The Taeguek Forms
Taeguek Il-Jang

Taeguek Il-Jang (Taeguek One): All stances facing East/West are Walking Stances, all stances facing North/South are Extended Walking Stances.

Facing North: Chareut, Chenye

Turn West, into left walking stance, left low section block.

Step forward in right walking stance, right forward punch.

Pivot 180� W-N-E on left (rear) foot until facing East in right walking stance, right low section block.

Step forward in left walking stance, left forward punch.

Move left (front) foot to right (rear) foot, then out facing North in left extended walking stance, left low section block, right reverse punch.

Move right (rear) foot to left (front) foot, then out facing East in right walking stance, left reverse inside block.

Step forward in left walking stance, right reverse punch.

Pivot 180� E-N-W on right (rear) foot until facing West in left walking stance, right reverse inside block.

Step forward in right walking stance, left reverse punch.

Move right (front) foot to left (rear) foot, then out facing North in right extended walking stance, right low section block, left reverse punch.

Move left (rear) foot to right (front), then out facing West in left walking stance, left high section block.

Right front kick, landing forward in right walking stance, right forward punch.

Pivot 180� W-N-E on left (rear) foot until facing East in right walking stance, right high section block.

Left front kick, landing forward in left walking stance, left forward punch.

Move left (front) foot to right (rear) foot, then out facing South in extended walking stance, left low section block.

Step forward into right extended walking stance, right forward punch, co-power.

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