
Chapter Nineteen


"You're up earlier than usual." Ashtyn commented as she came into the kitchen the next night about an hour before sunset and found Devin sitting at the table, most of the pot of coffee that she'd made already gone. And she did not look like she was in a good mood at all.

When she and Dale had gotten back just before sunrise, Devin had already been sleeping when she'd gone up to bed after filling Evan in on what she'd learned from Scorpion. Ashtyn had to fight the urge to wake Devin so that she could fill her in on her little run-in with Scorpion and she also wanted to know how things had gone when Devin and the guys had gone down to the arena. She figured though, that if anything crucial had happened, Devin would have waited up for her.

"Couldn't sleep." Devin mumbled as she got up and poured herself some more coffee. She had easily fallen asleep, but soon found herself having a dream very similar to the one the night before and had forced herself awake. She had been awake when Ashtyn came home, but not feeling like talking to anyone, she pretended to be asleep and had gotten up once she knew that Ashtyn was sound asleep.

With an annoyed sigh, Devin looked at the coffee in disgust and then dumped it out. She tossed the cup in the sink, not really caring if it broke or not. She grabbed her jacket from where it hung on the back of the chair and pulled it on as she stalked past Ashtyn, who was looking at her dumbfounded.

"I'm heading out." Devin told Ashtyn as she paused by the door to check the weapons that she had already assembled in her jacket.

Ashtyn stood there for a moment, trying to figure out what was going on after Devin went out the door and slammed it shut behind herself.

"Devin, wait!" Ashtyn yelled as she took off after the other woman. She had never seen Devin so... irritated and upset before. Something was obviously bothering her and she was damn well going to find out what it was. Plus she really did need to fill her in on Scorpion.

Running as fast as she could, Ashtyn easily caught Devin, who was walking very quickly. She grabbed Devin's arms and spun her around to face her. "What is going on, Dev?" Ashtyn demanded. "You're definitely not yourself tonight." She said as she searched her friend's eyes for some sort of clue, but Devin was very unreadable at the moment.

Devin glared at Ashtyn as she jerked her arms out of her grasp. She shook her head slightly, letting Ashtyn know that she was not in the mood for this. "Get out of my way and let me do my job...the one I've had to give up everything for." Devin said through clenched teeth. It wasn't until later that Ashtyn realized what Devin meant with the last part of her statement.

Ashtyn relented a bit, but only because the sun had now set and they needed to be paying full attention to their surroundings. "Alright, but I'm going with you. You need to know what I found out last night." She paused, waiting for a response from Devin, but she kept her attention straight ahead as they began walking again.

"I ran into Scorpion last night." Ashtyn began, knowing that Devin was listening even if she was pretending not to be. "He told me that he was hired to kill Dale and Brett because of some prophecy that concerns them. I've got Evan on it, but so far he hasn't found anything." She finished. Devin looked at her, but didn't say anything.

They kept walking, both girls keeping silent as they thought about this prophecy. They both knew what most prophecies meant...and this one was probably no different except that it involved Brett and Dale somehow.

They stopped when that familiar feeling of no longer being alone washed over them at the same time. "Finally some action." Devin grumbled as she and Ashtyn stood poised, waiting for the appearance of their enemy.

Ashtyn easily took care of the vampire that had came after her and had him staked in minutes. She turned to see how Devin was fairing and found her ruthlessly beating the other vampire. Whatever was troubling her, she was obviously taking out on him. Not that it was a bad thing. It was a good way to vent pent up frustrations, but it was so unlike Devin to be that...well, violent. Only when she had the vampire completely beaten down and bloodied, she gave him the stake.

Ashtyn walked over to Devin, who was bent over, her hands resting on her knees as she worked to get her breathing under control again. Ashtyn waited a few moments and then gently placed her hand on Devin's arm to gain her attention.

"Dev," Ashtyn began. She was barely able to contain the gasp from escaping her when Devin lifted her head, their eyes meeting and she saw the raw torment in her friend's eyes. "Tell me what is going on."

Devin let out a shaky sigh as she ran her hand through her hair. "Last night Brett kissed me. I wanted so bad to let it go further, but I stopped him. I had to explain the rules to him...he didn't know...I'm sure none of the other guys did either." She told Ashtyn, knowing that there was a strong attraction as well between Dale and herself.

"He was understandably upset and decided that he didn't want to stay at the house anymore. He said that he couldn't bear being so close to me knowing that I would always be out of his reach. Without giving any details as to why, he asked Evan where else they all could stay and Evan told them about the caves outside of town. After tonight, that is where they'll all be staying."

Ashtyn's eyes grew wide as she heard the last part of what Devin was telling her. "What? No! They can't go out there!" She nearly yelled as she began pacing. She stopped when she saw the funny look that Devin was giving her.

"We can't protect them as well if they're out there." Ashtyn told her, but it was much more than that. She couldn't let Dale go. After hearing all that Devin had just said to her, she longed to tell her what was going on between Dale and herself. But not knowing how everyone would react with all that was already going on, they decided that it would be best to keep it quiet.

"I'm sorry, Dev." Ashtyn did the best she could to comfort her friend. "But you know...rules are meant to be broken." She told Devin although she knew that she probably wasn't listening. "Let's get back to the house. We need to talk the guys out of leaving and also see if Evan has learned anything about this prophecy." And most of all, she couldn't wait to see Dale again.


Chapter Twenty


Dale groaned as he rolled over, cracking one eye open as he glared at Brett who had just thrown a bag across the room, effectively waking Dale from the deep peaceful sleep he�d be in. Not to mention that he�d just been in the middle of a nice erotic dream about Ashtyn.

�What the fuck is your problem?� Dale growled, sitting up and rubbing his tired eyes. He got up and stretched, anxious to see Ashtyn and make some of his dreams a reality. His smirk faded when he realized that she wasn�t in the house, since he didn�t sense her. He glanced at the clock and saw that sun was just now setting.

�Nothing.� Brett snapped, grabbing another bag and stuffing his belongings into it.

�Okay, then what the hell are you doing?� Dale asked, watching as Brett filled the bag, his moves jerky and agitated. In fact, Dale could honestly say he�d never seen his friend so upset.


Dale sighed and rolled his eyes. �Would you care to elaborate?�


�Well, tough shit.� Dale snapped back, having reached the end of his patience. He wanted answers and he wanted them now, and without pulling teeth.

Brett threw down the bag and spun around to face Dale. Almost immediately some of the tension left Brett as he sagged down on the bed. �We�re leaving.� He mumbled. Dale�s eyes widened in surprise.

�What?� he exclaimed, ready to protest but Brett beat him to it.

�We�re not staying here any longer. Evan told me about some caves not far from here, just on the other side of town. We�re all going there.� Brett sighed.


�Because we�re not staying here.� Brett answered tightly.

Dale had had enough. �Why the fuck not?� he exploded. �I think it�s just a little bit safer here than some damn cave, and not to mention the fact that I don�t want to stay in some dark cold smelly cave!�

Dale started to pace back in forth in frustration. He knew deep down this had nothing to do with safety. He wasn�t concerned with anything but being near Ashtyn. Damn it, he�d just found her and now he had to leave? No way in hell.

�We�re leaving and that�s final.� Brett said, his voice sounding funny, even to his own ears.

�Fine, you go, but I�m staying.� Dale told him, crossing his arms over his chest in a move that told Brett he wasn�t going to be swayed otherwise. Brett surged to his feet.

�Listen to me and listen good.� He roared, getting right in Dale�s face. �We�re leaving and that�s final. And don�t give me this bullshit about safety and not wanting to stay in a cave, because you and I both know the only reason you want to say here is because of Ashtyn.�

Brett paused, daring Dale to argue with him, but Dale simply glared back. �Get over your obsession with her, it will never ever happen.� Brett said through clenched teeth. Dale took a startled step back.

�Uh�� he started but Brett cut him off, too wrapped up in his own pain to realize the look on Dale�s face. If he�d seen it, he�d have known right away what had happened between Dale and Ashtyn.

�I don�t know if you�ve even talked to her about things, but it�s �forbidden�.� He snarled, pacing.

�Forbidden?� Dale echoed. Brett stopped and nodded.

�Against the rules, forbidden, not gonna happen. However you want to take it, that�s what it means.� Brett said dejectedly, running his hands through his hair.

�Um, how do you know this?� Dale asked apprehensively, feeling as if he�d been kicked in the stomach.

�Devin told me. Right after I kissed her and she pushed me away.� Brett shook his head, trying to fight off the memory of just how right it felt to have her in his arms, and how that kiss had been unlike anything he�d ever experienced before in his life.

�She told me that things couldn�t go any farther between us because basically Slayers and Vampires are sworn enemies and we can�t be together with them�no matter how much we all want it.� Brett sighed.

Dale turned away, not wanting Brett to see his anguished expression. So if it was forbidden for slayers and vampires to, well�then what the hell had happened between him and Ashtyn the night before. And more importantly why had she allowed it to happen. Obviously if Devin knew it wasn�t meant to happen, then Ashtyn did as well.

It could only mean one thing. Ashtyn didn�t care about him the way he did her. She had only been using him, where he had given her his heart. The pain, hurt, and anger that was growing inside him made him wish for a stake through the heart. Anything to end what he was feeling.

Taking a deep, unnecessary breath, he turned back around and started gathering his own things together. �I want to be out of here before the girls get back.� He said in a dead voice.

Brett watched him for a minute, wondering at his sudden change in attitude, but could also tell from Dale�s movements not to push the issue. He nodded as he went back to packing, knowing Dale was right. He didn�t want to be there when Devin came back�he still wasn�t sure how he was ever going to be able to look her in the eye again, and be able to keep his hands off her.


�Please! Just kill us now!�

Ashtyn glared at the vampire that was begging to be staked. She glanced over at Devin who was still beating the hell out of the other vampire that had dared cross their path.

It had been two weeks since the guys had left to go to the caves. Although she and Devin went there every night to check on them, they hadn�t seen or talked to Brett and Dale. Carl, Jeff or Kevin would come out to talk to them, letting them know they were all okay.

Although it broke Devin�s heart, she understood that Brett didn�t want to see her. She wasn�t sure herself how she would react at seeing him again, and if she looked into those amazing blue eyes that touched her soul, she doubted she�d be able to deny herself or him any longer.

Ashtyn on the other hand was thoroughly confused at Dale�s sudden change in attitude towards her. He hadn�t even hung around to tell her good bye�nothing! At first she�d been hurt, but eventually that hurt had turned into a deep burning anger. Her slaying had turned vicious and violent, more so than normal. She was snappish with everyone, including Devin, and pretty much closed herself off.

What was frustrating them both even more was the fact that nothing on the prophecy had been found, and there had been no more heard from Scorpion. The one thing both Ashtyn and Devin hated was sitting around and waiting for something to happen.

Slaying for Ashtyn wasn�t as fulfilling as it used to be. Whenever she used to be in a bad mood, a good slay would cheer her right up. Now, it didn�t work for her anymore. She was just as angry and upset after killing as before.

Rolling her eyes in disgust, disappointed she didn�t get a good fight, Ashtyn slammed her stake into the vampire�s chest, sneering at the relieved look on its face before it burst into a cloud of dust.

�Fucker.� She muttered under her breath. She looked up, wincing slightly when she found Devin staring at her.

�Okay, I�ve let it go for two weeks now, thinking whatever is wrong with you was gonna get better, but you�re only getting worse. What the hell is going on?� Devin demanded, her hands on her hips.

