
Chapter Twenty Two


�Kat, I think you�ll feel better if you talk about it. Holding in all this stress and tension is not good for you, and definitely not good for the baby.� Carsyn told her. They had been back to the room for over an hour, and Kat had yet to say a word.

Kat sighed and nodded, knowing Carsyn was right. �I can�t believe he�d do this.� She whispered.


Kat sat up in the bed, hugging the pillow close to her. �You have no idea what Charlene is like. She�s destructive. She will not be happy until she has completely rearranged Dale�s life, with her in the center of it.�

�What happened the last time they were together?� Carsyn asked, needing more information to make any kind of a judgment.

Kat sighed shakily. �She came in from no where and completely blindsided Dale. I was so happy for him at first. I could tell he genially liked her. But then I started seeing less and less of him, until he pretty much stopped calling or stopping by all together. Finally after about a month and a half of not hearing or seeing from him, he called me up, desperate to talk. Of course I met him and he told me that Charlene wasn�t comfortable with me in Dale�s life, and it was she or I. And he didn�t know what to do.�

�You told him to go with Charlene.� Carsyn guessed easily. Kat nodded.

�I couldn�t be selfish about it, no matter how much it hurt me. I�d never seen Dale like that over any female before. I thought maybe she and him were truly meant to be together, even if it meant pushing me aside completely. I�m not going to stand in the way of his happiness.�

�But it still hurt you.�

Kat nodded with tears in her eyes. �More than you can possibly imagine. But I did it, I let him go. Then one day, out of the blue he called me all upset begging me to come meet him at the track. I couldn�t say no, so I caught the first flight. He was completely devastated. He�d walked in on her and another driver in a very compromising position.�

�Oh no.� Carsyn cried, her heart going out to Dale.

Kat nodded, sniffling as she wiped at the tear that slipped down her cheek. Her own heart had broken at seeing how badly Dale had been hurt. �It was horrible, but I helped him through it. He told me the worst part about it all was nearly losing me. I told him then and there that he would never loose me, and I meant it. Until now.�

�Now Charlene is back, trying to get back with Dale, and you�re afraid of what he�ll decide about you.� Carsyn guessed.

Kat shook her head. �That�s only part of it. Can you believe he says he �forgot� to tell Charlene about the baby?� she cried, more tears falling.

Carsyn�s eyes widened in disbelief. This did not sound like the Dale she had just recently gotten to know. Not the man who was bursting with pride over his child.

�Oh Kat, I�m so sorry.� She said softly, leaning over to give her a hug.

�If he chooses her, not only will I be pushed away, but I�m so afraid so will our child. I won�t let this baby go through that.� Kat swore. Carsyn nodded.

�I can�t say that I blame you.� Carsyn told her. �So now what?�

Kat took a deep breath. �Now Dale decides what exactly it is he wants to do.�

Carsyn bit her lip, wondering if she should ask her next question, but something inside her wouldn�t let her keep quiet. �Is there anyway this is more than just your friendship?�

Kat looked at her confused. �What do you mean? Of course it is! It�s also about the baby!�

�And the baby is most important, but I can�t help but wonder if there is something more.� Carsyn tried to explain.


�You�re feelings for Dale.� Carsyn stated.

Kat�s mouth fell open and her eyes went a little wide. �My feelings for Dale? What feelings?�

�Feelings you�re hiding. Maybe you haven�t even realized that they are there yourself. But they are there Kat. I see it when you look at him, and I see it when he looks at you. You two can call yourself best friends and nothing more, but you�re both lying to everyone, especially yourselves. Why can�t you two see just how perfect you are for each other? You both knew each other better than anyone else�better than most married couples know each other. I don�t dispute that you are best friends�but it�s more than that. I�ve never seen two people who were more each other�s soul mates than you two!� Carsyn exclaimed.

Kat just stared at her, not saying anything and after a few moments Carsyn was afraid she crossed a line. But then finally Kat spoke.

�But he�s my best friend!� she cried, not really answering anything, but it gave the confirmation that Carsyn needed. Now it was just time to open up Kat�s eyes to what was right in front of her.

�I know he is. And you�re so lucky to have that, you have no idea. I�ve never had anyone I am close to like you are with Dale. It�s truly special and a blessing. But, have you even given a thought to the possibility that maybe you two are meant to be together?� she asked.

Kat looked away. �Um, not really. We�ve always just been �Dale and Kat�, best friends and nothing more.�

�But now there is a baby on the way. I�m sorry Kat, but that doesn�t just happen between friends. At least not most friends. There has to be something more there for that to have happened between the two of you.� Carsyn said softly.

�Yeah, we were both drunk!� Kat explained.

�But do you remember any of it?� Carsyn asked. Kat blushed.

�Um, yeah.� She mumbled.

�And what do you think?�

�I don�t. I don�t think about it.� Kat answered honestly.

�Why not?� Carsyn asked. Kat ducked her head, her cheeks going even redder.

�Because of the feelings it stirs when I do.� She whispered.

Carsyn smiled triumphantly. �I knew it! Now, what are you going to do about those feelings?� she asked. Kat was again silent for a few minutes, then turned the tables on Carsyn, who could see it coming just by the sly smile that formed on Kat�s lips. �I�ll let you know as soon as you tell me what you�re planning on doing about your own hidden feeling for my brother.�


Chapter Twenty Three


Kevin walked back into Dale�s motor coach and found him sitting on his couch staring out the window. Dale looked at him when he came in, then looked away with a loud sigh.

�If you�re here to tell me I fucked up and I�m an asshole, you�re too late. I�ve been sitting here telling myself that. I�m a jerk.� Dale mumbled.

Kevin moved to sit across from him, giving him a small smile. �You�re not a jerk.� He told him. �A little confused and in desperate need of a good smack upside your head, but not a jerk.�

Dale gave him a look. �I highly doubt your sister would agree with you right now.� He said miserably. He�d never forget the look in Kat�s eyes right before she left. He�d hurt her�the one thing he�d sworn never to do again after the first Charlene incident, and here he�d done it again.

Kevin leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. �Dale, my sister loves you, unconditionally, just as you do her. She might be hurt and angry right now, but you and I both know� give her a couple hours and that will change. She�s never been able to stay mad at you before, and I don�t see that starting now.�

�But I will tell you this, with everything going on between the two of you, the baby, do not, I repeat, do not throw Charlene in her face. I don�t care if you decide to get back together with Charlene, that�s your decision. But don�t expect Kat to be happy about it. She was the one who was hurt the most when you all but turned your back on her for Charlene the first time.�

He held up his hand to halt Dale�s protest when he saw it coming. �Yes I know you talked to Kat before making that decision to focus totally on Charlene. But regardless of what my sister say, I know it hurt her�deeply. I was there with her Dale, she wasn�t the same person. And now she�s lashing out at you to protect herself. She�s afraid if you and Charlene end up together, she�s going to be left out in the cold again�and with a child this time. Now if you think I�ve been protective of my little sister, you can�t even imagine how I�ll be over my little niece or nephew. I won�t just stand back and watch either of them hurt.�

Dale breathed in deeply and nodded. �You don�t have to tell me this, I already know. I could kick my own ass for what just happened.�

Kevin looked at him, both of them quiet for a few moments. �Have you decided what you are going to do about Charlene?� he asked.

Dale nodded. �It was never really a question. Sure, seeing her and hearing what she had to say was a little confusing and brought of feelings I thought I was over, but when it comes down to it, I�m not giving up Kat for her. Kat�s the one who has always been there, no matter what. And then there is the fact that we are having a baby together. I promised Kat from the very beginning I would be there, and I will. And not just for her and the baby, but for myself as well. I already love this child. I won�t do anything to hurt her or the baby.� He swore.

�And what if Charlene says she�s okay with you and Kat having a baby together? And she still wants to be with you?� Kevin asked the questions that had been weighing heavily on Dale�s mind.

�I don�t know Kevin. I honestly don�t know.�


Chapter Twenty Four


Carsyn went perfectly still except for her eyes, which widened when she heard Kat�s words. She sat there in shock for a moment before she quickly shook it off. �What hidden feelings? There are no hidden feelings.� She stated incredulously as she got up and began to pace. She stopped when Kat grabbed her arm and put her back in her chair.

�Oh please!� Kat exclaimed in exasperation. She rolled her eyes. �You and Kevin are the two most stubborn people that I�ve ever met.! I don�t see how you two can�t see what is right in front of you!�

Carsyn shrugged and looked at Kat in confusion. �I see perfectly what is in front of me. As a member of the band, Kevin is a friend of mine. Nothing more, nothing less. And I�m pretty sure that is also what he sees.�

Kat sat back, sighing loudly. �Well�there ya go then. I guess I�m imagining everything that I see when you look at him and he looks at you.�

Carsyn looked away and was silent for several moments before she looked back at Kat. �I don�t know what you�re talking about.� She stated firmly.

�Because just like Kevin, you�re too damn stubborn to let yourself see it!� Kat shot back, nearly throwing her hands up in frustration. Damn, was she going to have to come right out and say it?!!

�See what?� Carsyn questioned quietly. �There is nothing else TO see!� She reiterated.

�Then like I said, I must be imagining things then. I must be imagining how perfect you two are for each other. I must be imagining what I see in his eyes when Kevin looks at you�the way he softens when he sees you, when he talks about you. Hell, I can even tell when he�s thinking about you, and believe me it�s a lot. And I guess I�m imagining it when I see the same things about you!�

Carsyn stayed quiet as she sat back, thinking about everything that Kat had just said to her. She also thought again about the dream that she�d had the night before. Her breath caught at the warmth that spread through her. It still seemed way too real to have been a dream. Every time she closed her eyes, she could practically feel his lips on hers. What if it hadn�t been a dream? She really didn�t remember much of anything from the night before. What if�? �NO!� She quickly told herself and pushed those thoughts and feelings from her mind. She could not allow herself to feel those things�especially not with Kevin.

�Hey, I want to go see Teegan for a little while before we go out tonight.� Carsyn said, changing the subject. �Can you drive me?� She asked, suddenly longing to see her daughter. She�d never been away from her for this long before.

Kat shook her head slightly in disbelief, knowing exactly what Carsyn was doing. This was going to be a lot harder than she thought. Much like Kevin, Carsyn was afraid to let anyone close�one afraid of being abandoned again and one afraid of being stabbed in the back again. But couldn�t they see that neither of them would ever do that to the other??!!

Kat glanced down at her watch, a plan already forming in her mind. �Um, actually I�m really tired.� She began. It wasn�t really a lie or an excuse. It was the truth. After seeing Charlene and the confrontation with Dale, she was beat. �And I�d like to be able to catch a quick catnap before we go out tonight or I�m gonna be no good.� She paused, easily seeing the disappointment and distress in Carsyn�s eyes. She grabbed her phone. �Don�t worry though. You�ll get to see your daughter and I know someone else who is dying to see her too.� Kat told Carsyn, smiling as she began punching in Kevin�s number.


Dale kept his head down for a few minutes before he looked up at his friend, a grin on his face. �But one thing I do know is that its about damn time that you and Carsyn got together. Way to go, man!�

Kevin gave Dale a funny look thinking that the other man must have lost it. �Together? We are not together!� He exclaimed, ignoring the little stab of pain in his heart at saying those words.

Dale smirked. �What about that lip lock that you laid on her last night. That looked like �being together� to me.� Dale whistled low, remembering how intense their kiss had been.

�What the hell are you talking about?� Kevin demanded, not having the slightest clue what Dale was talking about.

