In this mammoth set of ratings each and every gwf superstar are rated individually. In such categories as FINISHERS, GENERAL OFFENCE, GENERAL DEFFENSE, COOL FACTOR, TITLE CAPABILITY, etc. Each one of these categories are individually mark by a certain percentage determined by us here at Riot Vibe. So for the very best and most detailed ratings do not look to the classic boring old 1, 2, 3 rankings, does that tell you anything about the superstar in question??? NO!!! Just look to Riot Vibe for your most up to date and detailed ratings.

(first edition)
Star Warrior, Commander Sam, Omega, Renegade, Pulsar,
Massif, Pit Viper, Proteus, Actagon,Wolf, Lord Nexus,
Thantos, Death Knight, Ghengis Khan, Comrade Terror,
Exo-King, Killer Queen, Massacre, Mutant, Vanity,
Executioner, Invincible Krakan, Brute.
Bishop Hell, Reptillo, Incredible Badger, Battering Ram,
Atom Blast, Splatter, Mesmer, Lightening, Billy Joe Boxer,
Spike, The Creeper, Man-Mountain.
Galactic Punisher, Bounty Hunter, Mad Jester, Earthquake,
Amazonia, Solaris, Trainer Jim,Darkos, Royal Overlord,
Reynard B. Guile, Sweet Thing, Tongsoon.
Matter, AntiMAtter, Death Masque, Pulsar Prime, Mitsuko,
Doomsayer, Brute, Massacre, Krakan, Star Warrior,Terak,
Iron Maine.
Mayhem, Whiplash, Spike, Lance At-Las, Matador of M83,
Tendron, Count Necros, Serpent Unman, Justice, Mr. Galaxy,
Guardsman, Vlad Hammer.
Chaos, Dragon Master, Rogue, Scourge, Magnus Colby,
Dreadnaught, Darkos, Ursa Major, Omega, Commisioner Carter.
Alpha Force, Cannibal, Collector, Black Hole Bart, Sectarian,
Vanity, U.S. Patriot, Astro Turk, Chopper Mattock, Quasar.
Mace, Dreggs, Doomsday Creature Frenzy, Psycho,
Soldier of Fortune, Destruction 3000, Ms. Liberty,
Death's Head, King Lear.
Raven, Fury, Killer Queen, Demon, Hydra, Pegasus,Vigilante,
Thunder, Cassandra, Jack of Diamonds.
Vengeance, Janus, Enigma, Commander Sam, Vyper, Thantos,
Mesmer, Splatter, Amazonia, Stalker.
Holocaust, Wildcat, Prodigy, Skinhead, Morpheus, Dynamo,
Invincible Krakan, U.S Patriot, Gemini, Defender of the Realm.
Civil War 2099
Thunder, Pharaoh Khety, Draconian Sheik, Metal Head,
Lord Nexus, Alpha Force, Pollux, Enigma, Ursa Major, Monad.
Civil War 2100
Overkill, Rising Sun, Mandrill, Max Sheild, Dreadnaught,
Cycle Hog, Powerhouse, Cannibal, Thrash, Vyper.
Mega Tournament 2101
Pegasus, Vertigo, Magnus Colby and Sonora Pelf, Pulsar,
Vengeance, Mad Jester, Tocsin, Johhnny Rocket, PainMaster,
Mega Tournament 2102
Genocide, Mace, Wildcat, Aanaxis, Super Nova, Terak,
Crossfire, Darkos, Archon, Buck Steele, Nefarus.
Commando Sam, Thantos, Blazing Skull, Terminus, Sleeze,
Manslaughter, Jack of Diamonds, Brainstorm, Zouave, Maleph.
Massif, Hammer, Powerhouse, Malice, Talisman, Hydrax,
Daeman, Thunder, Scion Nexus, The Terrrorists.
CPC 2105
Prodigy, Vendetta, Mandrill, Sentry, Blade, Erebus,
Reynard B. Guile, DragonMaster, Soldier of Fortune,
Star Warrior.
CPC 2106
Paragon, Chaos, Velar the great, Lycosa, Talon, Blizzard,
Brainstorm, Vigilante, Dark Justice, Painmaster.


Tells you about each category and what we here at Riot Vibe
consider before issuing a percentage point to each category.
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