Blood & Guts

Written by
Jeff "Doc" Manjarrez

Under section 11 of the Champions of the Galaxy Instruction book, there is a short description of how to determine when a wrestler becomes bloody and battered in the game. This small rules supplement will, I hope, expand upon that idea and make bloody matches a little more entertaining and graphic.

Blood and Guts Rules:
Whenever a wrestler has accumulated 3 or more tokens (ie. Been covered at least three times), from any non-submission type maneuver, or has been hit by a weapon or ring object (such as the steel pole, or the ringside steel rail), then roll upon the Blood and Guts Chart below. The roll is two dice, minus any modifiers to the roll (see modifiers below). The end result is then cross referrenced with the Blood and Guts Chart.

Blood and Guts Chart
Dice Roll Result
2 Major Gash
3 Deep Cut
4 Cut
5-6 Minor Cut
7-12 No bleeding - sorry

2d6 - modifiers

No Bleeding: The wrestler has weathered the assault and hasn't been cut open yet.
Minor Cut: The wrestler now has a minor cut..a little blood but nothing spectacular or in any way harmful to the wrestler.
Cut: The wrestler is cut open and bleeding a bit. This cut is equal to a 1 card cut injury after the fight.
Deep Cut: The wrestler is cut open nicely. Blood is a fly'in. Add one (1) to his agility for the rest of the match. After the match the deep cut is equal to a 1-3 card cut injury (roll one die: 1-2: one card cut injury, 3-4: two card cut injury, 5-6: 3 card cut injury).
Major Gash: The wrestler has a major bleeding wound. There's blood all over the place!! Add one (1) to his agility, and worsen his Deathjump rating by one (1) for the rest of the match. After the match the deep cut is equal to a 1-6 card cut injury.

Ring Pole: 3 Pw -1 to -2: 1
Steel Ring Rail: 2 Pw -3 to -4: 2
Table: 2 Pw -5 +: 3
Steel Cage Fence: 1
Chair: 1
Weapons: weapon pin modifier

Cut Injuries
1 Card: Roll 1 die before the match. 1-3: Add one to PIN/Cage Rating, 4-6: No effects.
2-3 Card: Add one to PIN/Cage Rating and worsen Deathjump Rating by one
4-6 Cards: Add one to Agility, PIN/ Cage Rating and worsen Deathjump Rating by one.

Cut injuries are not cumulative with regular injuries (or other cut injuries). If a wrestler has a regular injury that is more severe (ie. A greater number of cards) then disregard any cut injury effects.

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