This time Dale gave Kevin the funny look. �I�m talking about when I saw you and Carsyn kissing at the club last night.� Dale clarified. �Have you developed amnesia since then?� He joked, but then frowned when he saw the seriousness of Kevin�s expression. �You really don�t remember?� He questioned, dumbfounded.

Kevin shook his head. �No, I don�t.� He answered, then paused for a moment before he continued again. �We kissed? Carsyn and I? Seriously?� He asked, full of shock and skepticism. Dale had to be pulling one over on him.

Dale glared at him, slightly exasperated. �For the third time�YES! Damn man, you know that I wouldn�t lie to you about something like that.�

Kevin looked completely thunderstruck. �When? Why? How? W-what?� He fell back in his chair, raking his fingers through his hair as he realized that the image that he�d had of Carsyn and himself hadn�t been just some random thing that had popped into his mind. No wonder if had seemed so real�it actually happened! He�d been too drunk to remember it and judging by the way that Carsyn had acted when he�d seen her earlier, she didn�t remember either. She�d been nearly, if not just as drunk as he�d been.

What did this mean? Something? Nothing? He opted for the latter. It was obvious that the kiss had been something that had happened on a whim because they�d had a little too much to drink. It meant nothing and would be just best off forgotten. �Um�does anyone else know about this? Especially Kat?� Kevin asked, hoping like crazy that he and Dale were the only ones that knew. He knew that he was insane to not want this to mean anything more. Carsyn was a beautiful person inside and out. She was everything that he�d ever dreamed about in a woman. But he�d already gotten a lot closer to her than he ever intended to and he knew that he couldn�t allow himself to get any closer. Not after what happened with Fuel. The one thing about that experience was that it had really opened his eyes to just how deceitful people really were�especially the ones that you trusted.

Dale shook his head, wondering why Kevin would ask something like that. �No, I don�t think so. You two were in a pretty isolated and dark part of the club. The only reason why I saw you was because I was actually looking for you two because we were getting ready to leave.�

Kevin let out a sigh of relief. �If you don�t mind then, I�d like to keep this between you and I. It�s very important that no one, especially Carsyn ever, ever finds out about this.� Kevin told him, his eyes telling Dale that he meant it.

�But-� Dale began to protest, but Kevin cut him off.

�I�m serious Dale. Do not tell anyone�ever.�


Chapter Twenty Five


Dale held up his hands. �Damn man, no problem, I�ll keep this information to myself, although I think you�re making a big mistake.� He had to put in his opinion. Kevin shot him a look, but before he could say anything his cell phone rang.

He grabbed his phone, grateful for the distraction. �Hello.� He answered.


�Kat, how are you feeling?� Kevin asked, getting up and walking towards the kitchen area of the motor coach.

�I�m okay. Tired, but okay. Listen, Carsyn wants to go see Teegan, but I am just too beat to take her right now. Do you mind taking her?� she asked, holding her breath.

Kevin paused, closing his eyes taking a deep breath of his own. He wanted more than anything to take Carsyn to see her daughter. Hell he wanted to see Teegan himself. He was surprised at just how much he missed the little girl. But in light of everything he had just learned, was it really a good idea to be alone with Carsyn right now? What if she suddenly remembered?

�Um�� he paused.

Kat frowned, not at all liking the hesitation she was hearing. �Please Kevin? She really wants to see Teegan, and I�m afraid if I take her, I�ll fall asleep at the wheel. Plus I�m totally stressed out and I just need some peace and quiet. Please?� she all but begged.

Kevin sighed, knowing there was no way he could say no to his sister or Carsyn. �No problem, I�ll be there in about fifteen minutes, okay?�

�Oh you�re the best!� Kat exclaimed. �I�ll tell Carsyn to meet you in the lobby. Thanks again big brother!�

Kevin let out another deep sigh as he turned off his phone and turned to his friend. �I have to go. I gotta pick up Carsyn and take her to see Teegan.� He informed Dale, who smirked at him.

�Sure, sure, I understand completely. Have fun, and try to keep your hands to yourself.� Dale joked, earning a dark glare from Kevin.

�You�re not funny.� He muttered.

�Hey, did Kat say anything about me? Should I call her?� Dale suddenly asked, for the first time uncertain what to do where his best friend was concerned. He hated thinking that she was mad at him, but he also knew when she was like that she needed time to herself. But he wanted to talk to her. Now.

Kevin shook his head. �She didn�t say a word, but Dale, honestly I would give her a little while. Give her some space. You�ll see her tonight, talk to her then. But for now, leave her alone.�


�Thank you so much for doing this, Kevin. I really appreciate it.� Carsyn told him as they were on their way to her sisters. �I know it�s only been a day, but I feel like I haven�t seen Teegan in weeks!�

Kevin smiled warmly over at her. �I can only imagine how you feel. I know I miss her myself!�

Carsyn leaned her head back and smiled. �I think she�s going to be most excited to see you. I swear that girl has a major crush on you. Takes after her mother I guess.�

They both stilled when her words registered. Kevin looked over at her and saw her face go crimson. He couldn�t blame her, it took everything he had in him not to swerve the car!

�Uh, um, I mean�that didn�t come out quite like I meant to too.� She mumbled, unable to look over at him, instead choosing to look down at her hands. What the hell was wrong with her? She felt so flustered with Kevin all of a sudden. Of course it didn�t help that she still had that vivid dream in her mind and then her conversation with Kat.

�What I meant was, you and I really get along and are good friends, and Teegan is taking after me in that sense.� She tried to explain feebly, but it sounded fake even to her own ears.

Kevin smiled at her and gave her a break. �I understand what you mean.� He told her, seeing the instant relief in her face.

Carsyn let out the breath she�d been holding. She needed to change the subject, and quickly. Damn Kat for putting these thoughts in her mind. She suddenly smiled, thinking of the perfect revenge for her new friend.

�I think Kat has stronger feelings for Dale than what she lets on.� She announced, frowning when she didn�t get the surprised look she�d been hoping for.

Kevin sighed. �You noticed that too huh?� he asked, also grateful for the change in subject. �But she and Dale are both too damn stubborn to admit how they feel about each other. I could kick both their asses!�

Carsyn nodded. �Well I can understand where they are both coming from as well. They have been best friends and nothing more for so long, it�s hard to leave the safety of that friendship and try something more.�

�I just hope one of them, better yet both of them, realize their feelings before it�s too late.� Kevin said.

Carsyn tipped her head a little as she looked at him, trying like hell not to think about just how sexy the man was. �So you wouldn�t mind them together?� she asked.

Kevin shook his head. �I wouldn�t mind at all. In all honesty, if either of them were to find someone else, I wouldn�t be happy about it. I can�t imagine either of them without the other. And now they have a baby on the way. Teresa and I have talked a number of times on how to open their eyes, and each time we decide to let them figure it out on their own. But, soon, we�re gonna take different measures.�

�Teresa?� Carsyn asked, the name sounding familiar.

�Dale�s step-mother.� He clarified. Her eyes lit up in recognition.

�Oh yes, okay, I�ve heard of her. She seems like a nice woman.� She said sincerely. Kevin smiled.

�She�s the best. The absolute best. Our mother has never been much of a mother and Teresa has been there from the time Kat was very little, more of a mother than anyone else has been. We both keep hoping and praying that Dale and Kat will finally be together the way they are meant to be.� Kevin answered honestly, having never opened up like this before to anyone except for Teresa.

�You really love your sister don�t you?� Carsyn asked, although it really wasn�t a question. She didn�t have any brother�s, but had always imagined if she did they would be just like Kevin was towards Kat.

�She and Dale are the two most important people in my life�and I want them happy, together.�


Chapter Twenty Six


�Are you sure you�re okay?� Carsyn asked as she and Kat walked into the club where everyone was currently waiting. Kat smiled and nodded.

�Yup, I�m fine. Feel like a whole new woman after my nap.� She answered.

�And you�re ready to see Dale?� Carsyn asked a little concerned.

Kat shrugged. �I guess I kind of have to see him, but there are plenty of other people I�m good friends with�the name of the game for tonight is avoidance.� She said with a cheeky grin.

Carsyn laughed and shook her head. �You�re too much!�

�There you two are.� Kevin greeted, having been keeping an eye out for them. �I was wondering when you were going to get here.�

�Sorry we�re late, Kat couldn�t decide what to wear.� Carsyn laughed at the outrageous look Kat gave her.

�Yeah right.� She countered, knowing full well it was Carsyn who had changed her outfit at least five times before finally borrowing one of Kat�s.

�Dale�s here.� Kevin warned his little sister. She simply shrugged.

�So? Oh look, there�s Tony! I�m gonna go talk to him.� She told them, hurrying over to the #20 Home Depot driver.

�She�s going to put Dale through hell tonight isn�t she?� Kevin asked, grinning down at Carsyn, taking in just how wonderful she looked. Carsyn giggled and nodded.

�I do believe she is. Personally, I�m looking forward to seeing Dale squirm.� She confessed.

Kevin put his arm around her and started leading her to the table they had reserved. �Well, you are in for a treat. No one, and I do mean no one, can get under Dale�s skin like Kat.�


Kat finally found who she was looking for and started making her way towards Carsyn. She hadn�t seen, or talked to her new friend in nearly two hours. She�d surprised herself by having a really good time. Operation �Avoid Dale� was still in full affect, but he wasn�t really on her mind. She�d been hanging with Tony Stewart, Kevin Harvick and his wife Delana.

She started towards Carsyn�s direction when she was turned around by a hand on her arm. She rolled her eyes, inwardly groaning. There went her good night along with her good mood.

�What the fuck do you want?� she yelled, although it didn�t sound like a yell for the music being so loud.

Charlene smiled at her, but it was the type of smile you knew was fake and very forced. �I was hoping we could talk�privately.�

Kat narrowed her eyes. �I really don�t think so. There is nothing you have to say to me that I want to hear, and believe me, anything I have to say to you, you don�t want to hear.� She turned and was intent on walking away before her temper got the best of her, but again she was stopped.

�If you really care about Dale the way you say you do, then you�ll listen to what I have to say. I�m not doing this for you or me, I�m doing this for him. I�m making an effort here.� Charlene told her, knowing full well Dale was Kat�s weakness. Kat clenched her teeth but finally nodded as they moved towards the exit of the club.


Carsyn hurried over to Kevin and Dale, who were standing at the bar. �Um, guys, how bad would it be if Kat and Charlene went off together, alone?� she asked. Both men looked at each other then back at her.

�Disastrous.� They both answered in unison.

�Why?� Kevin asked.

�Because they just left together.�

Both Dale and Kevin�s eyes widened. �Oh fuck!� Dale swore as he quickly moved through the crowd of people towards the exit.


�First I want to apologize for everything that has happened between us. I know now that asking Dale to choose between you and me was wrong.� Charlene started. It took all of Kat�s control not to groan or lash out.

�So am I supposed to believe that after everything you�ve said and done, you�ve suddenly had a change of heart and now can accept me as a part of Dale�s life?� Kat asked suspiciously.

Charlene nodded. �Of course! I know you are his best friend. I don�t know why I was so�jealous. It was crazy! But I lost him because of that jealousy.�

Kat shook her head. �No you lost him because you were fucking someone else.� She snapped bluntly. Charlene faltered a little, but quickly recovered.

�What I did was wrong. I can never forgive myself for it, and have been kicking myself for it ever since. Dale didn�t deserve that, and I love him. I�m here now willing to prove just how much I love him.� She said.

