Worcester Ice CatsHartford Wolfpack
43 (OT)

When we first got to South Windsor we were under the impression that we would get good seats because we had bought tickets two weeks in advance, well it didn't happen that way. It didn't happen that way for quite a few people. It was really unorganised and way too crowded. So basically Jen and I missed the first half of the first period because some extremely rude people wouldn't sit down until the whole section heckled them out. (heh heh heh) Vladimir Vorobiev even walked by where we were sitting, I asked him to signed something for me, but he was jostled away by the massive crowd of people trying to get good seats. Well, Jen and I looked at our little roster to see if a certain ice cat player we love to mock was playing, well he wasn't, but guess who was. P.J. Stock's little brother DEAN STOCK! It was funny as hell!!!! We made SO much fun of Dean, and he heard us!! hehehehehehe . . . . We were surprised because we had been told thta there was a good chance of Dean going to The Beast. Two fights broke out in like the first 4 minutes of the game! It was hillarious! They were so feisty!!
Well by the second period I was really thirsty so I went off to go get a drink at the pizza place. And walking out of the pro shop was none other then Rich Brennan! not a whole lot of people recognised him, so I was real quiet about it and I go "Hey Rich!" and he looks up at me and smiles and goes "Hey there!" And I go "Man you rocked in Avon the other night!!" and he goes "hee, gee thanks! I dunno if I rocked, but I guess if you say so!" and we talked a little bit, and he signed my hat! (Only cool people are privalaged enough to sign the hat!) Then I went to get a drink and talked with some pack fans I knew. One of them told me that Vladdy was hanging out behind the net, and I needed my card signed so I finished my drink, got Jen and we both went on a quest for Vladdy!!! We found him, and he was very nice to us (well, he only knows a few words in english *LMAO*) and signed my hat and jen's banner thingy. Then on our way back to our seats we saw Rich again!!! It was awesome!! He was very nice to us too :) Jen and I decided to hang out on the stairs for the rest of the game. Daniel Goneau and Rich Brennan were hanging out near the locker rooms (which are next to the stairs up to the seats), and Jen asked Daniel to sign something for her, and he said "one minute" and then never came back over, so Jen did some whining. Daniel was incredibly rude to us, but after a bit of coaxing (and some help from Rich) Daniel signed the banner thing for Jen, and Rich signed it a second time *LOL*. Derek kept looing at jen everytime we would call his name, after the game was over, he looked for a stick for jen, but he couldn't find one so he told her he;d get one next time. We hung out there on the stairs waiting for the guys to come out and sayhello to us. We watched 3/4 of the team in nothing but a little towel!!! HEHEHEHE!! Well first Adam Smith came over and was very sweet and signed stuff for everyone (he kinda forgot to give me my pen back, but somehow Derek managed to get it back to me!) we waved to several people, Like Todd Hall walked into the showers and we go "HEY TODD!" and he turned around and waved to us. I kept seeing Ken (i was SO set on seeing him.) Then we saw Derek! We walks over wearing his kangaroo hat and shades! (he wants to be Samuel L. Jackson, I know it.) And Jen goes "Derek!!! You gotta take a pic with me!!" and so they got a pic together (cheek to cheek!) and Derek posed for Jen in his cool shades and hat! Curiously enough he had a copy of GQ magazine. At first we thought he was just fashion concious or something. Then Chris Winnes comes over and he goes to me and Jen "You guys were the ones yellign eh? Ok, I wanna know something. Which one of you was screaming *girlish voice* ooh Army! all night?" and I point to Jen and go "I was yellign Ken's name out!! hehehe!" He just laughed and told us that Derek is in this months GQ in the norelco ad. That's why he had the magazine!! Then Ken came out and I got my pic with him! (So did Jen!) And Ken was sweet enough tosign my jersey :-)
Over all it was a good game, even though we lost.
By the way . . . . LABBE ROCKS!!!

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