Elf Bowling
Download Elf Bowling
The Experts Prove It Is Just a Hoax!
Norton Antivirus Releases a Hoax Report
Please click this link to read for yourself
Newspaper Article Falsely Implies
Elf Bowling Sends Information Over the
Internet, Raises Privacy Concerns
Our NStorm games do NOT collect and send your information over the Internet.
Click here for more info.
False Elf Bowling and Frogapult Virus Rumor
As you know, Frogapult and Elf Bowling are extremely popular games. Unfortunately, riding on the
coattails of this success, someone has circulated a defamatory e-mail that these games contain
viruses or Trojan horses. This has lead to many inquiries from our customers and fans.
This e-mail is slanderous and false. No games we release contain any virus or Trojan horse. NVision
Design, the maker of NStorm games, is a successful, profitable web design company with a very good
reputation in the industry. Our good name and reputation is associated with these games, and we
have nothing to gain whatsoever in any malicious act, other than some possible jail time.
Virus Hoaxes are as prevalent as viruses themselves. Go straight to the experts to read some
interesting information about these hoaxes:
Further, we have submitted the Elf Bowling and Frogapult games contained on our site to the
Symantec AntiVirus Research Center (SARC) for evaluation. Please see below for the confirmation
we received. If you are still concerned that you might have picked up a virus from some
unknown source, please download the games directly from this site.
Thank you for your interest in our NStorm games. We will continue to provide many more
entertaining games in the months to come, and we are sorry for any inconvenience that this
virus hoax may have caused you.
Michael Bielinski
CEO / NVision Design, Inc.
This message is an automatically generated reply. This system is designed
to analyze and process virus submissions into the Symantec AntiVirus
Research Center (SARC) and cannot accept correspondence or inquiries.
Please contact your Technical Support representative if more detailed
information about your submission is required. Do not reply to this
Below is a status update on your virus submission:
Date: Tue Dec 7 08:54:08 PST 1999
Dan Ferguson
1400 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 209
Dallas, TX 75207
Dear Dan Ferguson
We have analyzed your submission. The following is a report of our
findings for each file you have submitted:
filename: E:\ElfBowl.exe
result: This file is clean
We have determined that no virus exists on the samples provided.
Developer notes:
E:\ElfBowl.exe does not appear to be infected.
Should you have any questions about your submission, please contact
technical support at the appropriate number listed below and give them
the tracking number in the subject of this message.
Our NStorm games do NOT collect and send your information over the Internet.
Playing off the country's hysteria about the Elf Bowling virus hoax,
an irresponsible and inaccurate news story was published suggesting that Elf
Bowling, Frogpult, and other "innocent looking" NStorm Games "set up a secret
Internet connection" to collect and send private information from your computer
to our NStorm server. Unfortunately, this story was picked up by Knight Ridder
news service, and has appeared in many reputable newspapers across the country.
This has raised numerous privacy concerns which we would like to address here.
Absolutely no information is collected from your computer and transmitted over
the Internet by Elf Bowling or other games. At the beginning of each game, Elf
Bowling tests to see if the computer has a live Internet connection since
registering scores online is one of the functions of the games. To determine
if there is a live Internet connection, it sends an HTTP request command to
nstorm.com, requesting nstorm.com to send it a blank HTML page. If it receives
the blank HTML page, it sets a variable for Internet connectivity to TRUE.
In the future, we had hoped to develop technology to also include "live update"
information in the HTML page sent to the game, such as the current top 5 scores,
to enhance the users experience. At this time, with information sent FROM our
server TO the game, we would not just disclose it, but advertise the feature
and encourage people to play on-line.
We understand your concerns for privacy. Once again, we assure you that at no
time does any NStorm game collect and send ANY information from your computer.
We hope this clearly lets you know what is going on, and, with this information,
hope you do not feel that we have violated your trust. In the future, we will
include a privacy statement in our games that disclose this Internet activity.
If you have concerns, or would like to comment on this, we would appreciate
an e-mail sent to [email protected]
Elf Bowling
Strap on your best pair of bowling skates and polish up your shiny Christmas ball, it's time to save Christmas from those greedy little union elves. Help Santa show those elves what the true meaning of "strike" is! Special guest appearance by Kalvin Kroaker!
Elf Bowling
NVision Design, Inc.
Filename: elfbowl.exe
System Requirements:
PC-Pentium 133, 32 MB Ram, 1 MB VRam, Win95 or Win98
Launched: November 1999
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