The Taeguek Forms
Taeguek Oh-Jang

Taeguek Oh-Jang (Taeguek Five):
Taeguek Oh-Jang can be done by four people at once, each facing one of the cardinal directions. This is called "The Hub."

Facing North, Chareut, Chenye.

Turn West into left extended walking stance, left low section block.

Draw back left (front) foot into L-stance, left backfist strike to the temple.

Shift 90� until facing East in right extended walking stance, right low section block.

Draw back right (front) foot into right L-stance, right backfist strike to the temple.

Shift 90� until facing North in left extended walking stance, left outside backfist, right reverse outside backfist.

Right front kick, landing forward in right extended walking stance, right outside backfist, left reverse inside backfist.

Left front kick, landing forward in left extended walking stance, left outside backfist, right reverse inside backfist.

Step forward into right extended walking stance, right outside backfist strike to the temple, co-power.

Pivot 270� on right (front) foot N-W-S-E until facing East in left L-Stance, left single knife hand guarding block.

Step forward into right extended walking stance, right elbow strike (with left hand wrist support) to the temple.

Pivot 180� on left (rear) foot until facing West in right L-Stance, right single knife hand guarding block.

Step forward into left extended walking stance, left elbow strike (with right hand wrist support) to the temple.

Move left (rear) foot to right (front) foot, then out facing South in left extended walking stance, left low section block, right reverse inside block.

Right front kick landing forward in right extended walking stance, right low section block, left reverse inside block.

Move left (rear) foot to right (front) foot, then out facing East in left extended walking stance, left high section block.

Right side kick landing forward in right extended walking stance, right knife hand head grab, left reverse elbow strike to the face.

Pivot 180� on the left (rear) foot E-S-W until facing West in right extended walking stance, right high section block.

Left side kick landing forward in left extended walking stance, left knife hand head grab, right reverse elbow strike to the face.

Move left (front) foot to right (rear) foot, then out facing South in left extended walking stance, left low section block, right reverse inside block.

Right front kick, then without landing jump forward into right X-Stance right backfist strike to the temple, co-power.

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