Kat crossed her arms over her chest. �So you say you are willing to accept me as a part of Dale�s life, right?�

�Of course. I mean I know you�re just friends and nothing more, and will never be anything more. I was even hoping you and I could become friends. I know it would make Dale happy.�

Kat tried hard to believe that Charlene was being sincere, but she just didn�t feel it. Especially knowing what the woman did in the past. But there was one way to find out just how sincere the woman really was.

�I�m glad to hear this, Charlene.� Kat said sweetly, nearly making herself sick in the process. �But I think it�s only fair to let you know that things between me and Dale have changed.�

Charlene couldn�t hide the surprise. �W-what do you mean?�

Kat smiled. �We�re having a baby.�

Charlene�s mouth dropped open and her eyes immediately went down to Kat�s flat stomach. �You�re lying!� she hissed.

�Now, why would I lie about something like that?� Kat demanded.

�You want me and Dale apart. You�ll do anything and everything to keep us apart!� Charlene cried.

�You�re nuts, you know that don�t you? How could you possibly say that? I was the one who walked away from Dale and our friendship because he wanted to be with you. I didn�t want to stand in the way of that. But after what you did to him, you�re damned right I�m going to make sure he�s not hurt by you again! But as for him and I having a baby, sorry honey, but it�s true. And if you are really going to be with him, you have to accept the fact that he and I are going to have a child!�

Charlene�s eyes narrowed dangerously. �You mark my words Kat. You�ll be but a distant memory in Dale�s mind once I�m through. You and this baby won�t have any kind of hold on him. I�ll give him a child if he so desperately wants one. You will be out of his life forever!�

Kat grinned, finally seeing the true colors that she had known all along were really there. �Good luck with that Charlene. Needless to say, I�m not worried in the least. What you have with Dale will never ever compare to what he and I share, even without a baby on the way. Don�t tangle with me�you will lose.�


Chapter Twenty Seven


Carsyn and Kevin watched Dale rush out the door. She turned and looked up at the man standing next to her. �Aren�t you going to go?� she asked. Kevin thought about it for a few seconds then shook his head.

�No I don�t think I will. Maybe this will help Kat and Dale realize what everyone else has knows for years.� He certainly hoped so.

They both looked up when Tony Stewart danced his way over to them. �Whatcha doing over here in the corner? Come on people, let�s party!�

Carsyn giggled as Kevin shook his head. �Better go easy on the alcohol man, you�ve gotta drive tomorrow remember.�

Tony shrugged. �I�ll be fine, don�t worry. I�ll win the race too!� he predicted. He smiled at Carsyn. �Hey pretty lady, let�s dance!� he said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her out on the dance floor. She laughed as she followed him, easily falling into the rhythm of the music. Just from dancing with Tony, she could tell he wasn�t quite as far-gone as he was letting on. He was just enjoying himself and cutting loose.

�So, I guess all chances with you are now gone, huh?� Tony grinned down at her, more teasing her than being serious.

She looked up at him confused. �What do you mean?� she had an idea he was joking around, but his question threw her.

�Well, I�m just saying I should have made my move earlier. Missed my shot.� Tony pretended to pout.

�And why would you think you�ve missed your shot?� she asked, deciding to flirt back just a little. She knew without a doubt that there was nothing romantic between herself and Tony, but he was a load of fun.

�Because of the way things are heating up between you and Kevin.� Tony wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her. She stopped dancing, staring up at him, suddenly realizing that there was more to this than just joking.

�Me and Kevin?� she echoed completely dumbfounded.

�Well yeah. I saw you guys last night.� Tony told her. �Way to go girl!�

She shook her head. �Saw us what?�

Tony gave her an incredulous look. �Kissing of course! And boy, what a kiss it was!�

Carsyn stared up at him. �I think you�re mistaking.� She stated feebly. Tony laughed and shook his head.

�Sweetheart, if there is one thing I know besides racing, it�s kissing! No mistaking what I saw there. Why, are you telling me you�re not together with Kevin?� Tony asked. It was very hard to believe after what he�d witnessed and the intensity and heat that was there between Carsyn and Kevin.

�Yes, and I�m also saying there is no way we kissed! I�d remember that!� she exclaimed, gasping when her dream came to mind. Her hand flew to her mouth. �Oh my god! It wasn�t a dream!�

Tony couldn�t help it, he burst out laughing. �You thought it was a dream? Oh that�s classic!�

The song ended and they stopped dancing and Tony moved to lead her back to Kevin, who was still standing by the bar watching them. Carsyn stopped in her tracks. �Uh, I can�t Tony.� She whispered, knowing there was no way she could look Kevin in the eyes, much less talk to him.

Tony looked down at her. �Are you sure? I mean, maybe you should talk to him about it.�

�NO!� she shrieked before taking a calming breath. �Please Tony, don�t say anything to him about this. I�m begging you!�

Tony shook his head but agreed. �Okay, for you anything. But I still say you should talk to him.�

�Um, I�m going to the restroom. Thanks for the dance Tony!� she called as she moved into the sea of people, easily losing herself among them, all the while her mind replaying the kiss she had believed to only be a dream in her head.


Charlene laughed at Kat�s last statement. �You have no idea the power I hold over Dale. I have him eating out of the palm of my hand, and it will stay that way. It didn�t even take much effort to persuade him to get rid of you last time. You honestly think I�ll have a problem doing it again?� she asked smugly, making Kat was to wipe the look off her face, but she held back.

�I think you�re going to have a big fucking problem!�

Both women whirled around, surprised for different reasons to find Dale standing there.

�Dale!� Charlene squealed. She looked from Dale to Kat then back�then burst into tears. �Oh Dale thank god you�re here. You should have heard the horrible things she was saying to me! All I wanted to do was try to bury the hatchet and be friends, but she wouldn�t listen!�

Kat huffed and rolled her eyes, ready to just walk away and out of this little triangle. She was about to do just that when Dale spoke, halting her movement.

�I heard everything, Charlene, save the dramatic act.� Dale growled at her. He stepped forward, his eyes never leaving Charlene. The coldness she saw there had her chilled to the bone.

�You honestly thought I would chose you over Kat again? You�re fucking insane!� he yelled. Charlene tried to defend herself but he stopped her. �Save it! I don�t want to hear one more word coming out of your lying, manipulative mouth! And to think I actually gave it a thought of getting back together.� He paused and looked at Kat.

�You can kick my ass for that later.� He promised, his heart lifting when he could tell she was fighting not to smile. He turned back to Charlene. �And I can�t believe you thought you could get rid of Kat completely. I would have never allowed that to happen. Kat is my better half, my best friend, and the mother of my unborn child. You, nor anyone else will ever hold a candle to her. Now get the fuck out of here and out of my life. I never want to see you again. Ever!�

Charlene�s lower lip quivered at his words and while choking back a sob she turned and fled. Dale took a deep breath, feeling like the weight of the world lifted off his shoulders and turned to look at Kat, who was staring at him with a funny look on her face.

�What?� he asked.

�Did you really mean all that?� She asked.

�Of course I did! Kat, no one means more to me than you. I�m sorry for the hell I�ve put you through today, it wasn�t fair. And I guess I just needed to be reminded of the type of woman Charlene is, but I never meant it to be a your expense.� He told her truthfully.

She smiled and came forward, pulling him into a tight hug. �I understand.� She told him. He pulled back slightly and pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.

�Am I forgiven?� he asked. She grinned and shrugged.

�I think you�ll have to do some more groveling, but yeah, you�re forgiven.� She told him. They started back to the building when Dale stopped.

�What�s up with you and Stewart?� he demanded to know. He had watched them dancing, laughing and talking all night. He knew Tony was single and so was Kat. Tony was one of his very good friends, but for some reason seeing them getting cozy had bothered him, more than he was willing to really admit.

She gave him a look. �Nothing. We�re just friends, you know that.� She told him.

�Sure looked like more than that inside.� He huffed. She rolled her eyes.

�Oh please! You know Tony is not really my type. I mean, he�s a great guy and all�but me and him? No way, not going to happen.� She sighed, suddenly feeling rather depressed. She wondered if anyone would really be right for her. No relationship ever worked out for her because she would always end up comparing them to Dale, and they never measured up.


�Why are you so worried about it? Tony�s a great guy. Any woman would be lucky to have him!� she exclaimed, again wondering why she herself couldn�t look at Tony like that.

Dale shrugged and looked away. �I don�t know. I just don�t like the idea of you and him together.� He admitted.

�You�re impossible! Between you and Kevin, I don�t think any guy will be good enough for me!� she sighed, shaking her head. �You know, maybe Kevin was right. We do need to talk about this.�

�About what?� he asked.

�About what we are going to do when one of us does meet someone we want to be with. What happens then?� she asked. Dale fell quiet, not liking the idea of her meeting and falling in love with anyone. And it had nothing to do with the baby on the way.

�I don�t think we need to worry about it right now.� He snapped, not wanting to get into it right now. She stared at him.

�Why not? We�ve got to discuss it sometime!� she told him.

�No we don�t.� he argued.

�Why the hell not?� she demanded.

�Because I don�t want you with anyone else!� he shouted, shocking them both. He sighed and closed his eyes counting to ten. He opened them and looked deep into her eyes, seeing something there he�d never noticed before. His future�and not as �friends�.

Maybe no one else would ever be good enough for her because they weren�t him. Suddenly all new feelings, or maybe not new, feelings that had been there for a long time but he had just refused to acknowledge, came rushing to the surface.

Kat shook her head, struggling with her own mixed emotions. �Look, you�re probably right, this isn�t the time to talk about this. Let�s just go back inside and enjoy the rest of the night, okay?�

He nodded and walked with her inside, but his mind was elsewhere. For the first time he really noticed the way men stopped and stared when she walked by, and he clenched his fist, wanting to make it clear that she was with him and no one else.

He knew they had to talk�and soon. This wasn�t something he could just let go of. �Hey,� he said softly once they were inside. She turned to him. �Would you mind coming over and staying tonight? We need to talk.�

She was quiet for a moment, but could tell from the look in his eyes and his tone that it was serious. She nodded. �Okay, no problem. But for now, let�s go find Carsyn and Kevin.�

Dale suddenly grinned, forgetting all about his promise to Kevin. �They are probably in some dark corner getting hot and heavy.�

Kat stopped in her tracks causing Dale to plow in the back of her. She spun around to look at him. �WHAT?� she yelled. �What the hell are you talking about? Why would you say that?�

Dale inwardly groaned suddenly remember he told Kevin he wouldn�t say anything. But really, how could Kevin expect him to keep something so important�so juicy from Kat?

�Last night, they took their relationship up a notch.� He grinned. Kat was shocked.

�No way in hell! Carsyn would have said something!� Kat protested.

�I�m sure she would have�had she remembered.� Dale laughed. Kat was speechless.

�Holy shit!� she exclaimed, breaking out into a radiant smile. It was about damned time! Now it was up to her, with Dale�s help of course, to get her brother and Carsyn the rest of the way.


�So, did my game of �avoidance� wear off on you or is something wrong?� Kat asked as she sat down next to Carsyn. She�d been back in the club for over an hour and for the entire hour she�d noticed that Carsyn had done her best to steer clear of Kevin.

Carsyn looked confused. �What are you talking about?� she asked.

�My brother. You haven�t said a word to him and have done everything you could to keep away from him. So, what�s up?� Kat asked.

Carsyn put her head down taking a deep breath. �I found out something earlier.� She admitted, needing someone to talk to.

