The World Taekwondo Federation Forms

Basai (Alternate 1� Black Belt Form):
Facing North, Chareut, Chenye. Basai Ready Position- Right fist comes to left knife hand in front of solar plexus, move to left side of body near belt, switch to right side as right foot comes up to about knee level, drive hands down as right foot comes down, closing the knife hand over the fist as you reach full extension.

Pivot on ball of right foot into left cross-step stance facing North, "fall" into right backfist, left hand palm-out on top in right cross-step stance facing North.

Pivot 180 on right (front) foot N-W-S until facing South in left extended walking stance, left outside block, right reverse outside block.

Pivot 180 on left (rear) foot S-W-N until facing North in right extended walking stance, left reverse inside block, right outside block.

Bring right (front) foot back and folded up, standing on the single left leg, simultaneous right low section block, left outside block, then right inside block landing in sitting stance facing North.

Left knife hand strike to the throat, left hand pressure block down, right punch, right outside block, left punch, left outside block.

Step forward into right cat stance, double knife hand guarding block.

Step forward into left cat stance, double knife hand guarding block.

Step forward into right cat stance, double knife hand guarding block.

Step back with right (front) foot into sitting stance facing East, simultaneous left knife hand outside block, right knife hand low section block far behind body.

Pivot 180 on left (front) foot until facing West in left cross-step stance, double knife hands (back to front) above head, palms out facing West.

Simultaneous right leg side kick to the North, double spear hand strike to the south, co-power, landing facing South in left L-stance, double knife hand guarding block.

Step forward into right L-stance, double knife hand guarding block.

Shift right leg to the right into right extended walking stance still facing South, double punch high.

Draw right (front) foot back in a large circle until standing with feet together, double punch high, step forward with right foot into extended walking stance, double rib crush.

Jump up, landing in right extended walking stance, right forward punch, co-power.

Pivot 180 on right (front) foot, until facing North in left extended walking stance, right reverse spear hand, then simultaneous left low section block above the right spear hand, right outside block to the rear, while stepping back with the left (front) foot into left L-stance facing the North.

Step back with the left (front) foot until facing East with feet together, simultaneous left low section block to the left (North), right outside block to the right (South).

Pivot on balls of feet until facing North in left cross-step stance, cross-block.

Step out with left (front) foot until facing North in left walking stance, right inside drop kick landing in sitting stance facing West [head facing South], left single knife hand guarding block, right low section block.

Change left hand single knife hand guarding block into a target, right inside drop kick striking the target, landing in sitting stance facing East, right elbow strike to the face, triple punches (right, left, right) always leaving the arm opposite from the one you're punching with horizontally across your solar plexus.

Move right foot back into right walking stance facing South, double fist block at left hip.

Slide the right (front) foot forward into extended walking stance facing South, simultaneous left reverse punch to the face, right forward punch to the solar plexus.

Step back with the right (front) foot until feet are together, double fist block at left hip, then double fist block at right hip.

Step forward with the right foot into right walking stance facing South, left inside drop kick landing in left extended walking stance facing South, simultaneous right reverse punch to the face, left forward punch to the solar plexus.

Step back with left (front) foot until feet are together, double fist block at right hip, then double fist block at left hip.

Step forward with the left foot into left walking stance facing South, right inside drop kick landing in right extended walking stance facing South, simultaneous left reverse punch to the face, right forward punch to the solar plexus.

Pivot 180 on right (front) foot until facing North in left old-style extended walking stance, right backfist to the ground, shift into right old-style extended walking stance, left backfist to the ground.

Shift into right cat stance facing North, double knife hand guarding block.

Step back with the front (right) foot and out, N-E until facing East in right cat stance, double knife hand guarding block.

Step forward at a 45 until facing Northeast in left cat stance, double knife hand guarding block, co-power.

Return to Basai ready position facing North.

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