoit/Woman is turning into a soap opera. Internet sources say Sullivan and Woman are married. Also Woman was pregnant and are Woman/Benoit having a fling?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Kevin and Woman are married and have been for almost 10 years. I'd bet Benoit's life that he is not having an affair with her...because he is married....and let's be honest, all of wrestling is a soap opera. That's why we love it.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry... Where do you get most of your hotline information?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I steal it....from Bob Ryder on Prodigy. I steal some of it...but remember, I AM in the wrestling business.

(PRODIGY Member): Whats the deal With Mocho. Where is his at and GOING???

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Right now I'd say he is in Sarasota. As of now, I believe he is in limbo professionally. He has 3 more days in WCW and then he is a free agent...unless he and Eric come to an agreement.

(PRODIGY Member): When i made the comment about Barry Windam I think you misunderstood that i wasnt calling him an up and comer but saying that The Stalker gimmick should have been given to and up and comer instead of a veteran. See what i mean?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): Yeah...but to me, the Stalker gimmick sucks either way. I don't understand it. They say his name, then they paint him up. I think wrestling characters are almost passe. When I started you had 100 wrestlers and 1 character. In the 80's you had 100 characters and 1 wrestler. I think if a guy can wrestle you need to let him wrestle....and that's from the artist formerly known as the Red Rooster.

(PRODIGY Member): What do you think about the sheets?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I have mixed feelings. If they were objective, journalistic reviews of what's happening...I wouldn't have a problem. But, guys who have never been in the ring forming an opinion of guyswho have been....I have a problem. If they say it's an editorial, ok...but don't say you are an expert if you've never done it. One thing we should understand is...the guys who are put over in the newsletters are the ones supplying the inside information. Otherwise the newsletters would have no sources. Next time you read one...consider that.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry, is there any truth to the rumor that the NWO will stage a PPV of "their" own early in 1997?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I think that might be true.

(PRODIGY Member): What does the WWF need to do to stay alive??

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): They will always be alive. Vince McMahon might be down, but he'll never be out. He has grown up in the business, and will survive. I hope, for the wrestlers sake that both WCW and WWF do well. Monopoly is not good for everybody. We really don't compete with them anymore. We compete with ourselves because we are so far ahead right now.

(PRODIGY Member): Being a woman, I hate seeing woman being portrayed as wimps, like the Liz/Hogan/Giant thing? Why is this done? I'm not worried about political correctness with this, I'm worried about the image this portrays about women in general.

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I've been married 12 years. Any man who has a woman in their life knows women rule the world. It's just one part of the soap opera that is wrestling. On a lighter side....Sister Sherri could beat the crap out of 90% of the guys in the business.

(PRODIGY Member): Will Nitro split into 2 different shows as the NWO has hinted. The first hour being NWO Nitro and the 2nd WCW??

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I guess. I have not been told, but from what was said on NITRO last night, they want to take over the first hour. That would be interesting...going head to head with the WWF in the first hour.


TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): First time....I didn't like being the Red Rooster. The second time, I wanted to come back to WCW. I didn't want to leave the first time, but Bill Watts let me go.


TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I don't see it as a war. I see it as healthy competition. Both companies give the best product they can...and the fans make their choice. I think it's great for the fans.

(PRODIGY Member): Terry- what's with the shoddy booking of the lightweights? Last night was the first sign of ANY real angle with Dean, Rey and the rest...

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): We are always open to suggestions. If you have ideas, we are happy to listen. It's hard to book lightweights when they are in Japan and Mexico every week when we are doing TV. You have to understand the whole story.

(PRODIGY Member) : It's no secret the PPV buyrates are dismal....seeing as how the buys went up for the Holyfield/Tyson Pay by round fight, will WCW consider something like that? Maybe buy by the hour, or for the Main event?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I disagree with dismal. August was better than last year...so was September. October was the biggest buy rate money generating PPV in WCW history. Boxing is different anyway.

(PRODIGY Member): What was the high point of your career, or has it happened yet?

TERRY TAYLOR (Speaker): I always hope that tomorrow will be better than today. My high point was a $200,000 house in the Superdome in 1986 wrestling Ric Flair for 48 minutes. I have a bright outlook for tomorrow. I've lived a charmed life. How many people can say they have been able to do exactly what they wanted to do in their adult life. I've had highs and lows...but have loved every minute.

I'd like to thank everyone who is listening in....I'll probably be back next week...I'll let Bob know. Thanks for your interest in wrestling. There are some other things I'd like to say, but time has run out for the evening....maybe we'll get into some other stuff next week. Thanks for the questions.....seeya.

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