�That you two kissed?� Kat guessed, laughing out loud at the expression on Carsyn�s face. �Yeah, I heard about that too.�

Carsyn covered her face with her hands. �What am I going to do? I don�t even remember it!�

�Talk to him about it.� Kat suggested.

Carsyn immediately shook her head. �No way! I don�t think he remembers either. Like I�m going to walk up to him and say �So, Kevin, how about that kiss we shared last night that neither of us remember?��

Kat grinned. �Why don�t you ask him for a replay�in super slow motion!� She giggled at how red Carsyn face was.

�You�re not helping!� Carsyn groaned. In truth, that was exactly what she wanted to do. But knew she couldn�t.

�I�m sorry. I say you talk to him about it. If it�s bothering you this much, then it meant more than you�re willing to admit. Talk to him, Carsyn.� Kat suggested.

Before Carsyn could reply two uniformed officers stepped up to the table. �Excuse me, but are you Katrina Miller?� One asked.

Kat and Carsyn looked at each other in confusion. �Yes I am.� Kat replied.

�We need you to come with us, ma�am.� The other officer told her. She stood up not even noticing that Carsyn did as well.

�Why? What for?� Kat demanded. If this was some kind of joke, someone was going to pay�dearly!

�You�re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent��

Kat gasped as Carsyn stepped forward angrily. �What the hell for?� she spat.

�For the assault on Charlene Johnson.� The one officer said as he took Kat by the arm and started leading her towards the door.

�Assault? I didn�t assault her, although I would have liked too!� Kat protested.

�Kat, what do I do?� Carsyn asked, following after them. Kat looked dazed as they got outside and they started putting handcuffs on her and leading her towards the patrol car.

�Get Dale�and Kevin!� she shouted back before the door closed, effectively cutting off their conversation.

�Don�t worry Kat!� Carsyn yelled as the car pulled away. She didn�t know if Kat heard her or not, but she couldn�t worry about that right then. She turned and ran back inside, her heart pounding. She had to find Dale and Kevin right away!


Chapter Twenty Eight


Dale cringed when he saw Kevin walking towards him with purpose in his step. By the thunderous look on his friend�s face, he was certain that Kevin had found out that he�d told Kat about what had happened with him and Carsyn. He held his hands up defensively as Kevin stepped up to him, his whole body rigid.

Dale took a deep breath, looking his friend in the eye. �Kevin�man, I swear I didn�t mean to. It just slip-� He began, but Kevin cut him off.

�We need to go�Now! Kat has been arrested.� Kevin told Dale, watching the confusion, disbelief, and then anger cross his face. It was the same emotions that he�d gone through when Carsyn found him and told him what was going on.

�What?!� Dale demanded. His eyes turned dark and stormy, already having an idea as to what was going on. He�d bet the ranch that this some how had something to do with Charlene.

Kevin shook his head. �Carsyn can explain it on the way. She was there when it happened. Come on, we need to get going!.� He said as he turned and began walking towards the door, where Carsyn was waiting for them. Dale followed him, his mood dropping with every step that he took. By the time they arrived at the police station, it had reached a dangerous level.


�When am I going to get to talk to someone?� Dale went up to the reception desk and demanded for probably the tenth time in the hour that they�d been there. Kevin had never seen Dale so pissed. He looked like he was ready to rip someone�s head off. Not that he blamed Dale. He was feeling exactly happy either, but he was a little calmer than Dale was.

�Dale, calm down.� Kevin told his friend as he sat down with a snarl of frustration after having been given the same runaround at the desk. �Someone will be out soon.�

�Sure.� Dale growled. �That�s what they�ve been saying for the last fucking hour!� He all but yelled, his temper nearly reaching its limit.

�I know, Dale.� Kevin sighed heavily, understanding completely where Dale was coming from. �Just try to be patient.� He said, turning his head away from the deadly glare that Dale was giving him.

�Excuse me.� Carsyn said softly when her cell phone suddenly rang. She stood up, looking at the caller ID, a little shiver of worry going through her when she saw her sister�s number on the screen. She knew that she wouldn�t be calling this late unless something was wrong.

�Hello.� Carsyn answered as she walked outside where it was quieter.

�Hey sis. I�m really sorry to have to bother you, but I think you should come home.� She began, sounding stressed. �Teegan has started running a fever.�

Carsyn immediately felt awful for not being there with her daughter. What kind of mother was she anyway? �How high? And how�s she doing otherwise?� She asked, pushing those thoughts aside for the time being.

�It�s up to 101.2 now. She�s really clingy and wants to be held. She�s pretty lethargic.�

Carsyn let out a breath, running her fingers through her hair as she felt the stress building. �Okay, there�s some Tylenol in the diaper bag. Give her a half of a dropper and I�ll be there as soon as I can.� Then after saying their good-byes, they ended the call.

Carsyn sighed heavily, feeling tears stinging her eyes as worry and guilt consumed her. How could she be so selfish to go off, leaving Teegan like she had since they�d been in Florida. She was irresponsible, plain and simple. She also felt horrible knowing that she was going to have to ask Kevin to give her a ride when he needed and wanted to be there for his sister. She had no choice though. She wasn�t about to ask Dale. She had to get there and right now Kevin was the only way.


Chapter Twenty Nine


Kat sat back and closed her eyes, rubbing her temples, trying to ease the pounding that was there. �Look, for the last time, I never laid a hand on Charlene! I don�t know how many times I need to tell you all this!� she exclaimed, reaching the end of her patience and cooperation. �We did have words, but then Dale came out, he told her to leave and she did. She didn�t have a scratch or mark on her when she left. And I haven�t seen her since then!�

The two detectives looked at each other, inclined to believe her, the only problem was they did have a woman who had been beaten pretty badly. Unfortunately the evidence was going against Ms. Katrina Miller.

One of the detectives slid some pictures across the table towards Kat. �Can you explain these?� he asked. Kat looked down at the pictures, gasping in shock, looking at the two men with wide eyes.

�I don�t know how this happened. She was fine when she left the club, damnit! I swear! I don�t know who would have done this to her�but it wasn�t me! Besides, I wouldn�t lay a hand on anyone right now. I�m pregnant!�

�Look, we�d like to believe you, but the evidence speaks otherwise. I�m sorry, but unless you can post bail, you�re going to have to stay here the night and we�ll go before the judge in the morning.�

�Stay here?� she whispered, suddenly frightened. She bit her lip, trying to figure out what the hell to do, when the door was opened and another officer came in. He motioned for the two men to come outside, which they did. Once they were out of the room, Kat let out the breath she�d been holding.

She looked down at the pictures again, her eyes narrowing. �What did you do, Charlene?� she mumbled. The woman had definitely been worked over, there was no denying that, but to say it was Kat who had done it! It was ludicrous.

�And where the hell are Dale and Kevin?� She again mumbled out loud. Tears stung her eyes. She knew any way she looked at this, it was her work against Charlene�s and the evidence against her was not looking good. She was in trouble here, and didn�t know what the hell to do about it.

The door opened and the two officers walked back in. �Well we do have some good news. There are some people here, and by the way one is acting, I don�t think you�ll have to worry about spending the night in jail.�

For the first time since arriving, Kat smiled. �That would be Dale.� She felt instant relief, just knowing he was there. She could only imagine the kind of hell he was currently raising. �When can I see him?� she demanded. It was one thing to know he was there, but she needed to see him.

�We�ll bring him back soon, ma�am.� The other officer promised.


�Assault. This is total bullshit!� Dale growled, slumping back in his chair. His patience was beyond gone, and still no one had told him a damn thing.

Kevin nodded, although most of his attention was on the front door where Carsyn had just disappeared through. He turned and looked at Dale. �Don�t worry, I�m sure it�s just some kind of misunderstanding and it will all be cleared soon.�

�It damned well better be.� Dale snapped. They both stopped talking when Carsyn came back in, both men coming to their feet at the look on her face.

Kevin rushed over to her side. �Carsyn, what is it?� he asked softly. To say she looked devastated was a huge understatement.

She blinked back the tears that were threatening. �I have to get back to my sister�s. Teegan is sick.� She answered, her voice shaky. Dale�s hardened features softened.

�I�m so sorry, I hope it�s nothing serious.� Dale told her. She nodded her thanks.

�I hope not either, but she�s always been a very healthy baby. I won�t feel better until I�m with her.� She answered.

Kevin walked over and picked up her purse and handed it to her then looked at Dale. �Will you explain to Kat?� he asked. Dale nodded.

Carsyn looked up at Kevin surprised. She hadn�t even asked him to take her yet, which she felt horrible about doing, and here he was ready to go. �Kevin�� she started but he cut her off.

�It�s not a problem. Kat will understand completely. Come on, let�s get you back to your daughter. Besides, I�d like to see her myself, make sure she�s okay.� He told her sincerely. One tear slipped down her cheek, which she hastily wiped away.

�Thank you, Kevin. So much.� She said, her voice choked with emotion. No one had ever been there for her the way Kevin was. It was new, but already she couldn�t imagine her life without him in it.


�Mr. Earnhardt?�

Dale�s head snapped up as he came to his feet, glaring at the officer in front of him. �It�s about fucking time!� he snarled.

The young man looked like he didn�t know what to say. �Uh, I�m sorry for the wait, but you can come back with us now. Before you can see Ms. Miller, we do need to ask you a few questions.�

�Fine, whatever, just hurry the hell up so I can see Kat.� Dale sighed.

�I knew this had something to do with Charlene! There is no way Kat assaulted her, I was there!� Dale exclaimed a little later.

He sat in the room with the two officers that had questioned Kat. �Can you tell us what exactly happened tonight?�

�I went outside looking for them both, and I heard them talking. Charlene was baiting Kat, and if Kat had put her hands on her, it would have been justified. But she didn�t. I stepped in and told Charlene to leave, which she did. From there Kat and I talked then went back inside, where she stayed until you assholes came in and arrested her!�

�So you were with her the entire time for the rest of the evening. She never had a chance to slip out?� the officer asked.

Dale winced. �She wasn�t stuck at my side the entire time, if that�s what you mean. I wasn�t watching her like a hawk, but I�m sure there are other people there that she was talking too who would be able to vouch for any time I couldn�t. But I know Kat, and she did not touch Charlene!�

Once again the pictures were slid across the table, and as he looked at them, his face went a little pale, his eyes wide. He felt sick. Someone had fucked Charlene up pretty well, but he would bet his life that it was not Kat. �There�s no way in hell she did this. Kat has never been violent with anyone, and I know her better than just about anybody. Sure, she can lash out verbally, but she would never have laid a hand on Charlene. Never.�

�We thank you for your time and patience, Mr. Earnhardt.� Dale snorted at his words.

�Can I see Kat now?� he demanded.

�Of course, please follow me.� Together they walked back to the holding cell, and when Dale saw her, sitting behind bars, his heart broke. She looked up and saw him, her eyes lighting up as she jumped up and came over.

�I didn�t do this Dale!� she exclaimed. �I swear I didn�t!�

He reached through the bars, tenderly caressing her cheek, his heard speeding up when she leaned into his touch. �Shhh, I know, it�s okay. We�ll get this cleared up, I promise. Charlene won�t get away with this.� He promised, then turned to look at the officer. �What do I have to do to get her the hell out of here?�


�She�s burning up.� Carsyn whispered as she held her daughter to her. The heat that was radiating from her little body was scary.

