Publication No.50
A. Stashans, J. Chimborazo. Effect of interstitial hydrogen on structural and electronic properties in BaTiO3 - Phil. Mag. B, 2002, Vol. 82, p. 1145-1154. Abstract: We investigate the geometry and electronic structure of an interstitial H atom in the BaTiO3 crystal considering both cubic and tetragonal crystallographic lattices. A quantum-chemical method based on the Hartree- Fock formalism is used throughout the study. Interstitial H is found to bind to one of the O atoms, forming the so-called OH group. At equilibrium, the O-H distances are found to be 0.89 � and 0.91 � for cubic and tetragonal lattices respectively. The performed automated geometry optimization procedure of the defective region shows considerable outward movements of atoms closest to the impurity. The role of the H impurity in ferroelectric polarization in the BaTiO3 crystal is analysed using the results obtained in connection with the available experimental data on ferroelectric perovskites.
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