Riot Vibe Crew Listing

Meet the Riot Vibe Crew, all 16(?) of us!! From money bags the guy who does every odd job that we can come up with. Some of us have all the glory, while others stay in the shadows. But, is this the whole Riot Vibe Crew??....and why isn't there isn't any full names listed (we couldn't make it that easy) . Stay tunned to Riot Vibe and the full truth may be reveled (that and we may tell you who really killed JFK!). Also remeber some of the traits we profile here, when we finally list Riot Vibe's CPC 2108 Predictions.

Riot Vibe Owner............................................................................................dude owns the place

Riot Vibe Co-Prez.........................................................came up with the actual idea for Riot Vibe

Riot Vibe CEO...................................................keeps the site in easy-to-access tip-top shape! =)

Riot Vibe Chairman of the Board..................................................................handles the cash-flow

Riot Vibe Editor ................................checks (and sometimes corrects), Riot Vibe's many mistakes

Riot Vibe Promoter..................plays the official Riot Vibe federation and provides us with Champs

Riot Vibe Historian................................he's basically got every handbook memorized! (basically?)

Riot Vibe Tech Guy.............................................................................................You figure it out!

Riot Vibe Internet Personnel............................................................uploads, dowloads, whatever?

Riot Vibe Manager............................................keeps us all in line with techniques and dirty tactics

Riot Vibe Assisstant Manager.................................................................Kisses RV Manager's ass

Riot Vibe Art Dude....................Dude handles pics, and is currently (er, slowly) working on a logo

Riot Vibe's very own Janitor............scrapes the junk from the ground. Currently highest-paid crew member (damn unions!)

Riot Vibe could we forget about the man who puts his ass (can we say ass on the internet??) on the line, and gets Riot Vibe exclussive reports for our news section

Riot Vibe's Secretary................. reads all our mail and guestbook crap, and tabulates all polls and contests (also coming soon...he(?) performs the crap we don't really want to.)

Riot Vibe Odd Job Guy...................he is currently writting this for somthing to do (RV Co-Prez is giving me a dirty look. ow.)



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