Ashtyn simply spun around on her heel and stalked away. Devin grumbled under her breath as she rushed to catch up with her friend. She knew Dale�s leaving would affect Ashtyn, but that still didn�t explain how Ashtyn was acting. And it hadn�t escaped her attention that Dale refused to see Ashtyn�something that confused the hell out of her.

She caught up with her friend. �You can�t keep it inside forever.� She said softly. She put her hand on Ashtyn�s arm, turning her so she could look into her eyes, her own heart going out to her friend when she saw tears filling Ashtyn�s eyes.

Ashtyn never cried�ever. Something was seriously wrong.


Ashtyn shook her head and wiped a hand over her eyes, growing even angrier. She wasn�t the weepy type and hadn�t cried since she was little. She refused to turn into a blubbering wimp now.

She took a deep shaky breath. �I really don�t want to talk about it, Dev.� She said, her voice emotionless. She looked up. �We will later, I promise, just not right now, okay?�

Devin didn�t say anything for a minute then finally nodded, knowing she wouldn�t get anything out of Ashtyn right then. With a sigh they both turned and started back to Evan�s.


��Devin you go ahead and check on the guys, Ashtyn I need to you follow up this lead. I�ll need you both back as soon as possible so we can do some research. It will be a simple night for you two.�� Devin mocked what Evan had said earlier, rolling her eyes.

�Simple my ass.� She muttered, walking slowly towards the cave where the guys were. �For a watcher, he certainly isn�t very observant.� She said out loud, referring to the fact that Evan seemed to have no clue as to the fact that both his slayers were completely miserable. Then stopped in her tracks.

�And now I�m talking to myself! Great, I�ve officially lost it.� She said, still talking out loud.

�No, but you�re about to.� A voice growled behind her. She gasped and spun around, only to catch a huge foot to the side of the head, which sent her sprawling. She shook her head to regain her senses and make the world stop spinning. Two things hit her at once. One, she hadn�t felt anything approach her and two she was severely out numbered.

She got shakily to her feet, her head pounding. Her eyes widened and she felt fear ripple through her when she saw three demons just like the one that had attacked the night she and Ashtyn had first met the guys. She could easily recall how strong one had been and knew she didn�t stand a chance in hell against three.

She did something she had never done before in her life. She fled. At least she tried to. She spun around, but hadn�t taken more than a step when she was flung back into a tree, hitting it with a sickening thud, taken completely by surprise by the fourth demon standing behind her.

With a groan she got to her knees, her entire body screaming in pain, but she refused to let these things see how badly she was hurting. She had a feeling her time had come, but she wasn�t going down without taking at least one with her.

Clenching her teeth together, she jumped up and attacked.


Brett and Dale looked up when the three other men walked back into the cave. Brett frowned, having not felt Devin�s presence. �What�s going on?� he asked, rising to his feet. Devin had called Kevin a half hour earlier on his cell phone to let him know she was on her way, something she and Ashtyn did ever y night, also to check to see if they needed any kind of supplies.

�She didn�t show. Something�s wrong.� Kevin answered, packing back and forth.

�She�s late, and she�s never late.� Carl said quietly.

Dale looked over at Brett and took in the desperate look on his face. �I�m sure she�s fine. Maybe she wasn�t able to leave right after she called.� Dale said, hopefully, but deep down knowing it wasn�t true. If she had gotten held up for any reason, she would have called.

The words were barely out of his mouth when they all heard a roar off in the distance. All five men were out the mouth of the cave in a heartbeat, each praying they wouldn�t be too late.


Ashtyn was pissed. Actually she was beyond pissed. And she was confused with only proceeded to piss her off even further. What the hell was Evan trying to pull?

The little assignment he had sent her on had turned out to be bogus. She was supposed to head straight back to Evan�s, but something didn�t feel right. She told herself she was just being paranoid, but the feeling in the pit of her stomach only grew, and with a muttered curse she turned and started towards the caves, needing to talk to Devin�and really needing to at least see Dale. She wasn�t sure she wanted to talk to him, but she needed to at least see him to reassure herself that he was okay. Then maybe, she�d kick his ass!

She shook her head, grumbling softly to herself as she made her way closer to the cave. Her head jerked up, her entire body tense a split second before a loud roar erupted from not far away.

�Shit!� she exclaimed as she took off in that direction.


Chapter Twenty One


Devin struggled to stay conscious, but knew she was fighting a loosing battle. She was beaten, bloody, broken ribs, her leg was killing her and she was still taking the beatings. She cried out when one of the demons stomped down hard on her hand, then kicked her in the stomach, the sickening sound of bones breaking nearly doing her in. She closed her eyes against the pain, wishing like hell they would hurry up and kill her.

�Looks like the prophecy is coming true, and I�m gonna be the slayer to die,� she thought to herself through a haze of pain. �At least it isn�t Ashtyn.� She coughed and paid no attention to the blood that came from her mouth, signaling internal injuries. It didn�t matter�she was going to die anyway so her injuries meant nothing to her now.

She didn�t even struggle when she was lifted from the ground by her neck, waiting for the moment when death would finally come. She heard a new sound, almost like someone yelling but the pounding in her head blocked out all the other noises around her.

The next thing she knew she found herself flying through the air, once again hitting a tree with a force that would have broke a normal human being in half. Struggling for air, she gave up the fight and allowed the darkness to consume her.

Brett watched as her body fell to the ground, then she didn�t move any farther. He raised his eyes and looked at the demon in front of him, the one that had thrown her. He launched himself at the demon, attacking with a viciousness that would have scared him had he had time to think about it. But all he kept seeing was Devin�s lifeless body lying on the ground a few feet away.

Carl, Kevin and Dale quickly joined in, taking on the other three demons as Jeff went over to check Devin for a heart beat. He let out a shaky sigh when he felt one, although it was faint and unsteady. He looked up, knowing his friends needed help, yet at the same time he was afraid to leave Devin.

Even though they had their anger making them stronger, Brett, Carl, Kevin and Dale were all starting to be overtaken by the demons. They had been training amongst themselves, but they still weren�t any real match for the enemies they were now facing.

One of the demons grinned in Brett�s face. �You�re nothing without the slayer.� Before Brett could respond the thing hit him, sending him crashing back into Dale, both falling to the ground.

�Did someone say my name?�


Chapter Twenty Two


All the movement stopped and everyone turned to find Ashtyn standing there, her arms crossed over her chest as she quickly took in the situation. She held her breath as she saw the four demons, cringing inwardly at the odds. This was not going to be good and she knew it. Damn it, where the hell was Devin?

�Well now boys,� one of the demons snarled with an eerie grin. �This just must be our lucky night. Now we get to kill another slayer.�

Ashtyn was unable to stop the gasp that escaped her when the demon moved, allowing her to see behind him. What she saw made her want to scream, cry, throw up, kill�

Devin was lying on the ground with Jeff beside her, as if trying to protect her. Although it was dark and she couldn�t see her friend too well, there was no mistaking that Devin had taken one hell of a beating.

�Devin.� Ashtyn whispered, all her attention focused on the fallen slayer, her anguish allowing her to let her guard down and leaving her vulnerable.

�ASHTYN LOOK OUT!� Dale yelled, racing forward, but knowing he wouldn�t reach her in time. Ashtyn snapped her head up just in time to see the closest demon swinging a large, deadly sword at her. She jumped back, the sword catching her in the stomach, but not enough to do any real damage. Her quick reflexes had at least saved her from being sliced in two.

She fell to the ground and rolled, quickly getting to her feet, clutching her now bleeding stomach. She took a deep breath and focused, blocking out all emotions, the pain, everything, except for the kill. Her whole posture changed as she allowed the slayer to take over.

When the demon swung the sword again, she moved and caught his hand, kicking him hard in the stomach at the same time, sending him to the ground, leaving the sword in her hands.

The sword made a swooshing sound as it came through the air and buried itself deep in the demon�s chest. With a gurgling noise the thing went limp as it�s life ended.

�One.� Ashtyn said then turned to the other three. With another loud roar, the next one charged at her, which she side stepped, spinning around and bring the sword with her, it�s head falling to the ground a few seconds before it�s big body.

�Two.� She looked back over at the remaining two, who were looking rather beat up themselves. She smirked, knowing that Devin had given those two a run for their money before being taken down.

The two remaining demons looked at each other then back at the slayer before turning and taking off. They had barely managed to live through the other slayer, and that was with back up. They knew in their already battered state they would be no match for the armed and pissed off slayer.

Ashtyn�s eyes narrowed as she watched them try to escape. She drew her arm back and threw the sword, a feeling of satisfaction spreading through her when one demon let out a scream before falling to the ground, dead. �Three.� She didn�t bother with the fourth, spinning around rushing to Devin�s side. Devin�s pale skin and her shallow breathing scared her like nothing before.

�What happened?� she demanded to know. She stared hard at Jeff, who was still kneeling by Devin. The look in her eyes sent a shiver of fear through Jeff and he found himself grateful to the fact that she was on his side.

Brett, Dale, Kevin and Carl all moved closer, Brett kneeling down beside Devin, staring down at her in shock, unable to find his voice.

�We don�t know. We were waiting for her and when she was late, we knew something was wrong. Then we heard something and ran out to investigate. She was out numbered and had been beaten, and when we got here we tried to save her but it threw her against the tree.� Jeff explained.

�Ash, the way those things attacked her, they were sent to kill her.� Kevin said softly, voicing his opinion out loud. Ashtyn�s head jerked up at his words as she struggled to regain control of herself.

�Someone wanted her out of the way.� Brett said in a dead voice, gently stroking Devin�s face. Ashtyn looked down at Devin, her eyes softening for just a moment. Suddenly she stood up, the hard look back.

�Get her to Evan�s, he�ll know what to do.� She said, her voice void of any kind of emotion.

�W-what are you going to do?� Brett asked, although he had a feeling he already knew. She bent down and picked up the sword.

�I�m going to get some answers.� She said calmly. Before she could move Dale was beside her, his hand on her shoulder.

�You�re hurt.� He said. He was still shaking from what he had just seen her do. Never before had he witnessed such violence. She had taken out three of the demons with little to no effort, and although he was proud as hell, he was also a little afraid of her�something he never thought he would ever be.

She looked him in the eyes, the look she gave him causing him to drop his hand and back up a couple steps. �It�s a scratch I�ll be fine.� She looked back at Brett. �Get her home, now. And if anything happens to her�� she trailed off, leaving the words unspoken.

�I�ll meet you all there.� She paused and looked back and Dale. �And don�t even think about following me.� She said before turning and running in the same direction the last of the demons had fled.


Chapter Twenty Three


All five men surged to their feet when Evan walked in the room. They had been back for over two hours, and Evan had immediately taken Devin upstairs to tend to all her wounds. They hadn�t heard from him, and he wouldn�t allow them in the room with Devin. They all knew she needed a hospital, but Evan refused saying the hospital asked too many questions. He insisted that he could save her himself.

He nodded when he found all five men waiting for him. �She�s going to be okay.� He said, watching curiously as Brett closed his eyes, a single tear slipping down his cheek. �She�s resting right now, and although it�s going to take her probably the better part of a week, she�ll be back to normal in no time.�

He glanced at the door and before he could ask, Dale answered. �She�s not back yet.� He felt a ripple of fear streak down his spine. His eyes kept traveling to the door, all his senses on heightened alert, ready to know the instant Ashtyn was near the house.