Kevin looked down at the little girl, who was clinging to her mother. She looked miserable. He put his hand on her back and flinched at the heat. �Should we take her to the hospital?� he asked. He didn�t want to scare Carsyn, but he knew he would feel better knowing Teegan was getting all the care she could.

Carsyn nodded with tears in her eyes. �I think so.�

�Get her ready, I�ll get her car seat in the car.� He told her, picking up the seat and hurrying out.

Carsyn�s sister looked at her. �He�s wonderful. You better hang on to him. I don�t think many guys come like him anymore.� She told her sister honestly. She wanted her sister and niece to find someone who would be there for them both, and it looked like Kevin was just the man.


�Here, is there anything else you need?� Dale asked as he handed Kat a glass of water. She took a sip and shook her head. They were finally back at his trailer, and after taking a long hot shower to get �jail� off her, she was now exhausted.

He sat down on the couch next to her and pulled her close to him, smiling when she stretched out and laid her head on his lap, her eyes immediately closing. He knew they had to talk about what was going on, but after leaving the station, she had asked him not to bring it up again until the morning.

Suddenly her eyes opened and she sat up. �Where�s Kevin and Carsyn?� she asked.

Dale could have smacked himself. With everything going on, he�d completely forgotten to tell Kat what was going on. He reached out and pulled her back down so she could relax.

�They went back to Carsyn�s sister�s house. Teegan is sick.� He told her. She looked up at him from her position.

�Is she okay?� She asked, worried about the little girl.

�I don�t know. Carsyn seemed pretty shaken up, but then again I think this is the first time Teegan has really been sick. She�s worried of course.� He said as he absently stroked her hair.

Kat yawned, feeling her eyelids getting heavier. �And Kevin went with her?� she asked with a small smile.

Dale nodded. �Carsyn never even asked. He took control of the situation.�

Kat sighed dreamily. �They make the perfect couple.� Dale looked down at her, thinking of how many times he�d heard people say the exact same thing about he and Kat.

�We can�t push them together.� He told her, although he had to agree with her.

She sighed. �I know, but how else are they going to see how right they are for each other. I mean, he obviously cares for her, and I know he loves Teegan.�

�Just let them go at their own pace. If they are meant to be together, they will be.� Dale suggested, although he was referring to more than just Kevin and Carsyn.

Kat looked up at him and grinned. �Since when did you become the voice of reason?�

Dale shrugged and laughed. �I�m turning over a new leaf!�

She rolled her eyes. �Yeah, we�ll see how long this lasts, Earnhardt. I give it, hmmm, a couple hours tops!�


Chapter Thirty


�Here ya go.� Kevin said softly as he handed Carsyn a fresh, hot cup of coffee and then sat back down in the chair beside hers. She turned and gave him a grateful look.

�Thanks.� She murmured as she turned her attention back to Teegan.

�Anytime. Anything you or Teegan ever needs, let me know.� Kevin told her, sincerely meaning every word he�d said.

Unable to speak for the lump in her throat, Carsyn nodded slightly to acknowledge that she�d heard him. She was deeply touched by his kind words and she didn�t know what she would do if he weren�t there with her. She blinked, trying to keep back the tears that were again threatening. The helplessness that she was feeling was overwhelming. By the time that they�d gotten to the hospital, Teegan�s fever had reached 103. Her breathing was also slightly labored and she had a deep, rattling cough. The doctor who�d examined her said that her chest was congested and she was wheezing. They also found that he oxygen level was a little low at 95%. She was immediately given an allbuterol treatment and admitted to the hospital. They were still waiting on some of the lab results, but judging by her symptoms, the doctor thought that she had RSV. Not a severe case, but a little more than mild.

Unable to hold the tears back any longer, a sob escaped Carsyn that shook her body. �God Kevin, look at her.� She cried miserably, feeling helpless as she looked at her daughter. The IV in her tiny foot was scary. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could hear were Teegan�s cries as they had to try repeatedly to get it in her. She longed to hold her, but she was unable to because of the oxygen tent due to her low oxygen level.

Turning in his chair, Kevin immediately pulled Carsyn into his arms, holding her tight against him. His hands ran soothingly over her back as she buried her head deeper into his chest, her tears falling even harder. After a few minutes, he pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes, easily seeing the fear and many other emotions there. He was scared as hell too for the little girl that he loved so much, but he knew that he couldn�t let it show. He had to stay strong for both Teegan and Carsyn.

�She�s going to be okay.� He told Carsyn, hoping to reassure her�and himself. �I know things look bad right now, but she�s getting the best possible care here and she�s going to be just fine.�


Chapter Thirty One


Dale groaned and rolled over, reaching out for his cell phone, which was currently ringing. He quickly answered it, not wanting it to wake Kat, who was sleeping next to him.

To say her night had been restless was an understatement. Although she had been completely worn out, it had taken a long time for her to fall asleep, and when she had it had been restless. She hadn�t calmed down until he�d pulled her close and together they found that deep peaceful sleep.

��Lo� He mumbled sleepily.

�Dale, sorry to wake you.� Kevin said. Dale immediately sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked down at Kat who was still sleeping soundly. He gently got out of the bed, smiling softly when she mumbled in her sleep, searching for his warm body.

He turned and walked out of the room, not wanting to disturb her. �No problem. How is Teegan and Carsyn?� he asked.

Kevin sighed. �Teegan is pretty sick. We�re at the hospital now. We brought her in last night and they admitted her right away. They say she has something called RSV.�

�What�s that?� Dale asked.

�It�s a respiratory infection that apparently can be pretty nasty. They don�t think Teegan is real bad off, but they have her in an oxygen tent with an IV. I swear man, seeing her like that is absolutely heart breaking.� Kevin said wearily.

�Damn man I�m sorry. How is Carsyn?�

�Worried, exhausted, frazzled and at the end of her rope.� He answered honestly.

�Were you there all night?� Dale asked, although he already knew the answer. �Of course. There is no way in hell I�d leave and let Carsyn go through this on her own. And I want to be here for Teegan as well.� Kevin said, his feelings for both people heard clearly in his voice, even if he didn�t realize it.

�Is there anything we can do?� Dale asked.

�I think if you were to bring Kat over, that would make Carsyn feel a hell of a lot better. I know you have the race today, so if someone could drive her.� Kevin asked.

Dale glanced down at his watch, blinking once when he saw the time to clear his eyes, but he had been correct the first time. �Damnit, it�s only six in the morning!� He couldn�t remember the last time he�d seen this early!

�Well, since I�m up, I�ll go ahead and get Kat up and we�ll head on over. The race doesn�t start until two, drivers meeting at twelve, so I�ve got more than enough time.�

�How is Kat?� Kevin asked, worried about his little sister. He felt a hell of a lot better knowing she was with Dale though.

�She�s doing okay. Much like Carsyn mentally and physically drained, but she�s tough. She�ll be fine.� Dale assured Kevin and himself at the same time. �Listen, I�m gonna go so we can get to the hospital. See ya in a few.�


Chapter Thirty Two


�Have you gotten any sleep?� Kat asked a few hours later as she sat in Teegan�s room with Carsyn, waiting for Dale and Kevin, who had run out to get them all something to eat.

Carsyn sighed and put her head down, shaking it. �I can�t.� she whispered. Kat looked at her sympathetically.

�You should. You�re not going to be any help to Teegan if you wear yourself out.� Kat told her gently. Carsyn smiled weakly, knowing Kat was right.

�So, what happened after we left the police station last night?� Carsyn asked, needing to get on a different topic. Anything to distract her.

Kat�s face fell somewhat, taking a deep breath of her own. �I don�t know what�s going to happen there. Basically it�s her word against mine. But someone did work her over pretty well. I have no idea who, but I�m the one getting blamed for it.�

�Worked her over?� Carsyn asked.

Kat nodded. �Seems they have pictures, which I�ve seen. Basically she got the shit kicked out of her. Went to the hospital and everything. But it wasn�t me!�

Carsyn put her hand on her shoulder. �I know Kat. Even if I hadn�t been with you the entire night, I still wouldn�t believe you�d do something like that.�

Kat smiled gratefully at her. �Thank you. Now just hope other people believe that.�

�Do you really think it will go as far as going to court?� Carsyn asked. Kat nodded.

�Obviously Charlene wants to take me down�and she�s willing to pull out all the stops to do it. So yes, I do see it going to court.� Kat sighed.

�That�s so fucked up!� Carsyn exclaimed, her eyes flashing angrily. �What does Dale say?�

�Oh, as you can imagine, he�s pissed. He�s ready to fight it and help me, but there�s only so much he can do.� Kat answered.

�So, have you and Dale talked about you two?� Carsyn asked. Kat shook her head.

�No. Too much is going on. By the time we got back from the police station I was exhausted and talking was the last thing on my mind.� She answered honestly.

�So when will you?� Carsyn asked, anxious for them to get together.

They sat in silence for a few moments until Kat spoke up. �When are you going to talk to my brother about that kiss you two shared?� She couldn�t help but grin at the way Carsyn immediately went red.

�I don�t know, Kat, I really don�t. I�ve got too much to worry about with Teegan to think about that right now.� Carsyn responded, looking lovingly at her daughter who was sleeping peacefully.

�But what about when Teegan gets better?� Kat asked. �Incase you haven�t noticed, Kevin has been here with you throughout this whole thing. I�m sure you�re aware of this, but Kevin loves that little girl. I doubt he could love her anymore if she were his own child. I just don�t want you to miss out on something wonderful.�

Carsyn didn�t say anything, going over things in her head. It was true. In the short time she�d known Kevin, he�d been there for her more than anyone else in her entire life had. She had no doubts how he felt about he daughter, and it made her care for him even more. But what was she going to do?

They both looked up when the door opened and Kevin and Dale walked in. �Has the doctor been in?� Kevin immediately asked, looking over at the little girl, his heart melting. He hated seeing her like this. He felt so helpless. He wanted more than anything to have the power to make her all better.

Carsyn shook her head. �Not yet.� She replied as she and Kat got up and took the food from the guys. She really didn�t have an appetite, but they were making her eat.

Once they all had their food, they settled back down. A little while later the doctor came in. �I�m sorry to keep you waiting.� The doctor said, smiling at them all.

�I have good news. We�re going to send Teegan home today. She does have the RSV, but there are kids in here with more severe cases, and we don�t want her exposed to it. We�re going to get you set up with a Nebulizer so you can give her breathing treatments. Normally they will be given every four to six hours. If her breathing becomes more labored, or you hear wheezing, then you can do it every two. But she seems to be doing much better than last night, I believe that four to six hours will be fine.� The doctor informed Carsyn.

�I will recommend that when you get back home, make sure she sees her regular pediatrician. Also, we got her chest X-rays back, and everything looks good. We just want to keep it that way. Before you leave we�ll have one of the nurses come in, show you how to use the nebulizer, which is very simple. We�ll get you a supply of Albuteral which will last you until you can get to your regular pediatrician. Before I go, do you have any questions?� he asked.

Carsyn nodded, feeling a little overwhelmed. �Are you sure she�s okay to leave?� she asked softly.

The doctor nodded. �Yes I really do believe that. As I said, there are much more sever cases in here, and her immune system is down right now. Yes she already has the RSV, but it�s a milder case. I don�t want her catching a more severe case.�

�And will she be okay to fly?� Carsyn asked, thinking about how to get back home.

The doctor frowned slightly. �I don�t recommend flying. It�s stressful enough on infants, and it could cause her breathing to go even more erratic. Is there any other way you can get home?� he asked.

