USA Taekwondo Centers
Visitor Survey

Please take a little time to fill out my Survey

1) Please tell me your name:

2) Your age is:

Between 19 and 24 years old
Between 25 and 34 years old
Between 35 and 44 years old
More than 45 years old

3) What style(s) of Martial Arts, if any, do you practice?
Other not listed

4) If your style of martial arts was not listed above, what style do you practice?
(Do not hit return)

5) Which sections of this site were most useful, informative, or interesting?

(Check all that apply)
The Taeguek Poomse
The Student Handbook
The Belt Test Requirement Sheets
The Class Schedule
The "Taekwondo" Web Search
The Links to other sites
The Pictures

6) How often do you visit this page?
First Time
Every Day
Once per week
Once per month
Once per year

7) I used a technique in the Sparring Picture Gallery and the Cinder Block Break Gallery where a low resolution image is loaded first, then the full image. This allows you to at least get an idea of what the picture looks like, if you have a slow-speed connection, before the full image loads. The low-res image was patchy black and white. (You can look at this effect now by clicking on the links above, but if you've already loaded the images once you won't be able to see the black and white image. If you do use the links above, make sure you use the "Back" button on your browser to return here, not the control buttons on the picture screen.) Would you please tell me what your reaction to that technique was, so I'll know whether or not it is worth it to do the same to all the rest of the pictures?

I noticed, and didn't like it.
I noticed, and liked it.
I noticed, but it didn't make a difference, or I don't care.
I didn't notice it.

8)Your E-Mail address is:

9)Enter any other comments you'd like to share in the area below:

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. I will compile the results and work to make this site more appealing to visitors. If you want to be E-Mailed when there are changes to the site, please make sure you've have entered your E-Mail address in question number 7, above, and make some sort of reference to that in the comments section.
Thanx again!

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