Evan nodded as he sat down and motioned for the vampires to do the same. �Now, I need to know what happened.�

A little while later they told him all they knew, all they had witnessed. Evan sat back in shock. �Ashtyn killed three of them on her own?� he asked in disbelief. At their nod he felt a surge of pride. �That�s my girl.�

�But how was it that she as able to do that when Devin wasn�t?� Brett asked, sitting forward. As far as he knew Ashtyn was no stronger than Devin was, yet what they all had just witnessed still had them stunned.

Evan sighed and rubbed his eyes. �I know what you�re thinking and the answer is no. Ashtyn is no stronger than Devin, and vice versa. They are equal in their abilities and training.�

�Then how�� Dale cut himself off when Evan raised his hand.

�As you are all aware The Slayer is extremely powerful. But they work off of pure instinct. When they fight and slay, they shut everything down and just fight. It�s what they were born to do. They don�t allow emotions in.� he explained.

�If they were to mix emotions, depending on what they were feeling, at the time of a fight, they would in a sense become unstoppable. Tonight, I�m willing to bet that�s exactly what Ashtyn did. The one thing that would hurt them more than anything is watching the other hurt or die. After seeing Devin, it pushed Ashtyn over the edge. She focused in on the Slayer, but she was unable to turn off her emotions at the same time.� He told them.

They all nodded, knowing it made perfect sense. �The council seems to think that emotions make one weak, and that�s why Slayers are trained from the very beginning to turn off their emotions. But recently it has been proven that the affect is just the opposite.�

�I can guarantee you that if the roles had been reversed, Devin would have responded and reacted the same way Ashtyn did tonight.�

They all fell into silence before Carl spoke up. �We have about an hour until daylight�we need to get back to the cave.� He said softly.


They all turned to Brett in surprise. �We�re not going anywhere. We�re moving back in, immediately. We�ll go tomorrow night to get our stuff from the cave.�

�But you said�� Jeff trailed off at the look on Brett�s face.

�I know damn well what I said, but things have changed. Before the girls were trying to protect us, and Devin nearly died tonight because of it!� he roared as he jumped to his feet. �From now on, we stay here, train our asses off, and be there to protect the slayers and help them with this fight.�

No one argued, although Dale did catch a brief look of disgust that passed across Evan�s face. He wondered about that look, but before he was able to dwell open the tingling started in his stomach and he surged to his feet the same time the front door burst open and Ashtyn came storming in, covered in blood.

�Holy shit!�

�Oh my god.�

�You�re hurt!�


�Are you okay?�

�What the fuck happened?� It was the last outburst that got her attention as she raised an eyebrow at Evan.

�Not my blood.� She answered, never taking her eyes off Evan as she came forward. �But I did get interesting answers out of my big demon friend before I killed him.�

Evan swallowed hard, resisting the urge to back up. Instead he held his ground. �Thank goodness you�re alright.� He said. She waved off his concern, looking towards the steps.

�How is Devin?� she asked, this time looking at Brett, knowing he would tell her the truth.

�Evan says she�ll be alright after a few days of rest.� He said softly wanting more than anything to see her to reassure himself of that, but Evan had said she was resting and he didn�t want to disturb her.

Ashtyn let out the breath she was unaware she was holding. After being assured that Devin would be okay, she turned her attention back to Evan. Her expression was unreadable.

Evan cleared his throat uncomfortably. �Um, exactly what information did you get out of the demon?� he asked tentatively. She tilted her head as she studied him.

�Only that he and his friends had been hired to take Devin out, and under no certain terms were they to fail.� She said, her voice low and deadly. The way she was looking at Evan told them all that there was more to the story than she was letting on.

No one missed the low growl that came from Brett at her words.

Before anyone could question her, she turned and marched upstairs, needing to be with Devin, and desperately needing a shower. She walked in Devin�s room and sat down next to the bed, wincing as she looked at her friend. Although she was starting to heal, she still looked like hell. She could only begin to imagine what her friend had been through.

She dropped her head in her hands, suddenly feeling extremely exhausted. She had been running on adrenaline all night long, but now she had nothing left.

She hadn�t told them everything she�d gotten out of the last demon. He had put up more of a fight than she had expected, but she had also welcomed it. She made him pay for every mark on Devin�s once flawless body. In the end, he was willing to tell her just about anything she wanted, begging her to finish him off.

For the most part he hadn�t really told her anything she didn�t already know, but then he got to the attack tonight. How it was supposed to be perfectly executed. They had been told Devin would be by herself and to kill her, and to not leave until the slayer was dead.

The demon had been near death when she demanded to know who had ordered the kill. With his last dying breath he had told her to �Watch the watcher.� Before she could get any more information out of him, he died.

She tilted her head back and closed her eyes, trying to sort through everything. To her, the demon was implying it was Evan who was behind everything, but she just couldn�t believe that. She loved him like a father, since he had been with her since she was fifteen, and all but raised her. There was no way he would betray her like this�was there?

Yet it hadn�t escaped her attention how distant Evan had been lately, and on more than one occasion Evan would disappear for hours on end and come up with some lame excuse as to his absence. And the fact that he had yet to find anything on the prophecy was very much unlike him.

But what was bothering her most at the moment was the fact that he had sent her on an errand earlier�an errand that had turned out to be false. And in doing so, that had left Devin completely alone; like the demons had been told she would be.

With a groan she sat forward and took Devin�s hand in her own. If Evan were behind all this, he would pay dearly�with his life. Evan may be like her father figure, but Devin was not only her best friend, but she was like her sister. She would not allow anyone to hurt Devin in anyway, not even Evan.

But first she needed to find out for sure if he was behind it. She hadn�t done very well earlier at hiding her emotions, and she knew from here on out she had to do better. If Evan was behind everything, she had to go along and pretend she didn�t know or suspect him. Otherwise Devin and everyone else could be in even more danger.

�Dev, what are we going to do?� she whispered, again feeling tears stinging. She bit her lip as she allowed one to escape.


Chapter Twenty Four


Unable to sleep, Brett left the basement and crept through the quiet house, being careful to avoid the strong afternoon sunlight that was streaming through the open windows. He went up the stairs and paused at the top for a moment before turning and heading in the direction that he felt Devin's essence pulling him.

He stood outside the door for a moment listening intently for any sounds coming from within. He heard nothing, but knew that Ashtyn was in there. He could feel her. He wrapped his hand around the doorknob and twisted it, the door easily falling open. He peered inside the darkened room, his eyes meeting Ashtyn's when she looked up from where she was seated in the chair at Devin's bedside.

"How is she?" Brett questioned when Ashtyn rose to her feet and walked over to where he was standing just inside the door.

She's resting and healing." She told Brett as she watched his eyes travel across the room, coming to a rest on Devin's still from lying on the bed.

"She will be okay though?" Even though Evan had told them that she would be fine, he felt that he really needed to hear it from Ashtyn to be sure...and even then, he wasn't so sure that he'd be completely sure.

Ashtyn nodded, easily seeing Brett's worry. "She's not going to be kicking any evil ass for a week or so in the very least, but she is going to be fine." She assured him and instantly saw the relief fill Brett's eyes.

"Well, I'm going to try and get some sleep." Ashtyn said, knowing that Brett would want some time alone with Devin and he wanted to give him that. "She probably won't wake up, but at least you can be with her. I'll be in my room if you need me." She informed him and then stepped past him when he moved aside. She was stopped before she could get completely by him when Brett took hold of her arm and turned her to face him.

"Thank you." He began, his eyes and voice filled with sincerity. "You didn't only save Devin. The guys and myself would have been dead...uh, deader, if you hadn't gotten there when you had. We very much appreciate all that you did tonight."

Ashtyn gave him a weak smile. "It's what I do...Devin too. We don't even think about, we just do it, ya know?" She paused for a moment as she looked over at Devin and then back at Brett. "I just wish that I had gotten there sooner...I should have been there sooner." She finished, unshed tears making her green eyes glitter. Before Brett could reply, she turned and walked down the hallway to her room.

Brett watched Ashtyn until she closed the door behind herself before he went fully into Devin's room and also closed the door. He stood there for a moment trying to prepare himself to see her. He had seen how bad her injuries were earlier, but now that he was alone with her, the shock of what had happened was beginning to wear off and he was able to perceive just how bad those injuries were. When he felt that he was ready, he moved across the room and sat down at the edge of the bed, being very careful not to disturb her.

Reaching out, Brett took hold of her hand. As he gazed down at her, he took in all the bruising, cuts, and scrapes on her face and arms. Even with her accelerated healing, it looked bad, and that was only what he could see on the outside. He couldn't even begin to image the damage that had been done on the inside.

Brett's eyes narrowed and rage swept through him as he thought about what Ashtyn had told them earlier...that the demons had been hired for one purpose only...to kill Devin. When he found out whoever had hired them, there would be hell to pay, and not only from himself. He knew that Ashtyn had vowed revenge as well.

Releasing her hand from his, Brett closed his eyes as his fingers brushed her cheek. Much like when he'd been holding her hand, he could feel her strength and power surging through his fingertips. It traveled up his arm and filled the rest of his body. It was then that he truly knew that she would be okay.

Rising to his feet, Brett knew that he should leave so that she could rest. She really needed it now. Bending down, he gently pressed his lips against her bruised cheek and then leaned forward until his forehead rested against hers. He closed his eyes again, concentrating on the sound of her breathing and the steady beat of her heart. He was so thankful that she was alive that he couldn't even begin to express how he felt.

Pulling back slightly, Brett gazed down at her for several moments before he leaned forward again, his lips just barely touching hers. "I love you." Brett heard himself say before he even realized he was doing so. He didn't regret saying it though. He did love her...he had all along. The only thing that he did regret was that they could never be together.

Deciding that he couldn't leave her just yet, he settled himself into the chair, watching over her as she slept.


Ashtyn groaned irritably as she sat up and punched her pillow in an effort to get more comfortable before she flopped back down on the bed again. She rolled over onto her back and straightened the blankets, hoping that would help, but it didn't. She was utterly exhausted so why in the hell wasn't she sleeping!

"Oh fuck it!" Ashtyn muttered as she threw the covers off and got out of bed. Leaving her room, she went to Devin's. She quietly opened the door and looked in, seeing Devin resting comfortably and Brett dozing in the chair beside the bed. She couldn't help but smile a little bit at the sight of him there with Devin. After carefully closing the door to not wake them, Ashtyn heading downstairs, needing something to drink.

After getting a glass of water, Ashtyn went out to the porch. She sat out there so deep in thought that she hadn't realized the hours that had past and that the sun had set until she felt a presence that was unmistakably Dale's.

Her heart immediately began racing at the thought of seeing him again. But it didn't take her long to remember how Dale had been treating her the last few weeks. Her eyes narrowing in anger, she jumped to her feet and spun around to confront him.


Chapter Twenty Five


When their eyes met, Ashtyn had to again remind herself that she was angry at him, and to not just throw herself in his arms. Instead, she crossed her own arms over her chest as she glared at him.

�Shouldn�t you be at the caves, staying as far away from me as possible?� she sneered, allowing her bad mood to take over. She knew she should just walk away until she had time to calm down, but she was ready to take some frustrations out on someone, and who better than Dale. Besides she was already pissed at him.

Dale�s shoulders slumped at her words. After all that had happened, he�d forgotten his reasons for staying away. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he looked at her, taking in her defensive stance. What was she so upset about? He�d been the one who was used!

But he found that he didn�t have the strength to bring back the anger and hurt. After watching her against those demons, he knew it didn�t matter anymore. He didn�t care if she was only using him as long as he was with her.

�How are you feeling?� Dale asked softly avoiding the topic at hand for a few more moments, his eyes traveling down her body to rest on her stomach where he had seen the sword strike her. She shrugged.

