The Golden Pair Page * What's New? * 09/11/07 - I can't believe I'm actually updating this... O_o But it's because I've finally found something that I've been searching for years; music videos from the Hot Song Contest OAV! I've added Youtube links to videos of "A Ballad of Rainbows and Rinks", "Lambada Ranma" and "Little Date" to the page, all of which feature Mikado and Azusa. (BTW, this site is now 10 years old...) 06/19/05 - Never thought I'd update this site again... ^_^; 14 new images in the Golden Pair section, along with an animated gif, plus 3 more images on Mikado's page and one new image on Azusa's page. 02/12/04 - Boy, it's been a while... Four new images of both the Golden Pair and Mikado can be found in their respective sections, courtesy of the Ranma Otaku website... ^_~ I've also added image links to both Mikado and Azusa's list of attacks, and listed one of the Golden Pair's cameo appearances. 05/24/03 - Updated the list of the Golden Pair's appearances (including the Azusa-only ones); the list also has its own page now... Sort of. ^_^; 04/10/03 - Four brand new screenshots can be found on Mikado's page; also, in the Golden Pair section, I've added a list of their anime and manga appearances. 02/13/03 - A couple more images from can be found in Mikado's and Azusa's sections; also, I threw in a new midi on the Main page, just for the heck of it. ^_^ 02/07/03 - A new Downloads section can be found on the Main page (scroll down to find it), featuring a Golden Pair KiSS doll by yours truly. ^_~ 12/12/02 - A couple of new images from the Hot Songs Contest OAV can be found in the Golden Pair and Mikado sections, courtesy of ^_^ 07/15/02 - Managed to put up the music file for the Golden Pair's second duet, "A Ballad of Rainbows & Rinks", after some scrupulous editing... ^_~ 04/29/02 - A couple new images in the Golden Pair, Azusa and Mikado sections, thanks to the All About Ranma 1/2 webpage. ^_^ 04/23/02 - Added a new page in the Golden Pair section, the Charlotte Cup; also added two new images to Azusa's page. 04/11/02 - Added the lyrics to "A Ballad of Rainbows & Rinks" to the Sounds section; I would've uploaded the music file, but it was way too big... ^_^; 11/26/01 - Got an unexpected gift in my e-mail... A ton of new Golden Pair and Mikado images! Thanks Sun and Shadow! ^_^ I still need to link up to the Mikado pics, though... 08/22/01 - A pile of new Golden Pair and Mikado .wavs from Yoiko's Sound Shrine can now be found on this site. Kawaii! ^_^ I'll add the Azusa ones as well... Eventually. ^_~ 04/06/01 - My, I'm updating a lot lately, aren't I...? Two new images each of Mikado and Azusa on both of their pages; there's also a new link on Mikado's page. Go check it out! ^_~ 03/26/01 - Since the Ranma 1/2 Sound Shrine seems to have disappeared into the void of the 'Net, I've put up the one Golden Pair .mp2 I was able to salvage from that webpage, "Running Around Golden Pair". 03/21/01 - I found a website with a pile of Golden Pair pics! Five of them can be found on the Main page, and there are 9 new pics on Mikado's page. Wai! ^_^ Many thanks goes out to Becky's Anime Screen Captures! 03/09/01 - Hey, it's been exactly a year since I've updated this page... Weird. 0_o Anyhoo, I've added some brand-new pics, which I scanned from trading cards. You can find them on Mikado's, Azusa's and the Main pages. 03/09/00 - With the apparent demise of the "World of Ranma 1/2" webpage, I decided to put up some of their Golden Pair .wavs here. Also, finally added links to the Golden Pair pics found on this website, on the main page. 07/08/99 - Updated Azusa's page quite a bit; added a new list of names to "The Naming Game", from her new "Outta Control" episode, and updated her Special Attack list. 04/19/99 - Ooo! I have some new San-chan pics! Kawaii! ^_^ Take a look at Mikado's page to check them out. Also fixed up a few of the pages to make them look nicer. 11/03/98 - Added my first full-length fanfic to Mikado's page, "The Kissing Game"! Please read it and tell me what you think! :-) Recent Updates: Credits have been added to the bottom of each page. Also, I've added a few minor cosmetic changes to most of the pages, plus added a lot of new stuff... Main page * Added the Blue Thunder Pair page (Incidently, there's also a new Kuno page, if anyone is interested...) * Updated the links; I finally found a shrine dedicated to the Golden Pair! :-) Mikado's page * Added more images (anime & manga) * Updated the links * Added a Sounds section, with .wavs of Mikado speaking (English dub, of course...) * Added a Fanfic section, with a short, silly story, "Slippery When Wet" Azusa's page * Added more images (anime) * Added a link to a Kiss doll of Azusa (Don't know what a Kiss doll is? Check out my page and find out! :-) * HTML-ized "The Naming Game" Misc. * Added a couple of new Golden Pair images; they can be found throughout the website. BTW, if you know where I can find more Golden Pair stuff to add to this site, please tell me! (My e-mail address is on the main page ^_^)