-50 ml-




Boldenone Undecylenate

 Drug Description:          * *For simplicity measures, Crecibol, Equi�Gan * Equipoise III and Maxi-Gan, have been referred to as Equipoise� in the following text:  

The substance of Equipoise is an oil-based veterinarian steroid, which is a derivative of Testosterone that had been intended for the administration in horses. Equipoise is a long-acting injectable agent. that had a rapid onset of action which had proven to have been advantageous. as this characteristic had often been preferred over frequent oral dosing or repeated injections. Veterinarians had often used Equipoise as an aid for treating debilitated horses, when an improvement in weight, haircoat or general condition had been desired. Equipoise, had been able to have increased the appetite of horses, and optimal results had been further obtained when proper diet and good management had also been applied. The application of Equipoise in horses, had frequently resulted in distinct anabolic properties, combined with a certain degree of androgenic activity, which did not have marked antigonadotrophic properties, or had produced any clear-cut effects on the endometrium of the horses (which had been commonly observed when similar substances have been used). Therefore, in veterinarian clinical trials, the administered recommended dosages of the Equipoise injectable had displayed a marked anabolic effect on debilitated horses with an improved appetite, weight gain, increased vigor, and improved musculature and haircoat.

 Consequently, many athletes had frequently incorporated the administration of this compound primarily to have also enhanced their size and strength gains. Equipoise had low levels of toxicity, which had allowed it to have been non-toxic to the liver, and only had a slight aromatizing quality, therefore, aromatization effects had frequently varied for each athlete who had participated in it�s application. Some athletes had often experienced a moderate aromatizing effect, while others only had only a slight encounter.

 Some athletes had claimed that the administration of Equipoise, usually had not resulted in tremendous increases in strength and muscle mass within short periods of time. it had however, a very desirable effect upon .he organism�s nitrogen balance, which distinctly had increased protein synthesis within the muscle cell. Equipoise also had stimulated the formation of red blood cells (erythropoiesis). The consequent increase in body weight frequently had consisted of a solid quality growth of the muscles, which usually had occurred gradually and symmetrically.

Many athletes additionally had reported that the use of Equipoise also had appeared to have had an impact on having increased appetite levels, which combined together with adequately high quantity of calories and protein, had frequently resulted in increased strength. and rapid increases in quality muscles. These high quality increases, usually had resulted from the low water retention of this compound. and consequently. had become an effective drug which athletes had successively utilized in preparation for competitions. These acquired benefits, had been generally well-maintained over several weeks after the discontinuance of Equipoise substance, by many athletes.

 Several athletes had compared the behavior of Equipoise similar to that of the administration of Dianabol. However, the main difference had been that Equipoise in the majority of the cases, had not resulted in as much water retention, as with the administration of Dianabol. Athletes certainly had frequently encountered an improved pump, and increased vascularity during workout sessions, while having administered this veterinarian substance.

Usual Veterinary


The administration of Equipoise had been intended for intramuscular use in horses only. The usual dose had consisted of 0.276-1.1 mg per kg (0.125-0.5 mg/lb) of body weight every 2 to 3 weeks. Most horses had responded with 1 or 2 treatments.

Adventitious Dosage and Administration:

 The use of Equipoise, had been intended for deep intramuscular injection (in horses). However, some athletes had adapted this veterinarian pharmaceutical for their own utilization, and had reported that the best site for this type of injection had been in the gluteus medius muscle area which had been the upper outer portion of the buttock, approximately 2 to 3 inches below the hip bone (iliac crest). Again. many athletes had often alternated the injections from one side to the other, (first injection on the

left side, the second time injection administered on the right. or vice versa) in attempts to have somewhat alleviated pain, and to allow the area to have slightly �healed�. This practice had often been exercised in efforts to have prevented a thick scar tissue from having potentially formed. However, the more injections that athletes had administered, the greater possibility of scar tissue had usually resulted. A common dosage regime of some athletes, has been discussed in the following:

 Some bodybuilders had generally claimed that the administration of Equipoise had been very effective for �cutting�, which had been of course. very beneficial prior to contest preparation. These cutting effects had often been further amplified when Equipoise had been stacked with a low androgen such as Primobolan. For this reason, bodybuilders who had also been dieting, had also frequently combined Equipoise with Winstrol Depot (currently, not available in Mexico), and still had experienced a dramatic increase in muscle hardness.

 However, if Equipoise had been used in combination with Testosterone. it had generally had proven to have further enhanced the strength increases dramatically. Therefore, many athletes had reported that the admini�stration of Equipoise had produced consistently good results, with few associated side effects.


Female athletes usually had responded well to the administration of Equipoise, at a dose of approximately 2 to 4 ml. or 2 to 4 cc�s (50 to 100) mgs a week. Often, in efforts to have achieved maximum results, this dosage had been divided into multiple injections such as 1 to 2 cc�s (25 to ~0 mugs) every third day, which usually had provided qualitative muscle gains, with a low water retention potential. A dosage in this range had generally been well tolerated, without the harsh side effects of virilization, by most female athletes.


For most male athletes, the weekly dosage of Equipoise had generally consisted of approximately 6 to 12 ml, or 6 to 12 cc�s (150 to 300 mugs) a week. If the common 25 mgs version which had been found in Mexico had been used, frequent or very voluminous injections had been necessary. Consequently, this often had resulted in inconvenience and painful

injection areas due to the required multiple injections. However, for most male athletes, 2 cc�s (50 mugs) a week, which had been taken every second day, for a total of approximately 6 cc�s per week, appeared to have been sufficient. Advanced and ambitious athletes had often increased their dosages to approximately 2 cc�s (50 mugs) daily, in efforts to have achieved dramatic results


Side Effects:

 If an overdose of Equipoise had been administered to a horse, often a prolonged androgenic effect which made the horse difficult to handle had generally resulted. If this had occurred, the treatment of Equipoise had been terminated. until all signs of androgenicity had disappeared.

 Some of the associated side effects which had been associated with the veterinarian compound of Boldenone Undecylenate, when used by both female and male athletes had included: somewhat of an ill-feeling which had generally subsided within a couple of days after the initial intake. Hypertension (high blood pressure), had usually not been a problem with the administration of Equipoise, as the water and salt retention had remained relatively low.

 With higher dosages of Equipoise. female athletes often especially had experienced virilization symptoms such as hoarsening or deepening of the voice, acne, increased facial and body hair, and an increased sex drive.

 Male athletes however, did not seem to have experienced many problems with this compound. However, a few instances had been reported regarding acne, gynecomastia, and increased aggression.

 This substance of Equipoise, had been intended for the use in veterinarian medicine: therefore, these pharmaceuticals had not been required to have met the same health and safety standards in which human pharmaceuticals had to have surpassed. Consequently, severe side effects may have occurred when applied in human self-administration However. some other possible side effects may have been experienced which had not been recognized by the athlete, and therefore, had not been documented.


Note: Extract of book �Physical Enhancement with an Edge�, S.L. Hominuk


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