�All healed, no biggie.� She answered. She wasn�t used to anyone fussing over her, aside form Devin, and even then it was different. She sighed and sat back down in the chair, the exhaustion starting to get to her, but she still knew sleep was out of reach. Besides, although she was hurt and angry with Dale, she wasn�t ready to leave his presence. Just being near him had an amazing calming affect on her wayward emotions.

She paused and bit her lip when he moved to the chair next to her, all her anger draining. She was just too damn tired to deal with the anger.

�Um, thanks.� She said quietly, her words catching both of them off guard. Dale looked at her confused and she sighed, looking down at her hands as she spoke, not used to this kind of thing.

�Sitting here going over everything, it hit me that if you hadn�t warned me earlier, I would have had a lot more than just a little scratch.� She explained, her hand automatically going to her stomach where the wound had all but healed.

Dale flinched at her words when he fully realized what she meant. It had been horrible enough to watch Devin fighting for her life, he didn�t want to think about what could have been had Ashtyn not moved out of the way in time.

�I should be thanking you.� His voice was gruff when he spoke. She shook her head with a wiry smile.

�No need.� She replied. �Brett already did, and like I told him, it�s what we do.�

They fell into silence, neither wanting to leave the others presence, but at the same time not really knowing what to say.

�Maybe we should talk about things.� He said almost hesitantly. He knew they had things to discuss, but he really didn�t want to hear that it had meant nothing to her.

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, her expression hardening. �What�s there to talk about?� she asked flippantly.

Dale stared hard at her as he answered. �It�s forbidden for vampires and slayers to be together�in any kind of way.� When Ashtyn rolled her eyes, he had the sudden urge to throttle her.

�Tell me something I didn�t already know.� She snapped, rising to her feet, walking over to the railing, sitting herself on it as she looked at him. �So what?�

�So what?� Dale yelled jumping to his own feet, his anger back full force. She looked at him then the door to the house, and he realized just how loud he�d been. He closed his eyes and counted to ten, fighting to calm down just a little.

�The last time I checked,� his voice was lower, but just as firm and angry. �You�re a slayer and I�m a vampire. What we did should never have happened, and you knew it!�

She looked thoroughly confused as she tilted her head. �Huh?�

Dale growled in frustration, and Ashtyn was helpless to prevent the shivers than ran down her spine, and not in fear.

�You�ve known all along about the rules, and don�t try to deny it. If Devin knew, then so did you. Only difference was Devin at least had the decency to tell Brett before allowing things to go too far!� he spat.

Ashtyn slowly rose to her feet. �The reason I didn�t say anything is because I don�t care about the stupid rules.� She said slowly. �All my life I�ve lived by what the council has told me. Slayers give up everything once they are called, and damn it, I think I deserve some kind of happiness, Devin too. I�m through with living by the Council�s guide to being the perfect slayer.�

Dale knew if his heart was beating it would be racing at this point. But he still had his damn stubborn streak. �Regardless, you should have told me.�

Ashtyn couldn�t help but smile as she remembered that night. �Sorry, but talking was the last thing on my mind at that point. Besides, would it have made a difference if I had told you?� she asked.

Dale had thought about that and asked himself that same question many, many times over the past couple weeks. He wasn�t any close to finding an answer. �Honestly, I don�t know. Maybe.�

Ashtyn looked down and took a deep breath. Deciding to take at least some aspect of her life into her own hands, she allowed herself to be something she�d never willingly been before. Vulnerable.

�Then I�m glad I didn�t say anything.� She whispered, raising her eyes to meet his once more.


Devin groaned softly as she felt herself waking up. The pain that flowed through her body made her just want to slip back into the peaceful darkness. But it was then she felt the familiar tingle and made herself open her eyes.

She immediately saw Brett asleep in the chair next to her , her hand being held tightly in his. She smiled to herself, suddenly feeling a little better. He was there with her, all her anger, depression and worries disappearing, even if only for a few moments.

She knew hell was breaking loose, and she also realized the fact that she had come very close to dying, closer than she had ever come before. But she didn�t want to think about it right now.

Just for a little while, she wanted to feel safe and protected�and just enjoy being with Brett. She knew when things got back to normal, or as normal as they could for their lives, she and Brett would go back to avoiding each other.

But for right now, he was right where she wanted him. She just hoped and prayed she would have the strength to let him go and walk away.


Chapter Twenty Six


Ashtyn stood in the doorway of the training room watching Devin viscously beat the punching bag in front of her. "Geez Dev," She began as she started toward her friend. She grabbed the punching bag out of Devin's reach as she stepped up to her. "The things is dead already."

Devin's glanced up at Ashtyn before she bent over and picked her towel up off the floor. She mopped the sweat off of her face, neck and arms before tossing in back down. "I just want to be sure I'm ready." She told Ashtyn.

That night would be her first time out on patrol since her attack two weeks ago. She was completely healed and felt great. It wasn't that she was nervous or scared about going back on patrol, but after her injuries and being out two weeks, she thought that it might take a little extra work to get back in the swing of things.

Ashtyn smiled. "Well, from the looks of things, I'd say that you're more than ready."

Devin returned her smile. "I'd say so." She commented confidently as she glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall and saw the time. "I'm gonna go grab a quick shower and stuff before we go. I could probably kill all of the big bads with this sweaty smell alone." She said with a laugh.

"Sounds good. I'll be waiting for you." Ashtyn said as she turned and began walking to the door. Halfway there she stopped and turned back around, a grin on her face. "By the way, Brett and Dale are coming along with us tonight." She told Devin, watching as her eyes widened in surprise. Before Devin could say anything, Ashtyn turned again and hurried out of the room.

Ashtyn was still smiling to herself as she walked into the kitchen to fix a quick meal for Devin and herself before they left. For the most part all of their lives were going great. Her relationship with Dale was beyond wonderful. They were still keeping it quiet that they were together although she had come very close to confessing it to Devin on more than one occasion. Mostly because she knew how much Devin wanted to be with Brett, and he with her, but they still held back because of the rules. Since that first night of the attack, Devin and Brett had avoided each other, neither being able to bear being in the other's presence when they knew that they could never have each other. Devin had not acknowledged to him that she knew that he was with her that night and that was why Ashtyn had asked Brett to accompany her and Dale on patrol that night. The more time he and Devin spent together, the better the chance of them getting together. She hoped.

There were still a lot of unanswered questions about Devin's attack and the possibility of Evan being the mastermind behind it. While Devin was recovering, Dale had patrolled with her and they had searched for answers, although she had not confided in Dale, or anyone else that she suspected Evan. All of their efforts concerning that and the prophecy had been futile so far, and it was beginning to become very frustrating.

Suddenly feeling that familiar sensation spread through her, Ashtyn turned around, her heart beginning to pound when she saw Dale approaching. A huge smile spread across her face as he walked up to her and looked around to make sure that they were alone before he lowered his head and gave her a quick, but no less passionate kiss.

"Hey." Ashtyn said after pulling back. "Did you sleep well?"

Dale nodded. "Very well." He'd been sleeping great since he and Ashtyn had worked things out.

"Is Brett awake?" Ashtyn asked him as they sat down at the table.

"Yep. He's getting ready for the big night." Dale told her, a smirk curling his lips. He knew that Brett was excited, nervous, and much more at the thought of being around Devin for any amount of time. "He should be up shortly." The words were barely out of his mouth when Brett strolled into the kitchen. "Speak of the devil."

Brett grinned proudly and flipped Dale off and he went over to the center island and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yep, that's me...Satan himself."

Ashtyn couldn't help but giggle as she took in what Brett was wearing. The leather pants that he had on looked like they had been painted on him and his skintight T-shirt clung to his chest like a glove on a hand. Dressed like that, he was sure to give Devin a heart attack when she saw him!


Chapter Twenty Seven


Ashtyn and Dale shared a secretive smile as the four of them walked down the deserted streets, both of them keeping a close eye on Brett and Devin. Devin was looking every where but at Brett, and he was hardly able to keep his eyes off her.

When she had walked nervously into the kitchen, her jaw had nearly dropped to the floor when she looked at Brett. Ashtyn immediately knew she was doing the right thing with pushing them together when she saw the longing, desire and heat shining in both their eyes before Devin turned away, mumbling she was ready before heading out of the house.

�So,� Ashtyn spoke up, biting back the laughter when she saw both Devin and Brett jump at the sudden intrusion of silence. �I think we should split up. We can cover more ground that way.�

At first she had been thinking that they should all split, but the more she was thinking about it, pairs was sounding much better. Dale smothered a snicker at the mischievous gleam in her eyes. He knew exactly what she was thinking and couldn�t help nodding his approval. It was more than obvious that all Devin and Brett needed was a little push.

For the past two weeks, Ashtyn had taken it upon herself to start training the five vampires, knowing that if they had any hopes of surviving, they needed to know to fight. She was extremely impressed on how quickly all five guys learned, and just how skilled they all were. Later that night, there would be another training session, only this time Devin would be joining them as well, although she wasn�t aware of that fact just yet.

�Split up?� Devin asked, staring at her friend. �Are you sure that�s such a good idea?� Ashtyn had filled her in on how well the vampires were doing with their fighting, but she hadn�t witnessed anything first hand, so she was a little unsure.

Ashtyn nodded. �But for tonight, I think pairs would be best. I�m not quite comfortable with letting Dale and Brett go off on their own.� She lied, knowing full well that both of them were more than capable of handling themselves. Brett shot her a look of warning which she chose to ignore.

�Dale and I will take the north cemetery and the surrounding area, you two take the Eastern Park Cemetery and that area. We�ll meet back in�� she paused to glance down at her watch. �An hour and a half.�

Devin raised an eyebrow. �Since when did you get good at giving orders?� she asked with a grin, trying to fight down the rising panic of patrolling alone with Brett. She could do this�she was a professional. She hoped.

Ashtyn blushed slightly, grinning sheepishly. �Sorry. After being in charge for two weeks it�s hard to remember I�m not the only slayer on duty.� She apologized. Her ability to take charge had shocked the hell out of her at first as well. She�d always been a loner, just depending on herself, only changing slightly when Devin came along. But since working with the vampires, she had been thrust abruptly into the role of leader�and she�d liked it.

But that didn�t mean she wasn�t willing to share that role. She knew Devin was much more level headed than she was. Devin thought before acting, and in her opinion she thought Devin would be better as a leader.

Devin bit her lip as she glanced over at Brett out of the corner of her eye. She sighed, thinking that they might as well get started, so they could get it over with. Besides, she couldn�t deny the fact that the thought of spending a little time with him made her heart pound with anticipation.

They had done a really good job of avoiding each other over the past couple weeks, but now it seemed Ashtyn had different ideas. As that thought went through her head, her eyes narrowed as she looked at Ashtyn, wondering just what she was trying to do.

Ashtyn saw the look, and before Devin could question her, she spun around and started off in the other direction, Dale by her side. �If you guys need us, or the other way around, we have cell phones. Later guys�be good.� She tossed over her shoulder, before she and Dale disappeared around the corner of the building.

Devin watched them go, her hands on her hips. Oh, Ashtyn was definitely going to pay for this.

�Let�s go.� She said softly before starting in the opposite direction of Ashtyn and Dale. She didn�t bother to stop and wait for Brett, knowing full well he was keeping pace with her.

She kept her eyes averted from him as they walked in silence, unable to look at him. In regular clothes he wreaked havoc on her hormones, but in tight leather�she shivered, clenching her teeth, her hands in a tight fist at her side.