Kevin stepped in before Carsyn said anything. �We�ll be driving.� He stated. Dale looked at Kat, who struggling to hold back her smile. Carsyn stared open mouthed at Kevin.

�But, do you have any idea how long that will take?� she demanded. She was more than willing to do it, but she wasn�t even thinking about asking Kevin to come along as well.

Kevin nodded. �It doesn�t matter. We�ll do what is best for Teegan, and right now it�s driving. And you�re not going alone. I�ll drive you home.� He stated, his tone and look in his eye telling her not to argue, which she was incapable of at the moment anyway.

She looked deep into his eyes, and then and there she fell totally and completely in love with the man before her. Never before had she met anyone like him, and highly doubted she would again. Kat was right�they did need to talk. Now might not be the time, but soon, very soon.


�I can almost guarantee you that by the time they start touring, Kevin and Carsyn will be together.� Kat announced later that night. Kevin and Carsyn had left to start the long journey home, Kat and Dale had made it back to the track, where he ran the race, finished in third, and were now back safe and sound in North Carolina.

Dale grinned and shook his head. �For some strange reason I have to agree with you. I�ve never seen Kevin like this with any woman before, have you?�

�Nope. Carsyn and Teegan are special.� She smiled. �Hey, and just think, I�ll be an aunt!�

�How in the hell do you figure that?� Dale demanded. He groaned when she grinned, knowing what was coming.

�Well, when they get married, that will make Carsyn my sister-in-law and Teegan will be my niece. Oooohhh, I can�t wait!� she was practically jumping up and down.

�Rushing things along aren�t you? They aren�t even officially together, and already you have them getting married!� Dale shook his head.

�Hey, don�t rain on my happy thoughts!� she scolded him. �They will end up married, you just wait and see. I�ve never seen two people more perfect for each other!�

Again Dale hesitated, thinking of what everyone said about the two of them. He took a deep breath. �Um, I�m gonna go take a shower.� He announced, needing some time on his own to get his jumbled thoughts and feelings together. She nodded, not really paying him any attention as she flipped through the channels on the TV.

She put the remote down a few minutes later when Dale�s home phone rang and he yelled for her to answer it. �I�m not your damn answering service!� she yelled back, giggling when she heard him yelling some profanity at her as she reached for the phone.

�Hello.� She answered, frowning when she didn�t get a response. �Hello.� She said again with more force behind it. Damn she hated people who just hung up or prank callers.

�I should have figured you�d be there.� A voice on the other end said, and Kat immediately knew who it was.

�You bitch!� Kat spat. �That the fuck kind of games are you trying to play? How dare you tell the police I assaulted you, you wacko psycho lunatic!�

Charlene laughed on the other end. �Awww, it poor little Kat having a hard time? I�ve got news for you, it�s only going to get worse.�

�You�re crazy! You don�t really think you�ll get away with this!� Kat exclaimed.

�But I already have. It�s your word against mine, Kat. And I�ve got pictures, and I�m sure I can find some witnesses.� Charlene purred.

Kat closed her eyes and silently counted to ten. What the hell was this woman�s deal?

�But, I do have a heart.� She chose to ignore Kat snort. �I�ll give you one chance to get out of this. You agree to my terms, and I�ll drop the charges and you�ll never have to worry about this again.� She promised.

�And those terms will be?� Kat asked, although she already had a good idea. Charlene didn�t disappoint her.

�You walk away from Dale. Forever. You tell him nothing of this conversation, you just disappear. I know you have a baby on the way, but you tell him it�s not his. Tell him right after being with him you were with someone else, or whatever you want to come up with, it really doesn�t matter to me. But I want you out of his life forever. You do this, and the charges are gone. You don�t, and I�ll see to it your ass is thrown in prison, baby and all. Either way you�ll be out of his life. I just thought I�d give you the opportunity to be out of his life but not behind bars. It�s your call Kat. Take a few days and think on it.� She said then hung up.

Kat stood there, still holding the phone to her hear in shock and disbelief. Only one thought was running through her head. �What the hell do I do now?�


Chapter Thirty Three


�You ready to stop for the night?� Kevin asked, noticing how tired Carsyn looked. They�d been driving most of the afternoon since Teegan had been released from the hospital. He was quite tired himself, neither he nor Carsyn having slept since the night before the last.

Carsyn looked over at Kevin, stifling a yawn behind her hand. �I think that that would probably be a good idea. We can get a good night�s rest and start again fresh tomorrow. If we drive straight tomorrow, we should be able to make it home.�

Kevin was thoughtful about it for a moment. He�d looked at the map before they�d left and from where they were stopping now, it was still about a fourteen hour drive to New York. �Maybe. We don�t want to push it though. We�re not really on a schedule. We�ll see how its going with Teegan and everything tomorrow and decide how much driving we should do.�

Carsyn continued to look over at him and she was again hit with very real and very deep feelings of love for him. She didn�t know if he felt the same, but she was very much in love with him. �What would I do without you?� She murmured softly, mostly to herself.

Kevin smiled over at him. �You�d be lost and alone, wandering this earth aimlessly.� He joked, but knowing full well that he�d be in that condition if she wasn�t in his life.

Carsyn laughed. �You know, that�s probably about right.� She said as Teegan began fussing in her carseat in the back.

�Sounds like deciding to stop is the right thing to do.� Kevin commented as Teegan�s cries became louder and more persistent.

�Yeah, I�m sure she�s hungry. She�s slept since we left so she hasn�t eaten since then either. I�m a little hungry myself. Not to mention I could really use a shower.�

�The first hotel I see sound good?� Kevin asked, his eyes scanning the area, looking for a hotel as they began driving into the next city.

�Sounds good to me.� Carsyn agreed as she climbed over the seat into the back. After a few moments she had Teegan calmed down somewhat.

�Here we go.� Kevin said a few seconds later as he slowed down and turned the car into a Holiday Inn parking lot. As soon as the car was stopped, Carsyn took Teegan out of her carseat and got out of the car as Kevin did as well. They both groaned as their stiff muscles and joints protested the movement. Oblivious to it all, Teegan reached for Kevin when she saw him and he readily and lovingly took the little girl into his arms.

Carsyn eyed her daughter. �Well, I guess we know who rates around here.� She joked as she lovingly ran a hand over Teegan�s head. Kevin laughed heartily as he gave Teegan a light squeeze and draped his free arm around Carsyn�s shoulders.

�Yeah, its good to be the one who is loved.� He teased back as she smiled down at both Teegan and Carsyn.

�Yeah, she�s not the only one who loves you.� Carsyn thought to herself and then quickly pushed those thoughts out of her mind before she accidentally said something out loud that she didn�t want to�not at that moment anyway.

�I�ll come back out and get the bags after we get all checked in and everything.� Kevin told Carsyn as they began walking towards the doors that led to the hotel lobby.

�And while you do that, I�ll be taking a nice hot shower.� Carsyn playfully taunted him.

�No, you�ll be feeding your daughter first and I�ll be taking that nice hot shower.� Kevin teased back, a grin on his face that made Carsyn�s heart jump and race off. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words would come out. They walked up to the desk in silence.

�Good evening, do you have a reservation with us?� The lady working the desk asked. She looked at Carsyn first and then at Kevin and Teegan. �Oh, your daughter is beautiful. You must be very proud.� She said to Kevin.

Kevin was silent for a moment and then opened his mouth to say that Teegan wasn�t his daughter, but then stopped himself. �Thank you.� He said simply. �Um�we don�t have reservations, but we need a room for tonight.� He added after a few moments, him and Carsyn waiting as she started typing into her computer to see if there was anything available.

�All we have available tonight is one whirlpool suite.� The lady told them.

�That�ll be perfect actually.� Kevin said and then looked at Carsyn when she began to protest, knowing that suite�s were more than a regular room. �I don�t know about you, but I whirlpool is exactly what I need tonight after driving all day.� Carsyn couldn�t possibly argue with him. She had to admit that the whirlpool did sound very nice. �We�ll take it.� She told the lady behind the desk.


Chapter Thirty Four


Everyone at DEI scattered when the Budweiser driver walked through the front door. It only took one look at his face to know he was in an extremely bad mood, and they all knew from experience to stay out of his path when he was like that. Thankfully it was evening, and most people had already gone home.

Teresa walked out of her office and smiled at her stepson, but the smile quickly faded when he walked past her and slammed the door to his office. She shook her head and followed after. There were only three people who were willing to approach him when he was like this. His father, Teresa and Kat. With Dale Sr. no longer being with them, Kat not being around at the moment, it was up to Teresa to find out what was going on and help him fix it.

�Dale?� she called as she opened the door, nearly turning and walking out at the glare she received, but decided to go forward. �What�s going on?�

Dale slumped back in his chair, closing his eyes. �This really isn�t a good time.� He muttered.

Teresa sent him a look of her own, although he missed it for his eyes being closed. �Ralph Dale Earnhardt Jr., don�t you dare even try that with me. Now, what�s wrong?�

He sighed loudly but opened his eyes and looked at her. �That�s the problem. I don�t know what�s wrong.�

She gave him a confused look, and he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk in front of him, holding his head in his hands. �Is it Kat?� she asked gently, already knowing the answer. There was really only one person Teresa knew who could tie Dale in knots.

�She was over earlier and I went to take a shower. When I came back out, she was gone. She left a note saying she had to go, but there was no other explanation. I�ve tried to get a hold of her, been over to her place, and nothing. I have no clue where she is or what the hell is going on.� He finally admitted, more than just a little worried.

Teresa sat down. �Did you two have an argument or something?� she asked.

�No that�s just it. Everything was fine.� He rubbed his hand over his face. �That�s why I came here, hoping maybe she had come by to talk to you or something. But I knew when I pulled up she wasn�t here.�

Teresa gave him a reassuring smile. �Well, I�m sure then everything is fine. Something probably just came up and she had to go. You know she�ll get a hold of you.�

Dale nodded, although reluctantly. �I hope you�re right.�

�So when are you going to realize you�re in love with her?� Teresa asked suddenly, and had she not been so serious she would have laughed out loud at the look on Dale�s face.

�W-what?� he stuttered, his eyes wide. Suddenly he was finding it very difficult to breath.

Teresa gave him a knowing look. �You heard me. Think about it Dale. And I don�t mean the way you�ve thought about it before. I mean really sit down and think about it. If Kat were just your best friend and nothing more, one you would not be expecting a child. Two, do you think you�d really be this worried about her? I mean every time you can�t get a hold of her, or don�t know where she is, you go absolutely frantic.�

Dale, for the first time in a hell of a long time, was completely speechless. He couldn�t find any words.

�I�ll give you a for instance.� Teresa continued, hoping like hell she would help to open his eyes. �When ever you have been in a relationship, even one that was serious,� she paused, refusing to mention any names. �Never once did you worry over them the way you do with Kat. I�ve been at your place when she�s called to tell you she�s on her way over, when she isn�t there by a certain time, you pace the halls, and nearly pounce on her the second she hits the door.�

�I don�t pounce.� He mumbled.

�Okay, whatever.� Teresa countered. �All I just said and you�re only response is you don�t pounce? Dale, I always thought your father was the most stubborn person I�d ever met. But now, I think you have him beat.�

She stood up and looked sternly down at him. He may be a grown man, but in her eyes he would always be the little boy she�d come to love as her own. And now he needed her help, even if he didn�t realize it.

