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Hi, My name is Hank, and I'm a 11 year old Martial Artist.
I am from St.Peters, Missouri and I studied Isshinryu under Master Terry Creamer.

I received my BLUE belt and I will someday intend to pursue my BLACK.
My interests are:Isshinryu Karate/Tournaments/Hockey/Baseball.
This page will be updated as time allows, I'm always on the move.

I ended 1997 number ONE in N.A.S.K.A (North American Sport Karate Association) and am very proud to have won the title for this division.
The competition was very tough. 1998 proved to be a tough year and I did not compete much last year.

I believe my Karate has helped me in a number of ways such as , self esteem, confidence, mental and physical toughness just to name a few.
My other sport is Ice Hockey, and I currently play for the St.Peters Spirits B-2 travel team. I play center. I've learned a lot about the game.
In 1998 Our House Hockey team finished the season in 1st place with a record of 10-4-1 and we won the Missouri Hockey house league tournament! I was captain of our team and ended the season as the leading goal scorer on our team. It was a awesome and fun season.This is me this year...# 8
Curently, in 2000-2001 season I'm once again playing for the St.Peters Spirit Hockey team...B-2 Our team is decent and starting to gel.
A poem from my father.

I LOVE Baseball, and my favorite teams are,

Hockey: St.Louis Blues (We're rebuilding, but will make playoffs)

Baseball: St.Louis Cardinals (Go Mark MacGwire!) I was fortunate enough to get Big Mac's autograph on a ball !) Football: St.Louis Rams (Go Rams!) Trouble in Ramsville .

Local Hockey: St.Peters Spirits (Go HANK !)
See above.


I'm taking a break from Karate this year and I'm concentrating on my baseball and hockey. I tryed out for and made the roster of a select baseball team and we will play 26 games plus tournaments.

Sorry to say I won't be active on the Karate circuit. In 1997 I had two "AAA" major wins, The U.S.Open in Orlando Florida, and the Diamond Nationals in St.Paul, Minnesota. Also, I have a few other "A" and "AA" rated wins.

1998 "The Silver Sun Showdown" in St.LouisResults! These are the Results for the "Showdown".
Open Forms:Hank Hicks 3rd place
Fighting:"""""""""""" 2nd place
Weapons: """""""""""" 3rd place
I've been very busy with Hockey and Baseball.
After a hard day of competition, I was very happy with the results for the "Showdown". It was tough. I did finish 1997 #1 in N.A.S.K.A fighting, and #3 in forms. Click Here!


My Sensei, Master Terry Creamer was inducted into the Diamonds National Karate Hall of Fame,in St.Paul,Minnesota last year. I was so proud to see Master Creamer join this elite group of Martial Artist, and it was very special for Master Creamer.

(Note: Next Paragraph is from my father) I cannot say enough how appreciative I am for the knowledge that Master Creamer has shared with Hank. As a parent it's very easy to have a slanted perception as to how well your child is progressing, and often times we put too much stock in rank, or belt level, when in fact, it's not the color of what's around their waist (belt), but what is being instilled between the ears. Master Creamer has a way of teaching that often is very hard for the novice parent to understand, and ones patience can be stretched to the limits. I'm very thankful for the patience that has been displayed by our Sensei, and again appreciative for the knowledge shared.

Email me your thoughts.

New Theme Music...Lowrider!!

This is our patch, better known as Mizu-gami. The Patch represents an inspirational dream/vision that our founder Tatsuo Shimabuku had while he was considering the creation of Isshinryu. See picture of Tatsuo Shimabuku at right.

The female character, is a sea goddess named Mizu-gami by Master Shimabuku. She represents the serenity that a Karateka should display. Her left hand is held open in a sign of peace, her right hand is clenched in a fist, representing strength in case of bad intentions. The dragon ascending toward the three stars represents a sign of good luck and wisdom. Also Master Shimabuku's first name Tatsuo, means "Dragon Man", which may be significant as well. The three stars are intepreted to represent several things, among them Master Shimabuku's three formal teachers, the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of Isshinryu and several others.

Click here for new music! You'll like it. Hank's favorite!


I come to you with Karate, empty hands, I bear no weapons, But should I be forced to defend myself, my principals, or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, right or wrong, then here are my weapons. Karate, my empty hands.
Another favorite, click on to hear.

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