�You can do this.� She kept telling herself. �I can do this, no problem.� She risked a glance and groaned inwardly.

�I really can�t do this!�


�Devin duck!�

Without even hesitating, she did was she was told, an instant later the vampire she�d been fighting turned to dust, the stake that had struck him in the chest falling to the ground. She spun around and found Brett more than ten feet away and raised an eyebrow; impressed. His throw had been perfect and dead on.

Before she could say anything, she spun around and took on the vampire trying to sneak up on her. With in seconds she had him overpowered and ended his undead life. She turned back to Brett, brushing the dust off her.

�That was impressive.� She told him, still shocked.

He shrugged. �Ashtyn�s been working really hard to get us trained correctly.� He said, his voice soft.

�Well, she�s doing a good job, because if I didn�t know any better, I�d think you�d been fighting for years instead of mere weeks.� She complimented him.

�Uh, thanks.� They both fidgeted nervously, trying to find some kind of safe topic.

�Well, it�s about time to meet up with Ash and Dale.� She said almost hesitantly. This was the first they had spoken all night, but even with the silence, she had enjoyed just being near him and wasn�t ready for their time to end.

She took a deep breath. �Brett.�

At that exact moment he had spoken. �Devin.� They both smiled at each other, feeling some of the tension lift.

�Go ahead.� She said. He shook his head.

�No you first.�

Before she could say anything her cell phone rang. With a frustrated groan she grabbed it, flipped it open and brought it to her ear. �Yeah.�

�We need you two at the cemetery�we�re out numbered about twenty to two.� Dale said urgently. Devin could hear the sound of fighting in the back ground.

�On our way.� She was already running, Brett close behind her, having heard the entire conversation.


Chapter Twenty Eight


By the time they reached the grave yard a few minutes later, the number of vampires had been drastically reduced, but both Ashtyn and Dale were tiring. And there will still probably ten vampires left.

�Need help?� Devin grinned as she jumped her first target, not missing the relieved and grateful smile Ashtyn threw her as she tangled with two vampires.

�'Bout damn time.� She grumbled good naturedly, then gasped as one vampire caught her off guard, sending her slamming back into a gravestone. She groaned as she struggled to get her breath back. She winced as she got slowly to her feet, knowing she was going to have some nice bruises by the time all this was over.

She glanced around and counted, suddenly hoping that was all she had as she found herself surrounded by five vampires.

�Now you die, Slayer.� One hissed. She put her hands on her hips as she rolled her eyes.

�Wow, that�s original, I�ve never heard that before.� She shot back sarcastically. �Are you guys ever gonna get new material?�

Another growled. �We may not kill you tonight, but your time is almost up. It�s prophesized.� Her head jerked around at the mention of the prophecy and seeing her attention was on their fellow vampire, three to her right attacked.

Devin dusted her third vampire and glanced over at Brett and Dale who were each handling themselves with two vampires. She turned, her eyes widening when she found Ashtyn surrounded by the remaining five.

�ASH!� she screamed when she saw three poised and ready to attack, and the words had barely left her lips when they sprang. When they moved, the other two moved and with their combined forces, they were able to take Ashtyn down, pinning her to the ground.

Devin was on them in an instant. She fought with an intensity that later shocked her. Within seconds three vampires were dust. She threw the fourth off Ashtyn, which allowed her to get back to her feet. Together the women moved fluently with precise, practiced motions and before long there were only two vampires left, and they didn�t have any intentions of staking them.

Brett and Dale rushed over. Dale tipped Ashtyn�s head back to better survey the damage the five vampires had caused, his eyes narrowing when he took in the bruises that were forming. He pulled her into his arms, holding her against him. He�d seen what was happening, but hadn�t been able to reach her in time. Never before had he knows such paralyzing fear.

�Are you okay?� he asked gently. She snuggled closer to him and nodded.

�Yeah,� she sighed. �Little sore, but fine.� She lifted her head and looked over at Devin to thank her for her help, knowing that she had saved her from being seriously injured or worse, but the words died on her lips when she saw the way Devin was looking at her.

That�s when she realized how she and Dale were standing together, looking much more comfortable together than they should. Not to mention the fact that she was allowing someone to comfort her, which she never did. She pulled away, not taking her eyes off Devin.


Devin turned and stalked away, not letting Ashtyn explain. With a muttered curse Ashtyn took off after Devin, leaving Dale with Brett, who was staring with nearly the exact same expression as Devin�s.


�Devin wait!� Ashtyn reached her just outside the cemetery, reaching out to grab her arm, halting her movements. Devin spun around.

�What the hell is going on between you and Dale?� she demanded, although she already knew. It had been obvious. The way Dale looked at Ashtyn had shot straight to her heart. But that really hadn�t been surprising. She had known all along how Dale felt about Ashtyn. But it was Ashtyn�s response that had shocked the hell out of her. Not only had she gone willingly to his embrace, but the look she gave him matched his own, and the love Devin had seen shining there had left her speechless. She wasn�t angry, as she was coming off. In fact she was very happy for Ashtyn, yet confused at the same time. Ashtyn bit her lip and looked away for a moment.

�We�re, well, together.� She answered, her eyes shining happily as she thought of him. And the weight that lifted off her shoulders at finally being able to tell Devin was immense.

�How? How can you do that? It�s forbidden, or do you not remember that small fact?� Devin asked, pacing back and forth.

�Of course I remember that!� Ashtyn snapped, then took a deep breath. �The correct question would be if I care. And the answer would be no.�

She saw the questions in Devin�s eyes and set out to explain. �Yes, it�s forbidden, but who came up with that stupid rule? Who comes up with all the rules? The council.�

�We�ve already proven that they are wrong. I mean, otherwise we would have finished the job with Brett, Dale and the guys. But we didn�t. So obviously the council isn�t perfect. So if they could be wrong about that, what�s to say they aren�t wrong about this whole forbidden slayer vampire thing?� she questioned.

Devin wracked her brain, but she couldn�t come up with a good response. Ashtyn didn�t let her anyway. �I�m through with taking orders from the council.� Ashtyn said, her voice firm. �We�ve always done what we were told for them, and have they once showed us any kind of gratitude? No! And as soon as they regroup and figure out we haven�t killed Fuel, they are going to come after us and try to take us down, no questions asked. If they haven�t already.� She half mumbled the last part.

Devin�s head jerked up. �What?�

Ashtyn threw her hands up in the air. �Come on, do you really think two weeks ago was coincidental?� she asked. Devin�s eyes went wide.

�I never really gave it much thought.� Devin answered softly and honestly. �I guess I just assumed they were working for Scorpion.�

Ashtyn shook her head and took a deep breath, ready to let go of a little of what she had been holding on too. �No, I don�t think so. I don�t even think Scorpion himself would be stupid enough to try to get those for Raha Demons to work for him. We now know what they are, and they are not easily controlled. Whoever hired them had to be extremely powerful�someone they feared. I�m betting on the Council.�

She left out the part about Evan purposely. She also neglected to tell that the only reason she knew what kind of demon they had faced was because she�d stumbled upon a picture in one of Evan�s books. It hadn�t escaped her attention that Evan had been looking in the very book the night before, but had put it away, along with many others saying he still hadn�t found anything about the demons or the prophecy. Now that she thought about it, if he was lying about the Raha demons, then just what did he know about the prophecy that he wasn�t telling?

�Oh god.� Devin closed her eyes as it all started sinking in. Everything Ashtyn was saying made perfect sense. �So now, instead of only having to deal with this so called prophecy, we now have the council too? Great!�

�We never get a break.� Ashtyn shrugged. �Anyway, we can discuss this part of it later and in further detail, but back to Brett.�

�Brett? We weren�t talking about Brett. We were discussing you and Dale.� Devin reminded her. Ashtyn grinned knowingly.

�One and the same isn�t it?�


�Oh come on!� Ashtyn stepped forward. �The rules are bull shit and you know it. What is really stopping you from getting what you want?�

Devin started to protest but stopped. She shoulders slumped in defeat. �I�m afraid of getting him killed. Look at what we do. If they continue to hang around us, eventually one or more will die. I can�t stand the thought of loosing Brett, so it�s better to just not have him at all.�

Ashtyn tilted her head. �Is it really? I don�t think so. In case you�ve missed it Brett has come a hell of along way from when you first met him. He can handle himself against just about any big evil, I have that much confidence in him. And besides, isn�t true happiness worth the risk?�

�I mean think about it, odds are we�re gonna die before they do.� She said cheerfully. Devin threw her a disgusted look.

�Oh and that just makes me feel so much better.� She mumbled, her thoughts jumbled at the moment.

�Hey, always one to look on the bright side of things.� Ashtyn grinned. She stepped forward, her eyes serious. �Devin, anyone can see that you and Brett are meant to be together. You and I have never really had any kind of lasting relationships. Its just never worked. Guys can�t handle who we are. Brett and Dale can�probably better than anyone else.�

�I�m really sorry I didn�t tell you about Dale and me sooner, but after all that�s happened�� she trailed off and shrugged. �Besides, I didn�t want me and Dale to sway your decision about you and Brett. What goes on between you two should have nothing to do with what goes on with me and Dale. Only you can make that decision of how you want Brett in your life.�

�But�� Ashtyn cut her off.

�There are no �buts�, Devin. Not if you truly care for Brett the way I think you do. There is nothing stopping you, and you know it. Now it�s time for you to decide if you truly want him, and if he�s worth it. Because in my opinion, he is�just as much as Dale is. Because I wouldn�t give Dale up for anything�and no one could ever make me.� With that she turned and walked away, leaving Devin to seriously think about her words.


�I can�t believe all this time you two have been together.� Brett shook his head in disbelief, truly happy for Dale but at the same time it was bittersweet. Ashtyn didn�t care about the rules and didn�t allow that to come between her and Dale, where Devin was using it to push him away. His undead life royally sucked.

He looked over at Dale when he felt his hand on his shoulder. �It will work out, don�t worry.� Dale told him, not having to be a mind reader to know the thoughts going through Brett�s head.

Brett gave him a sad smile, obviously not believing him. �So, tell me all about what�s been going on between you and Ashtyn. But please, feel free to leave out certain details.� Brett grinned, laughing out loud when Dale got a look on his face that told him had he been capable of blushing, he�d be bright red.


Chapter Twenty Nine


A half-hour later, Ashtyn returned to where Dale and Brett were waiting for her. She immediately went over to Dale and gave him a smile to let him know that she thought that everything would be okay. Then she turned to Brett.

"Devin is waiting for you outside the cemetery. She said that you two will patrol the park across the road and then call it a night since we still have training to do yet." She told him, knowing his question before he could ask.

"Oh, uh...thanks." He stuttered in surprise. He had thought for sure that he would not see Devin anymore that night, or any night after that. He turned and began walking towards the gates that led out of the cemetery, but Ashtyn stopped him before he could take more than one step.

"Hey, don't worry." She told him, placing a hand on his arm after seeing the way his shoulders were slumped and the way he walked with his head down. "I think that you'll find that tonight might have a much different ending that what you expect."

Brett looked up at her and opened his mouth to say something, but Ashtyn cut him off. "Go find Devin." She told him in a voice that left no room for arguing. Brett gave her a small smile of thanks before he continued walking towards where Ashtyn said that he would find Devin.


Devin was still pacing and arguing out loud with herself when she felt that familiar sensation rip through her. She spun around, her breath catching sharply when she saw Brett coming towards her. She took a deep breath, trying to desperately calm herself as her eyes took in the leather pants again.