�Open your eyes Dale. You need to take a good long look at what you have. You�ve got everything you could possibly hope for and dream of right within your grasp�and if she slips through your fingers, you�ve got no one to blame but yourself.�


Kat sighed and got up from where she�d been sitting and thinking for the past two hours. She shivered, realizing the sun had gone down and it was now much cooler. She looked across the water at the huge house sitting here, a place that had always brought her comfort. Not the pace so much as the people who had always been inside.

The dock she was currently sitting on had always been her favorite place. Not only did it give an excellent view of the house, but when she was younger, more often than not Dale Sr. would be out there with her as well. It was �their� time.

Tears stung her eyes as she thought of the man she loved like a father. Damn how she missed him, especially now. She honestly didn�t know how the rest of the Earnhardt�s did it, but they had her undying respect and admiration.

Shaking away from the sad thoughts, she went back to the problem at hand. After the phone call, she had hung up and quickly scribbled a note to Dale, then hauled ass out of there. She was so damn confused, she didn�t know which end was up.

Now, however, she was thinking a little more clearly. She couldn�t believe she allowed Charlene to �frighten� her like that. And in a sense Charlene has scored a small victory. Instead of staying and talking things over with Dale, as she knew she should have, she�d run. She hadn�t trust in their bond and closeness and tried to deal with it on her own. The thing that had her the most upset was the fact that she had actually thought about giving in to Charlene.

She groaned in disgust with herself. There was no way she was going to allow that conniving bitch run her from her entire life and best friend.

�Just best friend?� a little voice questioned in her head.

She smiled to herself and shook her head. During her �quiet� time she had taken time to think no only about the situation with Charlene, but also the baby, and her feelings for Dale.

There was no denying it anymore. Her feelings for him went farther than just friendship. Every time she thought back on finding him and Charlene sitting close together at the track she wanted to scream and hit something.

It was jealousy, plain and simple.

But now what? What did she do with these feelings? Another thing she couldn�t get out of her mind was her one night with Dale. It played over and over and over again in her head, and she was finding it harder and harder to be around him and not grab him and have her memories become a reality.

She stretched as she started back towards her car, knowing she had to get back to Dale�s. He was probably frantic and totally pissed off by now. She honestly hadn�t meant to take this long, she had gotten completely lost in thought and time flew. She also knew once she told him what she had to say, it wasn�t going to help put him in a good mood any.


Dale hardly had his truck in park when he jumped out, rushing to the door, seeing Kat�s car in the driveway. He burst through the door, glaring hard at her as she stood there waiting for him.

�What the fuck is going on?� he growled, sending chills down her spine, but not of fear or dread. She swallowed hard and gave him a sheepish grin.

�Sorry about that. I had some serious thinking to do, and I couldn�t do it here. I didn�t mean to worry you. Um,� she paused and looked away before meeting his eyes once more. �We need to talk.�

He knew they did. After his talk with Teresa he hadn�t been able to think about anything else. Just the relief of pulling up and seeing her there waiting for him told him the answer to the question he�d been asking himself since leaving Teresa. He was through fighting it. He was hopelessly and completely in love with his best friend. So now that he�d finally admitted it to himself, what did he do with it? Did he keep it to himself, did he tell her? Deep down he knew he had to tell her, had to see how she felt and where they went from here. But he also knew he wasn�t ready to just yet. He needed to come to grips with his feelings for her first. After all, once he admitted his true feelings, it would change their friendship�forever. Dale could feel her apprehension and knew whatever was bothering her was something serious. He took a deep breath and released it slowly, allowing his anger and tension to dissipate a little. �Let me guess, you�re pregnant?� he asked, trying his hardest to lighten the mood a little. She rolled her eyes and turned her back on him, knowing he�d follow.

They sat down in the living room and they were both quiet, Dale waiting for her to start, Kat trying to find the right words. Finally Dale had enough.

�Spit it out would you!� he nearly yelled, his nerves worn out.

�Remember the call earlier?� she asked, deciding just to get straight to the point. Dale nodded, although until she just mentioned it, he�d forgotten all about it.

�It was Charlene.� She immediately grabbed his arm, keeping him in place when he moved to get up. �I�m not finished!� she told him.

The look in his eyes had her very, very glad he�d never looked at her in such a way. It was down right frightening. �She told me she was willing to drop the charges.�

A little bit of the tension eased from his body, but not much. He could tell it wasn�t going to be that simple. �But?� he asked.

�But�I have to walk away from you forever.� She said softly.

He felt her grip on his arm tighten and he could hear her talking but couldn�t make out what she was saying over the ringing in his ears. �You told her to go straight to hell right?� he asked, although his voice sounded foreign to his own ears.

She sighed and dropped her hand from his arm. �I really didn�t get a chance. After she told me the call was basically over. She told me she would give me a couple days to think over it and call back.�

He looked at her, really looked at her and saw the confusion and stress lying there. His thought his heart was going to come out of his chest as he asked the next question. �Are you thinking about it?�

He was hoping she would bitch him out, smack him, yell at him anything, but the reaction he got he was unprepared for. She lowered her head, unable to meet his eyes.

�I did�for a little while.� She whispered, needing to be completely honest with him. Although she knew her answer would hurt him, she had never lied to him before and she wasn�t about to start now. �It was a very short time I was thinking about it, but yes I did.�

Dale stood up and walked over to the window, staring blindly out. �So you were thinking about just walking away, cutting me off completely.� He stated, although his voice was completely void of emotion.

She looked at his back, her own heart breaking. �That�s not what I mean. Yeah the thought crossed my mind, but I knew the second it did that was something I could never do. I knew I needed to talk to you and tell you what�s going on.�

He turned around, his eyes cold as he crossed his arms over his chest. �So you want me to tell you it�s okay to just walk away then, is that it?�

�NO!� she yelled, coming up off the couch swiftly. �You�re twisting my words, damnit! I wanted to tell you what was going on and figure out what to do together. But what ever it is we do decide I�m not walking away!�

�No you�re not.� Dale replied, coming forward. Kat swallowed hard, feeling like she was being stalked. She still couldn�t judge his mood or emotions. �I won�t let you just walk away from me. It won�t ever happen.�

She nodded, unable to find any words. �We will figure out this thing with Charlene together, but you are not to talk to her again, is that clear?� he demanded, still coming forward slowly.

Again she nodded. She watched him as he came closer still and suddenly all she wanted to do was grab him and kiss him. Blame it on the hormones or something else, but it�s all she could think about.

�She will not get to you, I promise.� He swore, willing to protect her with his own life. At his words, Kat�s restraint snapped. She couldn�t hold back any more, and she really didn�t try. She all but lunged forward, closing the distance between them, grabbing his shirt. She rose up on top toes and their lips came together in an almost brutal kiss.

Neither had second thoughts�neither gave a damn about consequences. They knew what they wanted, and also knew they could only find it with each other.


Chapter Thirty Five


�Oh, now this is about as close to Heaven as one can get.� Carsyn commented, groaning softly as she sank down into the hot water in the whirlpool. She moaned again with delight a few moments later when she turned on the jets and felt the powerful streams of water working the knots out of her tense muscles. After getting Teegan fed, she was still awake and Kevin insisted on taking care of her so that Carsyn could get in the tub and relax. Not about to protest, Carsyn immediately got into her bathing suit since the whirlpool was located in the living area of the suite and got into the big tub.

�I can just imagine.� Kevin replied, smiling over at her, not having seen her so relaxed since before Teegan had gone into the hospital. After a moment he turned his attention back to Teegan and the breathing treatment that he was giving her. The little girl was doing much better and he couldn�t be more relieved. As they�d been driving her to the hospital back in Florida, he�d never been so worried or scared for anyone ever before, even though he didn�t show it much, knowing he had to keep strong for Carsyn and Teegan.

Carsyn felt tears stinging her eyes as she watched Kevin with her daughter. He was so gentle and caring; everything that she wanted in a man for herself and in a father figure for Teegan. Not to mention he was sexy as hell. Every time he smiled, she melted. When she was in his presence, there were butterflies in her stomach. But did Kevin share her feelings? There was only one way to find out she supposed. She wasn�t sure if she was ready�had the courage to approach the subject with him. But if she wanted her relationship with Kevin to go a step further, she was going to have to gather her courage and just do it.

Closing her eyes, Carsyn sank up to her chin in the water. She had to bite back a moan as bits and pieces of the kiss flashed through her mind. Gawd, she wanted that again. And she wanted to be able to remember it this time�every last detail. Opening her eyes again, she glanced at Kevin, wondering if he knew about the kiss�Did he remember? If he didn�t, had Kat told him as well? What did he think about it? Was it affecting him the same way it was her?


Chapter Thirty Six


Kevin took a deep breath and turned to face Carsyn after putting Teegan down, who had fallen asleep during her breathing treatment. He couldn�t be more relieved to see she was doing better. She was beginning to act like her usual self. His eyes softened when he saw just how relaxed Carsyn looked in the hot tub. He paused, wondering if he should join her. The pull he felt towards her was growing stronger and stronger and he wondered just how much longer he would be able to fight it. Then he wondered why he was even fighting it in the first place.

He attention was brought back when he heard a knock on the door. He smiled uncertainly at Carsyn when she opened her eyes. �You stay there, I�ll get it. It�s probably room service. I�m starved.� He said.

Carsyn nodded in agreement, not realizing just how hungry she had been until he mentioned food. �Oooh, that sounds good.� She exclaimed. �Hey, think I can eat in the tub?�

Kevin laughed, shaking his head. �Sorry, but you gotta get out.� He laughed harder when she playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

�Spoil sport.� She mumbled good naturedly, groaning when she rose up from the water.

They were quiet as they ate, both lost in thoughts of each other, both wondering how to bring it up. Finally Carsyn had enough. She couldn�t keep this to herself anymore. She had to know if the kiss meant something, and more importantly if she was the only one with the strong feelings.

She cleared her throat. �Um, Kevin?� she asked softly, almost shyly, her voice shaking. �Can I ask you something?�

Kevin smiled warmly at her and reached across the table, taking her hand in his, gently caressing the back of her hand with his thumb, sending shivers through her entire body as he did so. �Of course.� He answered gruffly.

She took a deep breath, decided it was just best to blurt things out. She kept telling herself she would feel much better once things were out in the open. �It�s about the kiss the other night at the club.� She blurted, feeling her face flame with embarrassment. Yeah, that was real smooth. She just wanted to kick herself.

Kevin felt like he�d been kicked in the gut, all the air went rushing from his lungs. He�d been trying to figure out a way to bring it up himself. He wasn�t sure what shocked him more, the fact that she said something about it first, or the fact that she even remembered the kiss.

�Uh, you remember the kiss?� he asked, then immediately closed his eyes, silently cursing himself.

She couldn�t help it, she grinned. �Well, actually not until Tony Stewart told me about it. I vaguely remembered it, but thought it had been a dream.� She answered honestly.

�I thought pretty much the same thing.� Kevin told her, squeezing her hand a little. �Junior was the one who refreshed my memory.�

Carsyn looked away for a moment, then looked back, summoning up all the courage she possessed. �We need to talk about us.� She finally said. �I just don�t know how or where to begin.� She trailed off, holding her breath, waiting for his response as if her life depended on it, and in a very real way, it did.


Dale broke the kiss reluctantly, looking down at the woman in his arms, fully realizing that Teresa was right. He had everything he had ever hoped and dreamed of. How could he not have realized it sooner?

�We need to talk.� He said, his voice rough. Kat slowly opened her eyes, and he groaned at the longing and lust he saw there.