"Damn it!" She silently cursed. He was going to be the death of her yet...She was sure that she was going to have a heart attack yet if she didn't take her eyes off him! Using every ounce of strength that she possessed, she tore her eyes away and closed them, then again silently cussed as all she could see behind her closed lids was him.

When she opened her eyes again, Brett was standing directly in front of her. She tried to say something, but all words failed her.

"Uh, Ashtyn said that you wanted to patrol the park before heading home." Brett said, breaking the heavy silence that had built between them.

Devin looked at him for a moment, her eyes wide. "Um...yeah..." She stuttered as she looked away. "That's...uh...yeah...exactly what I had planned."

Devin and Brett began walking, both deep in thought. It didn't take Devin long to realize just how right Ashtyn was about everything she'd said to her. She did truly care for Brett...Hell, she was head over heels in love with him if truth be told. She wanted him! And damn it, she was going to have him! Screw the council and their stupid rules.

Reaching out, Devin gently placed her hand on Brett's arm to stop him. She watched as he jumped at her touch and then her breath caught and she was unable to speak when she saw all that was in his eyes when he turned to look at her.

"What?" Brett questioned softly when she didn't say anything after a few minutes had ticked by.

"Uh...I..." Devin stuttered as she wracked her brain, trying to remember what she had wanted to say to him. Finally it hit her. "Well, I wanted to thank you for being there that night." She began, her voice trembling slightly. "The night of the attack." She clarified when she saw Brett's confusion.

"I woke up for a short time and saw you there with me. It really means a lot to me that you were there. Thank you."

"There wasn't any place else I wanted to be." Brett told her, the honesty of his words easily heard.

Devin took a deep breath as she stepped up close to Brett and put her arms around him. She stared into his eyes for a moment before she went up on her toes and captured his lips with her own. She pulled back after realizing that his lips were stiff against hers. He wasn't responding to her kiss and she knew why.

"Brett," Devin began as she looked up into his eyes once more. "I'm not going to push you away this time."

It took Brett a second to understand what she had just said to him, but when he did, a thunderous groan escaped him as he tangled his fingers through her hair and he pulled her to him, his lips crashing down on hers in a brutal, soul-searing kiss.

Devin was instantly lost the moment she felt his mouth on hers. His lips moving suggestively as they were against hers was nearly enough all by itself to push her to the edge.

Pulling back slightly, Brett slid his hands between their bodies, all but ripping her shirt and bra off. He quickly discarded it by tossing it down to the ground and they were quickly forgotten. Moving back just slightly, he dropping to his knees and then pulled her even closer, He quickly undid the fastening on her jeans. As he pushed them down over her hips, his mouth ran dry with desire at the sight that greeted him.

�You are so beautiful.� Brett groaned against her skin. Breathing deeply, he nearly lost it right then as her scent assaulted his senses. Groaning thickly, he slid his hands down her down her legs, pushing her jeans the rest of the way down until she was able to step out of them.

As he slowly straightened back up, Brett ran his hands along the length of her legs, his mouth following behind in a fiery trail of kisses. Devin gasped in surprise and then with desire when Brett suddenly rose to his full height before ridding himself of his own clothes and pulling her tight against his body.

Her body shuddered against his and his lips brushed along the line of her throat. He sucked hard on the tender flesh, leaving his mark of possession. Dipping his head further, he found the spot on the back of her neck that had her going limp in his arms. He nuzzled his with his lips and nipped at with his teeth until she begged him to stop.

Pulling Devin back tight against him, Brett claimed her lips in a kiss that had her reeling once again. The feel of her burning skin against the coolness of his was like nothing she�d ever experienced before. Each touch had currents of electricity flowing through her, heightening her desire until she was breathless and shaking against him. Each time she tried to move away, the need for more contact pulled her back. And as if that wasn�t enough, with each ragged breath she took, her nipples brushed against his skin until they were hard and aching for more attention.

Bending her back over his arms slightly, Brett leaned forward until his mouth closed around one of the rosy peaks. Devin moaned passionately as she bent back to even further deepen the already erotically appealing sensation. In seconds he had her gasping with pleasure and writhing around within his arms. He moved over to her other breast, relentlessly continuing his sweet, torturing assault.

Barely able to take anymore, Devin lifted her body back up. She moved back a bit from Brett, breaking all contact with him as she took a moment to catch her breath before she literally attacked him. Which was exactly what she wanted to do, but at the same time, she wanted to slow down a bit and enjoy him while he was all hers. If it was even possible to slow down. Devin had her doubts as she looked up at him and met his eyes, seeing every emotion that she was feeling mirrored there.

Without really realizing that she was doing so, Devin stepped back towards him. Her arms went up around his neck, gently urging his head down to hers again. Both of them knew that there was no denying each other�no slowing down. Not this time. Their passion was too great to be put off any longer.

Picking her up, he wrapped her legs around his hips. He walked a few steps to the tree that was in front of them and held her against it. Devin shifted her position slightly and held her breath as she took all of him inside her. She bit her lips to keep from crying out first in pain, and then pleasure as he filled her completely.

Devin ran her hands up his chest, burying her face against Brett's neck as each thrust brought her closer and closer to the release that she was quickly climbing towards, but wasn�t quite able to reach in that position...and the tree against her back hurt like hell. It would definitely leave some marks. Unable to take anymore of the torture, she pushed against his chest, urging him down to the ground.

Moving away from the tree, Brett held on tight to her as he dropped down to the ground, bringing her down on top of him. His deep growl echoed through the night as he became buried even deeper inside her in this better spot on the floor. He grit his teeth, trying to hold back as he listened to her passionate whimpers. But when her body began shaking, her inner muscles clenching tight around him, he was lost. As Devin threw her head back, Brett grasped her hips firmly in his hands as his own raised to meet her now frenzied movements. Seconds later, their cries of pleasure echoed through the air as they found release.


Chapter Thirty


�I think we�re late for training.� Devin grinned sheepishly as she and Brett stepped up on the front porch a couple hours later. Training had been the farthest thing from both their minds, neither willing to leave each others presence now that they were finally together.

Brett smirked when he reached over on the chair and held up a shirt that was obvious Devin�s. �Um, I don�t think Ashtyn was really expecting us.� He laughed. Devin immediately flushed bright red looking from the shirt he was holding to the one she was wearing. Obviously Ashtyn knew very well what would have happened. Her own shirt and bra had been destroyed in the midst of everything, not that she had complained, and she was currently wearing Brett�s, leaving him shirtless.

�Remind me to thank her.� Devin giggled as she quickly changed, handing Brett his shirt back. Their eyes met and held as they both started moving towards each other. They jumped apart when the front door suddenly swung open.

Ashtyn leaned against the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest with a very sly knowing grin on her face. �I thought you two were here. Productive night?� she asked.

She laughed out loud at the looks on both Devin and Brett�s faces. �Sorry, I�ll stop now. Oh, if Evan asks, you guys ran into some evil baddies on the way back okay?� she looked pointedly at Devin who nodded, understanding completely. She and Brett had already discussed things, and decided that around Evan, they would not act any differently. He obviously didn�t know about Ashtyn and Dale, so there was no reason for him to know about Devin and Brett either.

Once both Brett and Devin were presentable, they followed Ashtyn in the house and to the training room. All the guys greeted them with a wave except for Dale who was smirking.

Evan didn�t notice. �It�s about damn time you two showed up, thanks so much for gracing us with your presence.� He growled, glaring at Brett and Devin. Ashtyn�s eyes narrowed as she looked at her watcher. She walked past him to get some weapons to train with.

�Back off.� She hissed on her way back, the shocked look on Evan�s face matching the one on Devin�s.

�Okay guys, since everyone is here, I think we�re ready to start with more serious training.� Ashtyn announced. She opened the weapons cabinet and surveyed the different things inside before turning away and grinning. �I was going to see how everyone did with swords, but I�ve decided against that. You guys have already learned how to deflect stakes flying towards you heart, which might I add you all did very well with. Tonight, I want to see who here can take down a slayer.�

�WHAT?� they all exclaimed at the same time, except for Devin smiled and nodded, moving across the room to stand by her sister slayer.

�I love it!� she exclaimed, her eyes shinning with approval. �Ash is right, if you guys are trained well enough to take us down, then we can guarantee you�ll be able to hold your own against just about anyone and anything.�

The five vampires exchanged a look before nodding. �Alright, where do we start?� Brett asked, moving forward.

�Uh, hang on just a second.� Devin said before grabbing Ashtyn�s arm and pulling her away so they could talk privately. �You take Brett, I�ll take Dale.�

Ashtyn bit back the giggle but nodded. �I have to agree with you. Dale could take me down just by�� Devin waved her off and interrupted.

�I don�t need details, I understand completely.� Devin laughed. �Okay, let�s do this!�


�Ugh! I have placed on me hurting that I didn�t know could hurt!� Devin exclaimed later that morning as she flopped down on Ashtyn�s bed. Every one else was asleep except the two slayers who were still wired and not at all sleepy.

The training session had gone extremely well, and although none of the guys had actually been able to take either Slayer down, it would only be a matter of time until they could.

And Ashtyn and Devin had both received a hell of a work out. Devin groaned inwardly when she saw the smirk on Ashtyn�s face and knew a smart-ass reply was coming.

�I bet you are sore�and the training was quite a tiring and worked some muscles as well.� Ashtyn laughed, ducking when Devin swung the pillow at her.

�You�re so bad!� Devin giggled, happier than she could ever remember being in her life.

�Yeah I know.� Ashtyn nodded. �So, tell me about tonight.� She demanded, getting more comfy on her bed.

Devin shot her a look. �And why should I? You haven�t share one detail about you and Dale. I can�t believe you kept that from me.� She pouted.

�Oh please, get over it.� Ashtyn joked. �Fine you want details, I�ll give you details.� Her eyes took on a far away look and she sighed dreamily.

�Whew, he does this one move with his hips that just makes me�� she was cut off when Devin got her full in the face with the pillow, dissolving into a fit of giggles.

�Too much info Ash!� Devin laughed with her, both feeling freer than they ever had, and for the first time since being called as Slayers, they were acting like �normal� women.


They were all sitting in the living room, the two girls on the floor as they tried to decide what the game plan was for the night. They were on the hunt for either Scorpion or any kind of information on the prophecy.

�I don�t know why we�re so damn anxious to find this prophecy.� Ashtyn grumbled as she leaned her back against the couch, drawing her knees up. Everyone but Devin and Evan gave her a funny look.

�Why not? Don�t you want to know what�s going to be happening?� Kevin asked. Ashtyn shrugged.

�I already know what it�s going to say.� She said softly. �Well, not all of it, but at least part of it�a big part.�

��A Slayer will die�� she quoted from every other prophecy.

�WHAT?� Dale and Brett shot straight forward in their seats. Ashtyn looked away, and Devin continued to look at the floor.

�Would you care to explain that statement?� Dale demanded his entire body tense. Ashtyn took a deep breath. This was the topic she and Devin had been avoiding since finding out there was a prophecy.

�Um, not really.� She muttered, and then threw her hands up when she saw Dale�s expression. �Okay okay!�

�When ever there is a prophecy, in it along with what every big bad is coming, a slayer dies. Always. I don�t know of a time when one hasn�t.� Ashtyn replied, then looked over at Devin. �Do you?�

Devin shook her head. �No.�

Evan cleared his throat. �Well, um there was one, once.� Both slayers gasped, staring wide-eyed at him. But the look his eyes told them the rest of the story didn�t turn out well.

�But she still died, didn�t she?� Devin asked, sighing heavily when Evan nodded.

�Who will it be?� Brett asked, his voice sounding strange even to his own ears. Both girls looked at him questioningly. �Who will be the slayer to die?�

Ashtyn and Devin looked at each other. �Me.� They said at the same time, and then simultaneously jumped to their feet, advancing on each other.

�You�re not going to die.� Devin shouted. �its not you�re time!�

�Bull shit!� Ashtyn retorted angrily. �You don�t know that. Besides, I�m not letting you die!�

�Well that�s just too damn bad, because you will not be the prophesized slayer!�


They both jumped and looked guilty over at Evan who was on his own feet, ready to take back some control. �Both of you will sit down NOW!� he roared. Both slayers sat, but continued to glare at each other.

�Thank you!� he ran his hands over his face. �The fact of the matter is, we don�t know which slayer it will be. We just know a slayer will die. Under normal circumstances, it would be very easy to say which slayer, because there is normally only one�but these two never like to do things �normally�, so therefore no one will know which slayer will die until that time comes.�

All the guys shifted nervously as the Slayers continued to glare at each other, the tension mounting with each passing moment. Finally Ashtyn broke the silence after jumping back to her feet and angrily snatching her stake from the nearby table.

�I�m going patrolling.� She snapped, stalking towards the door.

�Fine!� Devin snarled.

�FINE!� Ashtyn shouted back, slamming the door behind her, the force behind it sent several pictures crashing to the floor.

Devin grabbed her coat and stormed through the kitchen, a few seconds later the back door slam vibrating throughout the entire house, and the picture that Carl had just put back up came crashing back down.

Evan sighed as he sat down, then looked over at Brett and Dale. �You two better follow them.� He said dully, not realizing he was giving them the perfect opportunity they were both looking for.


Chapter Thirty One


Dale hurried to catch up with Ashtyn, and when he did finally, he found her beating the living shit out of a vampire that had dared tried to attack. It was obviously regretting its decision. As he moved forward, he realized she was actually carrying on a conversation, venting some of her anger and frustrations, as she kicked its ass. Instead of stepping forward to help like he�d first intended, he held back, wanting to hear what she had to say.

�And then she tells me, �it�s not you�re time�.� Ashtyn said as she threw the vampire down on the ground. �Like she knows this!�

The vampire groaned in pain. �Uh, it may not be you�re time, but it�s definitely mine. Please stake me now!�

Ashtyn didn�t pay him any attention as she kicked him, sending him flying through the air. �And how the fuck do you know it�s not my time?� she demanded. �Does everyone know this but me?�

�Please!� it whimpered, thrusting its chest out, praying she would bury the stake. Again she ignored him as she started pacing.

�I mean, I�m not saying that I�m excited about the aspect of dying, because I�m not, especially not right now.� She sighed as she thought about Dale. �But I�ve always knows that this is my destiny. If it�s my time to die, then I die.�

�Oh hell, give me the stake and I�ll dust myself!� the vampire begged, only to be silenced when her foot caught him in the head.

�Can you not interrupt me?� she asked, and then went back to her ranting and raving.

�Doesn�t Devin understand that I would do anything for her�including die?� Ashtyn asked, then continued. �I don�t know that I could stand by watching her die.� She said softly.

She looked the vampire in the eye. �Are you listening to me?�

He flinched. �If I say no will you kill me?� he asked hopefully. She rolled her eyes, knocking him to the ground, straddling him, holding the stake above his heart.

�I mean, do you think it�s wrong of me to want to protect the one person I�m the closest with?� she asked, seriously looking for answers.

�Uh, um�well, it sounds like she�s trying to protect you as well.� The vampire stuttered, his eyes on the stake, hoping anything he said would appease her to either let him go, or finish him off.

She sat back looking down at him thoughtfully. �Maybe you�re right. Huh, imagine that.� She grinned. �Thanks for listening, I appreciate it.� Then she drove the stake home, almost feeling bad for the vampire when a look of relief passed across his face as he exploded into dust.

Now that she was calmer she realized she wasn�t alone. She turned and found Dale standing a few feet away. She grinned sheepishly. �Um, hi.�

He shook his head as he came forward and gathered her into his arms, his lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss that made her weak in the knees. When they parted he framed her face with his hands and looked deep into her captivating green eyes.

�I don�t want you to die.� He said, his voice cracking with emotion. She sighed and looked away for a second.

�Dale�� she started but he silenced her by placing his finger on her lips. He lead her over to a near by stone bench and they both sat down.

�When I was turned, I felt like my life was over. Hell, even before I was turned I didn�t feel like I was really living.� He told her truthfully. �Nothing was going how I wanted it too, and I was just going through the motions. Even after, when Brett and the guys found me, sure they helped me figure out what was going on, but life as I knew it was done.�

�Even though racing wasn�t going so well for me, that was my life. I grew up around NASCAR, and that was all I knew. Suddenly I wake up one night and fine the one constant in my life is gone.� He said, hanging his head sadly, the pain from not being able to drive anymore still strong.

She reached out and grasped his hand, giving him as much support as she possibly could. He smiled softly at her. �I left that life behind when mine ended. I never said good bye to my friends, family, team, fans�no one. I couldn�t. No one would have understood why I suddenly wanted to quit racing, and I couldn�t very well continue when all but a few races are during a night bright sunny afternoon.�

�I can see where that would cause for problems.� Ashtyn said. He nodded.

�I�ve been with Fuel ever since, just staying behind the scenes. And no matter how welcome they have made me feel, and they are pretty much my family now, there was still something missing�besides a heart beat.� He said with a wiry grin.

�Then I met you and suddenly everything felt as I always hoped and dreamed it would. I had given up hope on ever finding someone to love because of what I am, but you changed that. You make me feel more alive than I ever did, when I was actually alive.�

Ashtyn bit her lip and looked down at their clasped hands, tears burning her eyes. She took a shaky breath and returned her eyes to his.

�I�ve just found you,� his voice was gruff. �I can�t loose you.�

Ashtyn threw her arms around his and held him close, for the first time allowing herself to open up completely, and not fighting against the emotions inside of her. Suddenly it hit her. Devin was no long the only person she would be willing to give up her life for. She silently swore to herself that she would do anything and everything to keep both Devin and Dale safe. She pulled back and looked him in the eyes.

�I love you.� She said for the very first time in her life. He closed his eyes for a moment, allowing her words to wash over him. He kissed her, allowing all his feeling come through in that one kiss before pulling away.

�I love you too, Ashtyn, and I can�t loose you.� He said, opening his eyes to look at her. She smiled sadly.

�No matter what happens, you won�t loose me. I�ll always be with you, I promise.� She said. �But you also have to understand this is one of the not so lucky things about being a Slayer. Sure the super human strength is fun, not to mention the rapid healing power. All cool stuff. Then comes the early death. Not so cool.�

�But it comes with the slayer package. Every slayer knows it from the moment they are called. It�s something we live with every single moment. We don�t fear death, we can�t�otherwise we�d never make it as slayers.� She said honestly.

�I�ve always been ready for when my time came. I�ve never hidden from it. When death comes, I�ll meet it head on, and I always thought I�d have no regrets�until now.� She whispered.

�I�ll regret leaving you.� She held up a hand when he moved to speak. �But at the same time I can�t just stand by and let Devin be killed. I can�t�it�s not in me. But in the end Evan was right. None of us will know which slayer will die, not until the time comes.�

�We�ll find away around this.� Dale swore, holding her close, never wanting to let her go. He closed his eyes tightly, unable to fathom what it would be like to not have her around. He shuddered. �Somehow we�ll make sure neither one of you die.� He promised.

Ashtyn leaned her head against his chest and stayed quiet, not wanting to break the moment by telling him there was no way around a prophecy. What ever was prophesized would come true, no matter what they tried to do. And in the end�a slayer would die.


Chapter Thirty Two


By time Brett caught up with Devin, she had reached the cemetery and was beating the crap out of some poor vampire. He watched, his eyes widening, as she threw him violently against a headstone. The vampire tried to get up, but slumped back down almost instantly. Devin immediately jumped on the vampire and held the stake over his heart with one hand and with the other, she grabbed hold of his shirt, pulling him up until their faces were just inches away.

"What do you know about the prophecy?" Devin demanded through clenched teeth.

"That a slayer is going to die. And if I have any say in the matter, it's going to be you." He growled as he wedged his hands between their bodies and pushed her off of him with all his strength.

Brett continued to watch, having to hold himself back from jumping in and joining the fight as he watched Devin fly through the air. With the state of mind that she was in though, he felt that it was better to hang back unless she really got into trouble and at the moment he didn't see that happening anytime soon. Relief filled him when Devin landed, rolling on the ground and springing to her feet again.

"Nice try, but wrong answer." Devin stated as she advanced on him, quickly closing the distance between the vampire and herself. Before the vampire could say anything, she jumped up and landed a sharp kick on the side of his head. He staggered slightly, but didn't go down. He wasn't given a chance to recover before Devin was on him again. In minutes she had him overpowered again and had him slammed against a large oak tree, her stake once again poised over his heart.

"Let's try this again. Tell. Me. About. The. Prophecy." She said, leaving no room for argument. When the vampire remained silent, she pulled him away from the tree and viscously hurled him back against it.

"You want the information?" The vampire snarled, knowing that his time was over. "Then ask the one who knows. The one who is behind it all. The one who ordered you killed by the demons." He paused for a moment and met the slayer's eyes. "Ask the watcher."

Devin's eyes widened, her face paling as shock ran through her. Evan ordered her killed? No! The vampire was lying!

"Wrong answer again.' Devin spat, her eyes filled with loathing for the vampire. "Your grade for today is a 'D' for dead." With that said, she drove the stake home.

"Bastard." She muttered as she looked in disdain at the pile of dust, which was all that was left of the vampire.

Turning, she began running. She needed to find Ahstyn...Now!


Chapter Thirty Three


When she heard pounding footsteps behind her, Devin spun around, quickly grabbing the person behind her, flipping them over her shoulder. They hit the ground with a grunt, and in a split second she realized she had just attacked Brett. Her eyes grew wide as she stepped back, biting her lip sheepishly.

�Oh god.� She whispered, before moving to help him to his feet. �I�m so sorry! I wasn�t paying attention and didn�t even realize it was you.�

He grinned as he took her hand and she pulled him to his feet. �Well, I can see I definitely need more training, cuz I�m not even close to taking you down.� He joked, trying to lighten the pain he saw radiating in her eyes. He had heard all that the vampire said, and he knew he was in shock, so he could only imagine how Devin was feeling at the moment.

Devin really didn�t answer, her mind still on what she had just heard. She jumped when Brett reached out, both his hands on her arms. He pulled her against him and her arms immediately went around his waist, holding on for dear life.

�I heard.� Brett told her softly. She tilted her head back to look up at him, confusion, denial, hurt, and anger all shining through in her eyes.

�He had to be lying. He just had too!� she said softly, shaking her head. �My god, what is this going to do to Ash?�

�What about you, baby?� Brett asked. Devin again shook her head.

�I�ll be okay. I mean, of course if this turns out to be true, I�m going to be hurt and severely pissed off, but I�m not near as close to Evan as Ashtyn is. He�s been like a father to her. To me, he�s been a watcher and nothing more. After Jacob�s death, who had been to her like Evan was to Ashtyn, she hadn�t allowed herself to form any kind of personal feelings towards Evan. She knew if she did she�d never be able to survive if something were to happen to him like Jacob.

She blinked rapidly, tears stinging her eyes as she thought about Jacob, wishing like hell that he were there with her now, feeling as if she needed him now more than ever.