�I don�t wanna talk.� She whispered, pulling his head back down to hers. It took all the willpower inside of him, but he was able to resist.

�Believe me, I don�t want to either, but before this goes any farther, we need to seriously sit down and discuss things.� He told her, knowing he couldn�t wait any longer. She pouted prettily up at him, but took a deep breath trying to control her raging hormones and nodded.

They sat down. �Okay, Earnhardt, let�s talk, but make it quick.


Chapter Thirty Seven


Several suffocating moments of silence passed between them before Kevin finally spoke. He met Carsyn�s eyes, letting her see the open honesty in his.

�I care for you very much�Teegan too. You are unlike anyone I�ve ever met and everything that I�ve ever dreamed of in a woman. I think that there could be something between you and I�� He trailed off, leaving the rest of his thoughts unsaid.

�But?� Carsyn prompted when he didn�t say anything more. She had a good idea of where this conversation was headed. She knew that he'd been betrayed bad in the past, much like she had. But she knew that she would never, ever hurt him the way he�d been before.

Kevin took in a deep breath and slowly let it out in an effort to get his thoughts in order. He hesitated a moment before he said anything. Deep down he knew that she�d never do anything to hurt him. He just wasn�t allowing himself to see past the barriers that he�d built around himself.

�But it�s really not a good idea to let this go any further. I need to walk away now.� He had to look away, his breath catching when he saw the emotions jump into her eyes. After a moment he forced himself to continue, knowing that he had to get this out now.

�I care for you too much, Carsyn. And one thing I�ve learned is that the ones that you care most about are the ones who hurt you the deepest. The kiss�it was just one of those things that happened. It didn�t mean anything. We were both drunk otherwise it would have never happened.� He finished, saying all that he could. He felt his heart break saying those words to her, but he knew that it was the best not only for himself, but for her too.

Carsyn sighed inwardly as she gently squeezed his hand, offering her support. �I understand completely,� She said quietly as an unbearable pain spread through her. Not only her own heartache, but pain for what he was feeling as well. How cruel life was when two people who were so right together, couldn�t trust each other enough and were so afraid of betrayal that it was keeping them apart. She knew that that was how it had to be though. She wasn�t taking any chances for herself and especially for Teegan. There was too much at stake where her daughter was concerned. She was already very attached to Kevin. How horrible would it be when he walked out of their lives? She couldn�t risk it.

�After Teegan�s father walked away, I vowed to myself that would never be hurt like that again and the only way to make sure that it never happened was to never give my heart to anyone ever again. I turned off my emotions to most everyone except for Teegan, my close family, and a few friends�most the guys from the band, they�re like my family.� Carsyn paused, running a shaky hand through her hair.

�And then you walked into my life, showing more regard than anyone has, probably ever. And Teegan�the way you are with her makes me melt every time I see it. I won�t lie to you, Kevin. I think that I was head over heels the instant I met you. I wish that the kiss had meant something, but I know that it didn�t. I�m not even going to try to convince myself that it did.� She stopped again, fighting to keep back the tears that were threatening as she silently cursed the people that had hurt them so bad that they couldn�t be together. �It�s not that I think that you will hurt me. It�s just that I can�t take the chance.�

�Yeah,� Kevin said quietly more to himself than to anyone. She�d hit it dead on with that last statement. �That�s exactly it.�

After a few moments of overwhelming silence, Carsyn got up and busied herself by clearing off the food that she hadn�t eaten. She wasn�t hungry anymore. Then she went over to check on Teegan, all the while she avoided his eyes or even looking at him. She couldn�t bear it.

Kevin watched her as he went over everything that she�d said. She�d basically told him that she was in love with him. Everything that he�d ever wanted was right there before him. Was he really going to let this go, knowing that he felt the same about her and there was potential for something wonderful between them? He knew the answer to that without even having to think about it. He felt his resolve softening, the barriers that he�d put around him beginning to fall.

�I would never do anything to hurt you, Carsyn.� Kevin said abruptly, before he realized he was doing so. It didn�t matter, this was right. He watched as she tensed up at his words, but then she relaxed an instant later. When she turned around to look at him and he saw the unshed tears glittering in her eyes, his breath caught. He was gone. His walls crumbled in an instant and he didn�t try to fight it.

Carsyn studied him for a moment, ready to tell him that she�d heard those words so many times before, but somehow she always ended up being hurt. But then she saw the sincerity in his eyes, something she�d never seen from anyone before him. She closed her eyes, knowing that it was useless to try and fight it anymore. Opening her eyes again, she began walking towards him, her own breath catching when he stood up also and met her halfway. She gasped in surprise and then contentment and he took her into his arms. She melted into him as he pulled her closer. Their eyes met and held for a moment before he lowered his head, his lips searching and finding hers in a kiss that neither of them would never, ever have any trouble remembering.


Chapter Thirty Eight


Even though they both had so much to say, neither Dale nor Kat could find the words for a few moments. They both knew that this was the instant, if not before, their relationship would change forever. For the first time they were going to discuss their feelings for each other and take their relationship to the next level. It was exciting, thrilling yet scary as hell all at the same time.

Dale finally broke the lingering silence when he let out a shaky laugh and ran his hand over his face. �This is harder than I expected.� He admitted, grinning crookedly at his best friend. There had never been anything between them before they couldn�t talk about, but now it was like neither knew what to say.

Kat nodded, her own smile a little shaky. �I know. Where do we start?� she asked.

�Well, first and foremost, how do you feel about me?� Dale asked, holding his breath. He thought he knew, but he needed to hear the words, just as he knew she did as well.

Kat groaned and blushed at the same time. �Oh sure, you�re the one who wants to talk, but put me on the spot first.� She teased, earning a chuckle from him, instantly making her feel a lot better and more confident.

She took a deep breath and opened up completely, telling him all that was in her heart. �Well, I know that you are the most important person in my life. You always have been and always will be. Why I�ve never looked at you before as more than just my best friend �Well, I know that you are the most important person in my life. You always have been and always will be. Why I�ve never looked at you before as more than just my best friend I honestly don�t know. It�s so funny to me now because everyone else saw it, except us.�

�But something struck me tonight. I was going over everything with Charlene in my head. Of course you know I can�t stand the woman. She completely broke your heart and I want nothing more than to make her pay for that. But my intense dislike of that woman is more than that. I�m jealous of her.� Kat finished quietly.

Dale�s eyes widened a little. �Baby, you have no reason to be jealous of her.� He tried to tell her but she shook her head.

�But I am. Dale, you were in love with her. She�s had a part of you that I can�t touch!� Kat cried, blinking rapidly at the sudden sting of tears. She took a deep calming breath. There was no use in getting upset about this now. Charlene was out of his life.

Dale took her hands in his and made her look at him. �That�s where you�re wrong. Sure I may have had strong feelings for Charlene at one time, but those feelings pale in comparison to how I feel about you. What you and I share only comes once in a lifetime, and for most people, they never have it. You are the only person who has ever, and could ever mean so much to me. Words can�t even describe it. I didn�t realize it until just a little while ago, no wait, I take that back. I think I�ve always know, just never admitted it to myself, but you truly are my soul mate, in every sense of the word.�

Kat was helpless to prevent the tear from sliding down her cheek. At the moment she felt like she was bursting from all the love she felt in side. And she knew without hesitation that Dale was right. They were soul mates, now and forever.

�I love you Dale.� She whispered, leaning closer to him. He reached out and tenderly caressed her cheek.

�I love you too, Kat.�

They had spoken those words many times to each other over the years, but never had it meant what it did now. They moved together and their lips came together in a kiss that sealed the change in their relationship. The kiss was full of passion, love, and promise�promise of a future together, as more than just best friends.


Chapter Thirty Nine


�Hey,� Kevin said softly as he gently shook Carsyn awake. �It�s time to get up.� He told her softly as her eyes slowly fluttered open.

�Mmm�Good morning.� Carsyn replied, seeing Kevin�s face hovering above her own. She smiled as she stretched and then she wrapped her arms around him as he dropped his head and kissed her tenderly.

�A very good morning.� Kevin agreed, just as it had been every morning the past two months since they�d gotten together. From that night at the hotel on, they�d been inseparable. After that everything was a whirlwind, happening very quickly. Before either of them know it know both had rings on their fingers and had gotten married just two weeks ago. Kevin had also officially adopted Teegan. And just a few days ago, Carsyn had found out that she was pregnant again�nearly two months along. While it was unexpected, both she and Kevin were thrilled. They hadn�t told Kat and Dale yet but they knew that they were going to be flabbergasted. Not only because it was so unexpected, but also especially since Carsyn had just had Teegan barely five months before. But she and Kevin were glad that Teegan and the baby were going to be so close in age. They were also excited that Teegan and the baby would be close in age with Kat and Dale�s baby. They hoped that they were continue to be close as they grew up.

�What time is it?� Carsyn asked when the kiss ended.

Kevin glanced at the clock on the table beside the bed and then back at Carsyn. �Almost 9.� He answered. � We have to be at the church in three hours, but it�s a bit of a drive there and I�m not sure of the directions that Dale gave me so I thought that we should leave a little bit early just to be safe.� He told her as he slid down on the bed beside her, pulling her fully into his arms. �But we have a few moments to�� He trailed off as he captured her lips again, the intensity of the kiss deepening instantly. The pulled apart a few moments later, both groaning when they heard Teegan�s cries coming from the room next to theirs.

�I love that kid more than anything, but sometimes she has the worst timing.� Carsyn grumbled as she sat up, propping herself up on the pillows.

Kevin laughed as he got up. �Just wait, in a few months there�s gonna be two of them.� He laughed harder at the look Carsyn got on her face. �I�ll bring her into you.� He called over his shoulder as he walked out of the room.

�So how do you suppose Kat and Dale are doing right now?� Carsyn called into the other room, asking Kevin as he changed Teegan�s diaper. Yeah, I thought so.� Carsyn replied when she heard Kevin laugh in response to her question. She had no doubt that Dale and Kat were probably on their last nerves that morning. When she and Kevin had gotten married, they�d wanted it very simple with only a few of their closest family and friends, but Dale and Kat were going all out. Their guest list was in the hundreds. Even the night before at the rehearsal Kat was nearly at her wit�s end. But she couldn�t blame her though. Trying to get such an extravagant wedding together in such a short time had to be overwhelming. She had no doubt though that Kat and Dale�s wedding would be perfect, just as hers and Kevin�s had been.

�Good morning, Sunshine.� Carsyn greeted her daughter as Kevin brought Teegan in and placed her in her arms. Teegan smiled in return, but then began fussing immediately, letting it be known that she wasn�t going to wait to be fed. �She has no patients.� Carsyn laughed as she got her daughter settled.

�Hmm�.sounds like someone else I know. Wonder who?� Kevin teased as he looked around with false perplexity.

�Oh hush!� Carsyn laughed. �You know that patients was never one of my strong points. It�s not my fault.�

�Uh, huh�sure it�s not your fault.� Kevin scoffed lightly and then laughed at the expression that Carsyn got on her face. �Listen,� Kevin began once he�d stopped laughing. �I�m going to go take a shower while you feed her and then I�ll look after her so you can get ready.�

�Okay, sounds like a plan.� Carsyn smiled up at him, still unable to believe everything that had happened in the past few months. It was amazing and to think that it almost didn�t happen because of her and Kevin�s uncertainty� and stubbornness. She was so glad that they�d come to their senses. Kevin was so wonderful in every way and she was so completely in love with him.


2004/2005 K&K Productions


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