�We�ve got to find Ashtyn. She needs to know about this.� She said, her voice a little stronger. If Evan was behind this, he would pay for the hurt he would cause Ashtyn. Then and there she vowed revenge.


Dale and Ashtyn looked up when Brett and Devin walked into the park where they were sitting. Ashtyn and Devin looked at each other cautiously at first before they both nodded, a signal that they were letting what had happened earlier go and put it behind them�for now.

�We need to talk.� Devin said quietly, the intensity on her face causing Ashtyn to tense. Dale looked back and forth between Devin and Brett and could tell whatever was going on, it was huge. Instinctively, he reached out and put an arm around Ashtyn. She leaned against him, having a feeling she was going to need his strength.

�What is it?� Ashtyn asked, her voice calmer than she felt. The way Devin was shifting from foot to foot nervously, and the way Brett was watching both slayers apprehensively was not making her feel any better.

�Um, Ash, you might want to sit down.� Devin started, fumbling for the right way to say this. Ashtyn looked at her as if she�d just sprouted another head.

�Dev, have you suddenly gone blind? I am sitting!� Ashtyn pointed out, still seated on the swing she had chosen when she and Dale had first walked into the part a few minutes earlier.

�Oh yeah, sorry. Maybe I need to sit.� Devin said. Ashtyn looked concerned.

�Whatever it is, just spit it out. It can�t be that bad.� Ashtyn told her. If anything Devin looked more nervous.

�I wouldn�t be so sure.� She whispered. �I found something out tonight, and I don�t know what to think of it. I met up with a vampire just a little while ago and asked about the prophecy. He didn�t want to give up much info, aside from what we already knew about one of us dying. But he did say that if I wanted to know more, I�d have to talk to the one who was behind it all�the one who ordered the demons to kill me.�

Ashtyn surged to her feet, her expression deadly, her hands clenched tightly at her sides. �Evan.�

�Yeah Eva�� Devin started but cut her self off as her mouth fell open in shock as she stared at her friend.

�Wait a second!� Brett found his voice before Devin could. �How in the hell did you know?�

Ashtyn�s head dropped as she started to pace. �The night Devin was attacked, I went back out to find the fourth demon, remember?�

�Like I could forget.� Dale muttered darkly, the sheer panic and fear he had felt when she ran off and come back covered in blood still with him.

�Well, when I found the fourth demon, he wasn�t real cooperative at first. I, uh, took out some anger and frustration on him to say the least, and after awhile he was finally ready to talk. But he kept it all very cryptic, not giving up much info. Just basically one of us would die, and that something was coming unlike anything we�d ever seen. Something about the fight between good and evil, and not just any evil, but pure evil. Then, right before he died, he told me to �watch the watcher�.� Ashtyn explained wearily, but feeling like a weight had been lifted off her just by sharing the information. Holding on to it for as long as she had was eating her up.

�Oh god, Ash, I�m so sorry.� Devin moved forward to hug her friend. Ashtyn pulled back and gave her a small smile.

�I�m alright. I�ve had time to sort it all out and deal.� She said. �I�m just sorry I didn�t tell you sooner.�

�Why didn�t you?� Dale asked, although there was no anger or accusations in his voice. She sighed.

�Well, at first I didn�t want to believe it, so I didn�t say anything. But then as I thought about it, there were just little things that made sense if it was true.� She said, running a hand over her face. �By that time I�d decided that I was going to act as normal as possible around him so that he wouldn�t catch on that I knew anything or suspected him. It was hard at first.�

Brett nodded suddenly remembering. �That night you came back, you were looking at him like you could take him apart with your own hands. I figured it was just everything that was going on, but now�� he trailed off.

Ashtyn looked a little sheepish. �Yeah, I wasn�t too good at concealing my feelings that night. After all that happened, that was just the icing on the cake.�

�Wait, and tonight you snapped at him�when he was getting on me and Brett for being late.� Devin said. �I thought it was strange because you�ve never really snapped at him before.�

�Well, I have a very low tolerance for him right now. He�s lucky I don�t take him apart. This was another reason why I never said anything. I knew it would be hard enough for me to act normal around him, I didn�t want to put you all in that position as well.�

�I can�t believe Evan would be behind all this.� Devin said in shock. Ashtyn�s eyes met hers.

�I promise you, he will pay for what he tried to do to you.�

Devin shook her head. �No Ashtyn. We�ll take care of him, and when I say we I mean me, Brett, Dale and the guys. You shouldn�t have to do this, not after��

Ashtyn tipped her head. �Not after what? Not after he tried to have you killed?�

�That wasn�t what I was going to say. You shouldn�t have to face someone who has been like a father to you.� Devin whispered. Pain immediately flared in Ashtyn�s eyes, making them even greener than normal.

�He is nothing to me now.� She hissed harshly.


Ashtyn quickly cut Dale off. �There are no �buts�. He is dead to me now, was the moment I heard he was behind all this. Although I didn�t want to believe it, deep down I knew.�

Dale again moved forward and gathered her against him. She might be putting up the brave front now, but eventually it would hit her and when it did, she was going to crumble. He just wanted to be sure he was there to catch her when she fell.

Devin watched Ashtyn quietly, leaning back against Brett, who had wrapped his arms around her from behind, offering his love and support, which she openly accepted. Even though things weren�t looking good, she knew she�d be able to survive anything as long as she had this man by her side, and of course Ashtyn.

She watched as Dale comforted Ashtyn, and she could plainly see the love they felt for each other shining through. A small smile touched her lips as she found herself falling a little in love with Dale as well. It was a different kind of love though. More of a grateful type love�he was exactly what Ashtyn had always needed. She�d never seen her sister slayer any happier than she was in Dale�s arms, and for that, she loved him.

After a moments silence, Brett finally spoke. �So, what do we do now?�

Devin tilted her head back to look up at him. �Well, I think Ashtyn had the right idea all along. We don�t say or do anything, as hard as it�s going to be. We can�t let Evan know that we know. Otherwise we�ll never get any kind of information. For now, we keep things like they�ve always been so he doesn�t suspect anything. Then when the time is right, we strike.�

Brett and Dale looked at each other over the girl�s heads. They communicated through their eyes and both nodded. When the time came to strike, they were going to make sure they went for the kill, so neither Devin nor Ashtyn had too. Neither had ever killed a human�but that was about to change.


Chapter Thirty Four


"Do you suppose we should get back to the house?" Brett questioned, a sexy smirk curving his lips as he pressed Devin back against the wall of an abandoned building at the end of any alley that they'd just finished patrolling.

Devin smiled up at him as her arms went around him and she pulled him tight to her. Desire flared throughout her when she felt his arousal pressing against her body.

"Oh, I think we have a little time." She told him as she slid her hands underneath his shirt and ran them over his chest. A deep groan rumbled through him as he lowered his head, his mouth descending onto hers in a burning kiss.

The instant his lips touched hers, everything around them ceased to exist. All that they were aware of was each other and neither of them were sure how they ended up in the old building with their clothes in a pile on the floor, their bodies joined together as one.

Time and time again, Brett would bring her to the edge, only to pull back at the very last possible second. Finally to take anymore of the sweet but cruel torture, Devin took advantage of her strength and overpowered him. Hanging tight to him, she rolled him over until he was on his back and she was astride him. When he moved to roll her back, Devin grabbed the stake lying nearby and held it over his heart.

"Do not...make...one...fucking move." She gasped breathlessly, her sweat dipping off of her body onto his.

A little surprised Brett looked at her. He knew that she would never hurt him. And he knew that she sometimes liked to be in control...This was obviously one of those times! He groaned loudly as she began to move on him, her soft, passion filled moans heightening his need times ten.

In seconds, she cried out, her head falling back as pleasure burst through her body. The stake fell from her hand as Brett roughly grabbed her hips and lifted his own, sending both of them plummeting over the edge at once.


Evan looked at the demons standing before him. "You mustn't fuck this up! There will be one chance and one chance only. You must be certain that both of the slayers are there and you must be certain that the attack takes place during daylight hours and that you get the slayers outside of the house so that the vampires are not able to assist them." He demanded as he stared hard at the demons. If they messed this up, he would kill them if the slayers didn't.

"And what is it that this attack is for?" The leader of the trio of very powerful demons asked.

"I need one drop of blood from each slayer. Do not disappoint me!" Evan warned as he paced in front of the three.

"We won't disappoint you." The leader again spoke, confidant of his promise.


Chapter Thirty Five


Devin, Brett, Ashtyn and Dale all met up at the front porch at the same time, each of them wearing the same satisfied grins. Devin smirked at the two who were just walking up.

�I don�t even have to ask what took you so long.� She giggled, laughing harder when Ashtyn flipped her off.

�I�d imagine pretty much the same thing that kept you.� Ashtyn threw back playfully.

Dale stretched and yawned loudly. �I�m beat. I think I�m going to sleep for days!� Ashtyn raised an eyebrow at him.

�I don�t think so, buddy.� She grinned, her eyes shinning brightly. �Don�t make me come down there and wake your ass.� He smirked, suddenly very much liking that idea, images of how she�d wake him running through his head.

Brett nodded. �I don�t know, I�m pretty tired myself, I�m with Dale on this one. Gotta remember, we don�t have that slayer stamina you two have.� He teased, leaning down to nuzzle Devin�s neck, hitting the spot that made her squeal.

�Alright, I�m going to go take a shower and hit the bed. See ya guys in a few hours.� Ashtyn said before grabbing Dale�s shirt and pulling him down until he was at her height and thoroughly kissed him, making him think he wasn�t as tired as he originally thought. With a grin she opened the front door and disappeared inside.

By the time Ashtyn was out of the shower, Devin had taken hers and was just climbing into bed. She paused outside Devin�s room and murmured �good night�. After hearing a soft response she moved to her room, where she got in bed and was asleep before her head hit the pillow.


Brett groaned irritably when he felt himself being shaken awake. He opened one eye and glared at Dale who was standing over him. �What the fuck do you want?� he growled. He sat up when he took in the look on Dale�s face.

�What is it?�

�There�s something in the house.� Dale whispered, and at that exact moment Brett felt it as well. They both looked towards the ceiling, not hearing a sound, but knowing there was some thing, or things there.

They tore out of the basement, careful to keep out of the deadly sunrays, but never breaking stride. Within seconds they were up the stairs, just in time to see something huge and deadly disappear in both Ashtyn and Devin�s room.

�DEVIN!� Brett yelled as he raced towards her room, the same time Dale screamed Ashtyn�s.

Dale reached Ashtyn�s room first, and arrived just in time to see the demon pick her up, her eyes just opening from a deep sleep. It turned and met Dale�s eyes before it grinned evilly before it threw her effortlessly out the second story window, and immediately followed.

Ashtyn didn�t have time to comprehend what was going on before she felt herself flying, the pain from going through the window, then the sensation of falling. She hit the ground with a thud, her world going black for a moment. When she opened her eyes again she found her attacker standing over her.

�Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty.� It hissed before moving in, it�s reflexes quicker than anything she had ever been up against before. She groaned in pain as he grabbed her around her neck and yanked her off the ground.


�NO!� Brett roared as the second demon jumped out the window, holding Devin. The last glimpse he got of her was wide, stunned eyes, not really knowing what the hell was going on.

�FUCK!� he exclaimed as he turned to race down the stairs. He and Dale nearly collided as they hauled ass down the stairs and onto the front porch, which was cast in shadows. But they were trapped there, only able to watch the horror going on in front of them, and unable to do a damn thing about it.

Sunburn III
2003 K&K Productions


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